Zhang Jiuhui pinched Pippi's face, "As the boyfriend of the person in charge, you should be more proactive."

Pippi kissed Zhang Jiuhui's cheek, "Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

The two had dinner at a restaurant near the company, and Pippi told Zhang Jiuhui that she was going back to take over by herself.

"Can you?"

"Of course you can, why, you don't believe me?"

Zhang Jiuhui explained to the leather wallet, "I'm not asking about your ability, I'm asking about your health. You have a fever and have been asleep for so long, so why don't you rest for a few more days?"

Pippi raised his arms resolutely, showing off his physique like a warrior.

"I can, Supergirl."

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't help laughing, "Okay, then you can ask me if you have any doubts or can't think of a solution.

In fact, you can ask me anything you want. "

Pippi laughed amused by Zhang Jiuhui's words, "Then the first half of your sentence is nonsense, you can ask anything and you don't need to give examples."

She couldn't stop laughing, and suddenly an unfamiliar number called.

"Huh? I've never seen this number before, it's an unfamiliar number."

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Pippi, she answered the phone in doubt.

"Hello, I'm the assistant to the president of IF Company. Our president would like to ask you to meet tomorrow."

"About me?"

Pippi asked suspiciously, the other party felt strange to her.

"Do you know me, do you know who I am? What are you meeting for?"

The assistant was about to say the names of Pippi and the company, and also said that Pippi is currently acting as a temporary position, and that the cooperation matter must be contacted with Pippi first.

Pippi immediately became excited when he heard that it was cooperation.

Reading the materials in the afternoon is not for nothing, but if there is any cooperation, it is a gift of money, and the God of Wealth cannot refuse it.

"Is it cooperation? Is it cooperation?"

She desperately wanted to confirm one side again, for fear that she had heard it wrong.

"Yes, contact us for cooperation."

After confirming the intention of the other party to contact him, Pippi agreed to meet without saying a word.

"Send the time and place to my phone, see you tomorrow."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Pippi quickly received the time and address to meet tomorrow.

Excitedly, she showed Zhang Jiuhui the message on her phone, "It's a company, we want to cooperate! Wow, what kind of luck is this?"

Excited, Pippi temporarily put aside the matter of eating, and quickly searched for this company on the browser.

"It's a newly registered company..."

"New registration?"

Zhang Jiuhui was puzzled, and Pippi immediately explained, "Although it is a new company, its scale is not small. It would be a good thing if we can cooperate."

"Can consider it."

Pippi shook his head, "There's no need to think about it. Now the mantis is still meat. If you have more money or less money, get it first."

Zhang Jiuhui has more worries than Pipi, because he is very clear about the current reputation of Pipi's company in the industry.

If there is a company to cooperate with, it will either be a company that has no information and knows nothing about the external situation, or it will take the opportunity to squeeze the interests of Pippi's company. At this time, it is difficult to cooperate normally.

Neither situation was conducive to a partnership, and he had to remind her.

He was also afraid that Pippi's talk tomorrow would just be an empty trip, and he would be disappointed and hit in the end.

Pippi was still looking into the company with great interest, Zhang Jiuhui forcibly took her mobile phone and asked her to eat well.

"Okay, I'll eat, I'll eat."

Peeves looked at Zhang Jiuhui cleverly. Although he ate obediently, he still couldn't let go of this matter and kept thinking about it.

After dinner, Zhang Jiuhui wanted to send Pippi home, but Pippi refused.

"I came here by car, don't send it off, you go back and rest early."

This period of time was really hard for Zhang Jiuhui, he has been helping himself so much, Pippi was touched and felt sorry.

She was very excited that someone's cooperation would not only save the company, but also relieve Zhang Jiuhui of some of his worries, killing two birds with one stone.

Pippi checked the company carefully after returning home, and found that it was really new.

The date of incorporation is actually today... Looking at this content, she also started to feel drummed. Is such a new company inexperienced, and if I want to cooperate, will it bring bad luck to my company, which was not going well in the first place? matter.

Pippi was anxious until midnight, unable to fall asleep.

But since there is this opportunity, you can't let it go. If you succeed or not, at least meet and talk first. In case the other party is good, if you miss the opportunity because of worries, the loss outweighs the gain.

The next day, Pippi woke up early in the morning and tidied herself up.

Pippi stayed up late, so her skin condition is not as good as yesterday, and today she wants to meet the president of the new IF company to discuss cooperation, so she must not be rude.

Pippi felt that his technical delivery was not enough, so he went to the studio where he usually went to do styling.

My friends all looked worried when they saw Pippi. These people only focus on the image of women and have no interest in Pippi, so it is true that they care about her.

"Pippi, how is the company doing recently?"

"If you need help, just say it. We still know some female investors. It's no problem to set up a line."

Pippi felt that finding an investor was difficult and unreliable.

"Okay, thank you for your kindness.

Zhang Jiuhui has been helping me, and my father's special assistant is also there, and there is no problem with normal maintenance.

I'm going to meet the president of a new company today to discuss cooperation. "

As Pippi said, he pulled the makeup artist standing beside him over, "You can't be rude when you meet for the first time, you should prepare for me quickly."

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you now."

The make-up artist smiled and began to make up Pippi, reminding the stylist and costumer by the way.

"I'll do your hair when I'm almost ready, and choose the clothes for her in advance."

Everyone raced against time for Pippi's chance, and they were simply challenging the fastest transformation technique.

After the care is over, Pippi looks brand new.

She looked at the time on her phone and thanked them excitedly.

"You can apply for a world record at this speed, bye!"

After Pippi finished speaking, he drove away quickly, and soon arrived at the agreed place.

When she got out of the car, her cell phone rang. It was the man who contacted her yesterday.

"I'm the assistant to the president. I'm waiting for you at the gate number two, and I'll take you up."

"Okay, I'll go after I park my car."

... After Pippi passed by, he saw a capable man who looked about 30 years old.

"I'm Pippi."


The other party was very polite and gave Pippi a good first impression.

This place is a newly put into operation business building, the assistant took Pippi to the nineteenth floor.

"Our company occupies this floor, and I will take you to the office now."

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