The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1205 Blind Selection

While being examined by the doctor, Pippi suddenly said a word to the doctor.

"If I have a heart disease, will my body also get worse?"

Pippi was in a coma with a fever this time, and it had nothing to do with the heart disease she mentioned. The doctor didn't know what Pippi was asking.

"Miss Pippi, is there anything you can't think of?"

"Psychological emotions do affect the physical body."

Pippi looked at the doctor seriously, "I'm worried about the company's affairs, and I don't know how to deal with it."

She was talking about the doctor at the moment. This doctor has always been the one serving the family and has never changed. Pippi bet that he knows something about the company.

If you don't know, there is nothing you can do, but what if you get cheated.

Moreover, it is a very interesting event that He Sheng's cooperation case fell to his own company. If there are any major changes in the later stage, then many people will definitely know.

Pippi felt that the aunt also knew, because the aunt had been in her home for so long, and she knew her state very well.

She was in a coma for a few days, and all the news was blocked by herself.

"Miss Pippi, I think that if you lose a cooperation case, there will be a better one. The market is always ups and downs.

You are still very young and there are countless opportunities to do it all over again. "

Pippi smiled when he heard what the doctor said, "Thank you."

She looked at the aunt at the side, and when they looked at each other, the aunt lowered her head, feeling ashamed that the truth had been revealed.

There was nothing wrong with Pippi's body, and the doctor left after checking.

"Go out, I want to sleep."

When there was only one person left in the room, Pippi felt like crying.

Although Pippi was basically sure that the cooperation case would not be secured in He Sheng's state that day, but she felt very sad when this happened.

This is a life-saving straw, which was obtained out of He Sheng's little selfishness towards himself.

But not only was she unwilling to grab this life-saving straw, she even cut it off with her own hands, leading the people around her into the abyss together.

Pippi feels that he has no strength to solve this matter now.

She didn't want to escape, but there was really no way.

Pippi stuffed herself under the quilt, and didn't get out of bed all morning, until Zhang Jiuhui hurriedly finished her work and returned to her home.

Zhang Jiuhui tore off the quilt and saw a lifeless Pippi, not at all like her before.

"What, have a nightmare?"

What the doctor said to Pippi during the physical examination, the aunt had already told Zhang Jiuhui when she entered the door.

But he still didn't want to mention this in front of Pippi, he was already doing his best to deal with it, trying to get better, and he wanted to tell Pippi when he had good news.

Pippi shook her head in distress, then nodded again.

Zhang Jiuhui smiled and pinched Pippi's small face, "I don't think you are having a nightmare, you are just sleepy."

"Let's go downstairs for dinner."

He caressed Pippi's face and kissed her lips.

At this time, Pippi needs to feel warmth and companionship, and needs someone to hold her hand and walk down together.

No one can do it except Zhang Jiuhui.

Pippi didn't move at all, Zhang Jiuhui wrapped the blanket around Pippi very skillfully, and carried her downstairs directly.

Zhang Jiuhui put Pippi on the well-positioned sofa, and the aunt also moved the prepared lunch to the living room.

"Mr. Zhou, then I'll be busy with other things first. Call me if you need anything."

"it is good."

Smelling the aroma of the food, Pippi felt hungry, but she didn't want to eat anything.

Zhang Jiuhui was very worried seeing Pippi not eating, "Is the food not to your liking? I'll prepare what you want, or take you out to eat."

"Yes, let's go out to eat."

Before Pippi opened his mouth, Zhang Jiuhui had already made a decision. In Pippi's state, he should go for a walk to relax.

... Zhang Jiuhui took Pippi out and asked the secretary which restaurants were quieter on the way.

Those quiet restaurants mentioned by the secretary are not like Pippi's taste.

"How about a special restaurant?"

"Mr. Zhou, there is a restaurant in a garden in the suburbs."

Hearing the restaurant described by the secretary, Zhang Jiuhui immediately decided to go here, "Send me the address."

Pippi sat in the car and watched Zhang Jiuhui Zhang Luo the whole time, but he remained silent.

When she arrived at the restaurant in the garden, Pippi got off the car first. She was attracted by the scenery in front of her, but she still couldn't lift her emotions.

"In my current state, it's a waste of such a good place to eat here."

Zhang Jiuhui held Pippi's hand, "How could it be, with you and me."

The restaurant in the garden is fenced off, and it's the kind of jagged fence that looks a bit artistic.

The wooden fence is artificially painted, and it looks like a dark porch in this garden. If you don't look carefully, you will feel that it is integrated, and you can't find the location of the entrance and exit.

The waiter in the restaurant quickly greeted Zhang Jiuhui and Pippi.


The only interior here is the kitchen, and the dining area is open air, in the garden.

When the weather is hot or the temperature is the highest in the day, the parasols will be opened, and the rest of the time is for sunbathing.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when Zhang Jiuhui arrived with Pippi, and it was not particularly hot at this time.

As soon as the sun shone, Pippi gained some strength.

The waiter delivered the menu to Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui, "The dishes here are different from other restaurants, they are blind choices."

"Blind selection?"

This is interesting, and Pippi was surprised.

She is so good at playing and eating, she has never been to such a restaurant.

Pippi opened the menu, looking at the names of all kinds of flowers, she couldn't figure it out. When she was thinking about the menu, she had already forgotten all the troubles in the company for a while.

Zhang Jiuhui finally saw that Pippi took the initiative.

"Overlord Flower..."

Looking at the name, Pippi couldn't help but pronounce it, "What kind of dish is this?"

The waiter shook his head politely, "Blind selection, just choose your name."

Pippi pouted and continued to flip through the menu, "Then I want pomegranate flowers, overlord flowers, and small wild chrysanthemums."

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't help but smile when he heard the dishes selected by Pippi. These dishes were very non-mainstream, and he felt that if each dish was not unique and different, he would be sorry for the name.

One is bully, one is wild, and the other is related to fruit with very little pulp.

"How about you, sir?"

The waiter immediately looked at Zhang Jiuhui. He looked through the menu and couldn't choose, so he only wanted what Pippi ordered.

After ordering, Zhang Jiuhui asked the waiter for drinks, not just eating but not drinking.

"Now, the drinks here also need you to choose blindly."

"What if you choose something you can't drink?"

"You can choose again."

Pippi couldn't help clapping her hands, "Interesting."

The waiter smiled and took out the IPAD, "You order a color block at random, and then automatically open the drink you choose."

Like a toy doll in a blind box, a restaurant is mysterious and childlike.

"I choose first."

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