The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1197 If You Want

With regard to the food delivered these few times, Zhang Jiuhui has completely grasped Pippi's father's appetite, and what he made is very satisfying.

"What about others?"

Pippi was in the ward with his father, eating with his father, and Zhang Jiuhui didn't bother him much.

She walked to the door of the ward and looked at it. Zhang Jiuhui was looking at the phone not far away.

Thinking of the phone call when he left the hotel, Zhang Jiuhui should have dealt with Wen Yuan's cooperation case.

Pippi stood at the door and answered his father, "He is busy with work, and the domestic company has something to ask him, and he needs to deal with it."

Dad nodded in satisfaction when he heard this.

"In the past, you insisted on choosing him, but Dad loved you and didn't agree. Now it seems that it's really..."

Dad had a smile on his face, and Pippi could guess what he said next, it must be a compliment.

"He is really an excellent man who can take care of both career and family. He is comparable to your father and me."

Pippi raised his chin triumphantly, "That is, it doesn't matter who chose it."

"I like him, it's a feeling, it's love at first sight.

I am willing to pursue him all the time because I have seen his goodness and know that I am in love with such a person. "

Pippi's father couldn't help clapping his hands, "That's a good statement."

"At that time, I saw you always chasing after him, and I felt uncomfortable.

Why should the little princess I hold in my hand pursue such a man and pay for him.

But seeing now, Zhang Jiuhui is really worth it!It is worth entrusting for a lifetime, and it is worth your time to pursue and walk into his heart. "

Next came Pippi's father's praises, dense and continuous.

The Pippi family is 1 satisfied with Zhang Jiuhui, but the Zhou family is worried about Pippi.

Although Zhang Jiuhui's mother agreed to this matter, if these two people really want to get married, there will be a lot of things to deal with in the early stage.

The first thing is the notarization of pre-marital property, she does not want her son to become a victim of countless contributions to the Pippi family.

Pippi's father was discharged in less than two weeks after being hospitalized. During this time, Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui were with him.

He Sheng occasionally showed up a few times, but he said something in a hurry, politely cared about Pippi's father, and then left.

It's not that He Sheng doesn't want to stay longer, it's just that Pippi wants to ask him to leave every time he doesn't say a few words, and he can't be ungrateful in front of his elders.

He Sheng's identity is just a friend, there is no reason to stay more and show up more.

After being discharged from the hospital, Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui sent their father back to their aunt's villa, and happened to visit her too.

Before Pippi went abroad, she always thought that her aunt was in the hospital because of her poor health, but she did not expect that she was recuperating at home.

This decision is also to reduce expenses, but a doctor will come to check Pippi's aunt regularly. Aunt Pippi's room has basic medical equipment, which Aunt Pippi may use.

Pippi's father was resting in the room at this time, and Pippi took Zhang Jiuhui to his aunt's room.

"Auntie, I brought him to see you."

Aunt Pippi had met Zhang Jiuhui before, so she was no stranger to him.

She was originally a beautiful middle-aged woman. After she got sick, her complexion was bleak and she was a lot haggard. Fortunately, her temperament has not changed, and she can still be seen as a beauty.

"Sit down, you're welcome."

Aunt Pippi coughed twice while speaking, and she immediately took a sip of the boiled Chinese medicine in the cup next to the bed.

When they came in, Aunt Pippi was reading a book.

At this time, she finished drinking the medicine and took off her glasses.

Pippi noticed that what her aunt drank was not water, so she was a little curious.

"Auntie, what are you drinking?"

Aunt Pippi explained with a smile, "Chinese medicine."

"traditional Chinese medicine?"

Puzzled, Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui looked at each other tacitly.

"Yes, Chinese medicine.

After being sick and hospitalized, there was no improvement, so I thought about trying traditional Chinese medicine to improve my health. "

She looked at the medicine in the cup with satisfaction, "It's good to drink, and I feel much lighter. I also have the strength to pick up the book and read it, except that it is a bit bitter."

Pippi smiled lightly, "Since my aunt thinks the Chinese medicine is good, I will continue to drink it, and it will get better and better."

The two of them had been abroad for nearly half a month, and Aunt Pippi knew about it.

"Pippi, you are in charge of a domestic company now, won't you go back?"

She said and looked at Zhang Jiuhui, "There is still your company, don't you rush to take care of it?"

Aunt Pippi may be extremely worried about these two people because her company is not going well.

The secretary of Zhang Jiuhui's company will report the situation every day, and there are no major problems. Pippi's special assistant is doing his best to take care of it. He will tell Pippi and his parents about special matters, and everything is stable.

"Auntie, don't worry, the company has a plan for us."

Pippi said this to reassure her aunt and not want her to continue to worry about it.

At the request of Pippi's father, Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui returned to China temporarily.

It's just that Pippi's father is not in good health, and Aunt Pippi is also in poor health and needs someone to take care of her. After Pippi returned, her mother went abroad.

The family is always unable to reunite, and Pippi is quite sad.

The only good thing is that during this period of time away from the company, no major incidents happened, and the cooperation with He Sheng Company was also very smooth.

He Sheng returned to China before Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui, and after knowing that Pippi came back, he asked Pippi to have dinner.

In the restaurant, He Sheng chatted about Aunt Pippi's company and said that he could help.

"My family is mainly engaged in overseas business. If you want, I can help."

Pippi immediately shook her head and refused, "No, thank you."

For this cooperation, Pippi already felt that he owed He Sheng a favor. Even if he was worried about his family, Pippi didn't want to owe more and more.

He Sheng looked at Pippi's refusal and still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"It's okay, just because you reject me now doesn't mean you will reject me later.

Anyway, I told you, come to me if you need. "

The meal was not simple, He Sheng seemed to be helping Pippi.

After Pippi paid the bill forcibly, he drove away.

When I got home, Zhang Jiuhui's car was parked in front of the house.

Pippi got off the car excitedly, and found that he was standing at the door of his house with a lot of food in his hand.

"I'm very busy today, so I didn't contact you.

Thinking of coming to you after get off work and staying with you for a while. "

Pippi ran to Zhang Jiuhui happily, and took a bag from his hand.

Zhang Jiuhui didn't know that Pippi had dinner with He Sheng, he finished his work late, and then went to the supermarket to buy food, and it was at this time.

He and Pippi were only 2 minutes away, and the two came back from different directions.

It was normal for Pippi to come back sooner or later. After all, the two of them were abroad some time ago, and the company must have a lot of things to deal with.

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