It was just a sudden idea of ​​Pippi, he couldn't answer directly, or just do it.

In the final analysis, Pippi's words are useless, and it is up to Pippi's father whether to merge the company.

But in Pippi's view, Zhang Jiuhui can invest in a small start-up advertising company like Wen Yuan, but he is unwilling to accept the merger of their mature company... Girls are always stubborn, the more they have this idea, Pippi The more uncomfortable in my heart.

Sitting in the room, Pippi felt cold for a while, and hot and dry for a while.

She went to the living room of the hotel and opened the refrigerator to find ice cream to cool down, but there was none.

Pippi used the hotel phone to contact the hotel staff.

"1901, bring me some ice cream."

"Room 1901.

OK, just a moment. "

The call from the hotel room was received from the front lobby, and He Sheng happened to be here at this time, and heard the room number and what Pippi asked for.

"1901 is the room where my friend lives, and the ice cream will be given to me later.

I was just going to find her and take it together. "

People who can live on the 19th floor have a certain status, and they will definitely not lie to cheat a few ice creams, so the staff complied with He Sheng's request.

He Sheng took the ice cream to the door of Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui's room.

The two were in their own rooms. Zhang Jiuhui knew that Pippi was unhappy, so he didn't want to disturb her outside, and wanted to think about merging the company by himself.

Pippi knew that the staff would bring the ice cream later, so she waited in the living room.

At this time He Sheng came, and the person who heard the knock and opened the door was naturally Pippi.

Pippi walked to the door and opened it.

He Sheng was holding several ice creams, which surprised her a little.

"You are this?"

He Sheng smiled, took the ice cream and walked in.

Talking while walking, "I'm helping the staff deliver ice cream to you, don't you want to eat it?"

He Sheng put one of the ice creams in Pippi's hands, and put the others in the refrigerator.

"It's enough to eat one at night, otherwise it's not good for the stomach if it's too cold."

Pippi took the ice cream and said thank you in embarrassment.

"Then, since the delivery is over, shouldn't you go back and rest?"

Pippi reminded He Sheng that he had no intention of leaving at all.

"It's still early, I brought you here and we haven't talked properly yet.

Have you visited Uncle today? How is Uncle? "

The other party cared about his father, and Pippi couldn't have a bad attitude.

"My father is fine, he will be discharged soon after a good rest."

He Sheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "That's good.

Uncle is not in good health, you are worried and I am also worried.

Now hearing you say this is a lot more reassuring. "

"Well, thank you."

Faced with He Sheng's concern, Pippi didn't know how to respond, so he simply replied.

The two stared at each other and didn't speak for a few minutes.

He Sheng looked at the ice cream in Pippi's hand and reminded her, "Don't you want to eat ice cream, why do you keep holding it in your hand?"

"It's a bit cold, I'll eat it later."

He Sheng approached Pippi with a smile, "I have a solution, I don't have to wait long."

He took the ice cream from Pippi's hand and held the ice cream box with both hands.

"My hands are warm, just warm them up for you."

Pippi always felt a little uncomfortable looking at Nuan Bao, and looked a little cruel.

If something too cold touches the body, it will cause pain in the body parts. He Sheng's approach is not acceptable.

"No need, just put it aside for a while."

As Pippi said, she wanted to get the ice cream back from He Sheng's hand, but when He Sheng hid, Pippi didn't get it.

Two people are playing a game for a box of ice cream, dodging and dodging like they are playing an interactive game.

The sound in the living room affected Zhang Jiuhui, who was quietly thinking about things in the room. He listened carefully and found that Pippi was not the only voice outside the living room.

That voice was very familiar, it was He Sheng.

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't sit still anymore, he came out of the room immediately, and saw two people playing around.

"What are you doing."

His tone was questioning, and Pippi stopped his movements in a little embarrassment.

"I want to take the ice cream in He Sheng's hand, but he...he didn't give it to me."

He Sheng looked at the ice cream he was warming in his hands, and smiled with satisfaction, "Now I can give it to you."

As he spoke, he handed the ice cream to Pippi's hand, which happened to refute Pippi's explanation just now.

It seems that all this is just two people playing around.

Pippi didn't want to explain why the ice cream was in He Sheng's hands, why he didn't give it to him, and why he snatched it.

He Sheng's love for him is obvious, but what he said will affect the relationship between her and Zhang Jiuhui.

Originally, the two of them felt uncomfortable when they came back tonight, so it's better to say less at this time.

Pippi didn't explain much, and sat on the sofa and started eating ice cream.

Zhang Jiuhui walked to He Sheng's side and let him leave without saying a word.

"You can leave now."

He Sheng looked at him unconvinced, "I'm here to find Pippi, what right do you have to let me go?!"

As he said that, He Sheng looked at Pippi, and Zhang Jiuhui immediately looked at Pippi.

In an instant, another difficult choice fell on his head. It was too unconscionable to let He Sheng go, and not letting He Sheng go would affect his relationship with Zhang Jiuhui.

She didn't even know what to do.

There was no way, Pippi bit the bullet and pretended not to hear, turned on the TV, and turned the volume up loud.

She was watching TV and eating ice cream, not ready to face the problem.

Pippi didn't dare to look at the two of them, and focused her head on the TV all the time, so that she didn't notice that the two of them left.

The sound of the TV was too loud to hear their footsteps leaving.

She didn't look sideways, so naturally she couldn't see them go.

Zhang Jiuhui came back drunk, and Pippi came out of the room when he heard the door opening, only to see him walking unsteadily.

The smell of alcohol on his body is very obvious, and his face is full of sadness, which makes people feel distressed.

"Why are you drinking?"

Pippi inquired gently, and stopped digging into the horns at this time.

She helped Zhang Jiuhui to his room, helped him lie down, helped him take off his shoes and coat.

"Why drink?"

This was the second time Pippi asked, but Zhang Jiuhui still didn't answer.

She didn't want to ask if she couldn't ask anything, and taking care of Zhang Jiuhui was the most important thing at this moment.

Pippi turned around and wanted to go to the bathroom, and got a wet towel to help him wipe his face, but he pulled him directly onto the bed.

She fell completely on Zhang Jiuhui's body, and he hugged Pippi and refused to let go.

"You misunderstood me, do you think He Sheng is better than me?"

Zhang Jiuhui has always been worried that he is not doing enough. He has tried his best, but it seems that the most obvious thing to save Pipi's company is He Sheng's cooperation.

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