The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 119 Fire Su Yan?

If they still have contacts, will there be any follow-up development between Gu Mingchen and Su Yan?Li Yixiang didn't know, but she knew, she wanted to rule out all possibilities.

"I'm quite satisfied with the clothes, but I'm not satisfied with the employee named Su Yan. You go back to the person in charge of the ED company and find a reason to fire her. As long as this matter is done well, I can also give them a chance to sponsor. .”

The employees immediately understood what Li Yixiang meant.

Su Yan is the person Li Yixiang least wants to see.

Soon, Li Yixiang's employees contacted the supervisor of ED Company, expressed dissatisfaction with Su Yan's work attitude, and suggested dismissal.

The supervisor responded to this, saying that Su Yan was the company An Cheng interviewed after all, and he had no way of making decisions.

An Cheng personally got in touch with Li Yixiang's staff.

An Cheng called the colleague who went to discuss cooperation with Su Yan at that time, and the colleague said that Su Yan didn't say much at that time, and there was no talk of good or bad attitude at all.

The colleague suddenly remembered that Gu Mingchen asked Su Yan to try it on, but Su Yan was a little bit evasive.

In fact, this matter was not a difficult one, but Su Yan was too resistant, and after repeated hesitation, his colleagues still told An Cheng about it.

But colleagues reiterated that even if Su Yan refused, it was definitely not a bad attitude, and it was considered appropriate to deal with it.

An Cheng understood now.

"I want to find Su Yan, you tell her to come to my office."
The colleague left An Cheng's office in response, walked straight up to Su Yan, and said, "Xiao Yan, Mr. An wants you to go to his office."

Su Yan was a little confused, could it be because the cooperation with Li Yixiang was unsuccessful?This has nothing to do with her, and she has no major responsibility, just follow.

"What's up?"

Su Yan asked.

The colleague hesitated a bit, "That's right, it's about our meeting with Li Yixiang this time."

After hearing this, Su Yan's heart skipped a beat, unexpectedly she guessed it right...

"But Xiaoyan, don't worry, I know it's not your responsibility, I made it very clear to Boss An."

Su Yan didn't understand... what it means to not be responsible for her. In her impression, she didn't cause trouble.

"I'll go see Mr. An first."
Su Yan came to An Cheng's office, just about to knock on the door, when An Cheng opened the door, "Come in."

"Boss An."
At this moment Su Yan stood in front of An Cheng, a little timid.

"I've been suggested to fire you."
An Chengdao.

When Su Yan heard this, her first reaction was a little surprise, and then she was disappointed. After finally finding a job, she lost her job in a blink of an eye.

"Since Mr. An has decided...I..."

Su Yan thought An Cheng wanted to fire her by saying this, but he said it in a subtle way.

An Cheng smiled and said, "How did I decide? Do I have to follow other people's suggestions?"

Su Yan raised her head in surprise and looked at An Cheng. What does this mean?
"Boss An, why didn't you fire me?"
Su Yan felt a little uneasy. An Cheng sat on the sofa and looked at Su Yan standing in front of him, "It seems that you are right, so naturally I won't fire you. I just have something to ask you."

These words reassured Su Yan a little.

"Ask, Mr. An."

"Have you offended anyone?

Su Yan was stunned for a moment when she heard this. How should I put it, there are no major vendettas, but there are many minor vendettas. If counted, there are many people who punished her... But recently she has no connection with the past, and basically belongs to them. disappeared in the world.

If you want to find the person you hate the most right now, it must be Gu Mingchen.

As soon as Su Yan thought of this incident, she remembered what Gu Mingchen said to her, he said, we will meet again.

Is this your thing?So, why did Gu Mingchen do this?

An Cheng looked at the silent Su Yan, and waited for a few seconds before speaking: "Huh?"

Su Yan nodded, then shook her head again.

An Cheng could see that Su Yan was in a bit of a dilemma, "If you're in a dilemma, don't worry about it, I just want you to clarify this matter, and then you can deal with it in a targeted manner."

An Cheng's reminder made her understand that the person who suggested dismissing her probably has no second choice except Gu Mingchen.

He has always been an autocratic person, if you mess with him, it will naturally end badly.

"Thank you, Mr. An, for reminding me."
An Cheng pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Sit down, I have some private matters to ask you."

Su Yan froze for a moment, then stood at the place An Cheng pointed out, "Boss An, I won't sit down, you ask."

An Cheng said everything his colleague said, and Su Yan's face turned red after hearing this.

He guessed that Gu Mingchen had a feud with Su Yan, seeing Su Yan's appearance, An Cheng knew he was right.

"Will this make it difficult for you to work?"
The answer is in the affirmative, but Su Yan couldn't tell. She really didn't want people to know what relationship she had with Gu Mingchen... After they separated, she also tried to find information about them on the Internet, but there was nothing.

She said: "Mr. An, remember my resume. I used to work in Gu's company. I met Mr. Gu. I had contact with Mr. Gu when I submitted the report to Mr. Gu, but it was only a work contact. Mr. Gu is a A man of great style, I feel a little unnatural when I see him."

Su Yan's answer was perfect, and she couldn't think of a better explanation.

"So, what do you think of me?"

Su Yan was at a loss when he heard An Cheng's sudden question, how should he answer it?After a few seconds of thinking, she gave an answer, an answer that was basically accepted by everyone: "Boss An is very friendly and easy-going, and doesn't put pressure on people."

Su Yan didn't know whether An Cheng was satisfied with this evaluation, but An Cheng let Su Yan leave the office only after answering An Cheng.

After returning, a colleague asked Su Yan, "Are you okay?"

Su Yan smiled and said, "Nothing."

"Then, Mr. An won't fire you?"

Hearing An Cheng's words, the colleague also guessed a little bit, so she could also think about the dismissal.

"No, I did leave a bad impression on the partner, and I will pay attention to it in the future."
The colleague patted Su Yan's hand and said, "Actually, I don't think there's anything wrong with you. It's just that Mr. Gu and Li Yixiang are very arrogant. I don't like them. They just look down on us."

Su Yan agreed with a little embarrassment.

After finishing work, Su Yan was stopped by An Cheng just as she walked out of the company gate, "Where do you live? I'll give you a ride."

Su Yan evaded, "No need for Mr. An, it's very convenient for me to take the bus."

"I think you didn't feel well on the day of the interview. You should be weak. I happen to be free, so don't worry about it."
Su Yan had no choice but to flatly refuse, and gave her address.

An Cheng was secretly happy: "By the way, get in the car."

Su Yan got into An Cheng's car, and An Cheng looked at Su Yan after getting into the car.

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