The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1170 Pretending to be ignorant

Why did He Sheng discuss women with him?He likes Pippi, is it related to Pippi?The girl was distressed for a while, but He Sheng had already started to walk down.

"He Shao, I have something to tell you."

He Sheng didn't respond, the girl continued talking.

"I'd like to make some dishes for you when I get back from vacation, so you can try them."

He remained silent, and the girl explained her intentions.

"You took me out and took care of me. I have nothing to thank, so I can only do the job you gave me well.

In the future, I will work harder to understand your preferences and make you satisfied every day. "

He Sheng stopped in his tracks.

"Go back and talk."

He doesn't want to talk about it now, he has already made up his mind to let the girl go, there is nothing to talk about.

After going down the hill, the driver has been waiting for a long time.

"Sir, two of your friends passed by here just now, and they agreed to have lunch at the restaurant together. Shall I take you there now?"

He Sheng went downstairs without his mobile phone, "What time is it?"

The girl immediately took out her mobile phone to tell the time, but the driver said the time first.

"Now go to the restaurant."

As He Sheng got into the car, the girl followed.

The four met in the restaurant, and the girl took Pippi to the bathroom, talking about going up the hill with Zhang Jiuhui.

"He said weird things to me that I couldn't understand."

Pippi smiled awkwardly, "Don't listen if you don't understand, he is a weird person, there is no need to understand."

But girls never think that He Sheng is a strange person, what he said is too cryptic, but there must be a reason for him.

"Pippi, why do you think he talked to me about women?"

Pippi shook his head, pretending not to know anything.

The girl guessed He Sheng's intentions, "Maybe he has feelings for me, or maybe he's not interested in me."

Anyway, when it comes to feelings, you either accept it or reject it, otherwise there is no need to talk about it.

But He Sheng's words were hidden so deeply that the girls couldn't understand what he meant no matter how hard they thought about it.

"Okay, don't think about it, go out to eat."

Pippi said and dragged the girl out of the bathroom.

The girl didn't really come to the bathroom, but wanted to find a place to avoid He Sheng and tell Pippi about it, and Pippi knew it.

Pippi is the only friend who supports girls to like He Sheng and has always stood by girls, so girls are willing to share and analyze with Pippi as soon as possible.

When the four of them ate, Pippi took care of Zhang Jiuhui who was inconvenient.

Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui are lovers, and it is normal for them to take care of each other.

But what Pippi saw unconsciously made her even more worried. The girl really liked He Sheng so much, she might feel sad when the vacation was over.

When eating, the girl was not paying attention at all, her eyes could hardly leave He Sheng.

Maybe He Sheng himself knew about this situation, so he focused on eating all the time, and never looked at anything other than the food.

If Pippi, Zhang Jiuhui and He Sheng had dinner together, He Sheng's behavior must be different from what he is doing now.

Seeing He Sheng put down his chopsticks to finish eating, the girl immediately handed over a clean tissue.

Very caring and careful.

This kind of scene made Pippi, Zhang Jiuhui's girlfriend, feel ashamed. When she helped Zhang Jiuhui pick up vegetables, she dropped them on the table several times, and once feeding him, the vegetable soup dripped onto Zhang Jiuhui's clothes.

After a meal, Zhang Jiuhui's clothes had been changed by Pippi.

Pippi snickered, "I didn't mean to."

She couldn't help laughing as she spoke, obviously gloating.

"I'm going to sleep for a while at noon, and help me choose a new dress during the lunch break."

Pippi nodded immediately, "De Ling, I listen to you."

After lunch, the four of them were exhausted and returned to their respective rooms in the hotel.

After Pippi helped Zhang Jiuhui change the soiled shirt, he leaned on his body and lay down, "Hey, it's really awkward for me to look at the two of them now, girls are too wishful thinking, I feel a little..."

The term nympho is not pleasant, but it really feels like this.

But this girl is not disgusting, it's just that she likes her too deeply, she feels that she has entered her own world, and she can't listen to other people's words.

"You said wait until the vacation is over, and then He Sheng said to fire her, how sad she is."

Zhang Jiuhui stroked Pippi's forehead lightly, combed her soft hair with his hands, and spoke while doing it, very leisurely and indifferent.

"It's impossible for her to be with He Sheng. Since it's impossible, the sooner this matter is dealt with, the better."

Pippi rolled her eyes, "It's not our fault, it's not painful or itchy to talk about it."

Zhang Jiuhui smiled and shook his head, "Think about it, a girl who is upside down, clean and good-looking, He Sheng has no reason to refuse.

But he refused, have you ever wondered why? "

Pippi pouted, "No."

"You are a man, and He Sheng is also a man. How can I guess what you think?"

Zhang Jiuhui explained, "That's because He Sheng also knows that she is a good girl and knows that we can't be together, so letting her go is the least harm to her."

Pippi seemed to understand a little bit of this statement, but not all of it.

"Don't mention it, I'm sleepy, let's talk about it in the afternoon."

After Pippi finished speaking, she closed her eyes and fell asleep within a few minutes while lying in Zhang Jiuhui's arms.

Zhang Jiuhui gently touched Pippi's cheek, it was so smooth that he couldn't put it down.

While enjoying their time together, Pippi's cell phone rang.

Zhang Jiuhui was afraid of disturbing Pippi's rest, so he hung up the phone without seeing the caller.

It was only when Pippi woke up after the lunch break that she realized that the caller was her mother. She knew Zhang Jiuhui's kindness, and she didn't blame him, so she called back as soon as possible.

"Mom, I didn't mean to come out to play, what are you calling me for?"

Pippi's mother said with a serious tone, "When are you coming back?"

Hearing this was wrong, Pippi hurriedly asked, "Is something wrong, why do you feel that you are in a hurry to ask me to go back?"

"Oh, no, no."

Pippi's mother paused for a few seconds, and then asked her about Zhang Jiuhui.

"Mom wants to contact Zhang Jiuhui recently, but I can't get in touch no matter what."

"Oh, his mobile phone is broken, and no one has prepared a new one yet."

Pippi's mother hesitated when she spoke, "Mom, what are you looking for with Zhang Jiuhui? He's by my side. I'll give him the phone."

"Okay, Mom, tell him a few words."

"Mom actually just wants to hear him talk about the situation of the two of you, nothing else."

Pippi didn't ask her mother what she wanted to tell Zhang Jiuhui, but she explained it in advance, which was not like what Pippi's mother would do.

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