The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1152 Who's Girlfriend

Remember to have one piece of fruit, dessert, and freshly squeezed juice per person. "

The secretary widened his eyes, "Do you want to pay?"

"Of course, I'm here to see you."

Pippi described herself as fraternal, but everyone knew that she was here to see Zhang Jiuhui.

The secretary started to order food, and finally took Pippi's mobile phone to pay, and Pippi specifically asked him and Zhang Jiuhui to add a portion.

"I'll order it if you don't say so."

Hearing the secretary's words, Pippi went crazy with joy, and he didn't know what kind of joke was poked, anyway, he couldn't stop laughing.

Half an hour later, all the employees' overtime meals were ordered, and everyone's meal was extraordinarily sumptuous.

The secretary specifically said that it was ordered by Pippi, and everyone praised Pippi for always giving good reviews, and they were very satisfied with Zhang Jiuhui, his new girlfriend.

Pippi walked into his office carrying the dinner she had with Zhang Jiuhui.

"Stop, stop, everyone is eating."

Carrying a full bag, Pipi wobbled, walked over to Zhang Jiuhui's desk and was unsteady, the freshly squeezed juice in the bag spilled directly on the table, and part of it spilled on Zhang Jiuhui's computer.

She hurriedly let go, took out a tissue and wiped his computer urgently, and pressed some key, and the screen was instantly cleared.

Looking at the white computer screen, Zhang Jiuhui felt a little uncomfortable, he frowned and looked at Pippi.

Pippi hurriedly said sorry, "I really didn't mean it, I swear."

As she spoke, she wanted to raise her hand again, but Zhang Jiuhui immediately pressed her hand.

"I know you didn't mean it. Maybe God reminded me that it's time to have dinner with you, so I was forced to stop working."

Zhang Jiuhui didn't express any anxiety on his lips, but he was anxious in his heart.

It is precisely because the matter at hand is urgent that I work overtime, otherwise there is no need to work overtime.

But he still calmly dragged Pippi to the table in another rest area of ​​the office.

Zhang Jiuhui excitedly opened the bag he brought over from the desk, which was the dinner that Pippi brought in just now.

"Whose girlfriend is so good at choosing dinner, this is also a special skill."

Zhang Jiuhui was afraid that Pippi would blame himself, so all his words were in a joking tone, trying to express that the matter was not that serious.

But Pippi still looked sad, Zhang Jiuhui opened the food and handed Pippi the chopsticks, but she didn't pick it up.

"I'm not in the mood to eat now, and I actually caused you trouble."

Pippi sighed, "I came here to help you, but in the end...who knew...she was almost at the end of her frustration.

"Then, is there any help?"

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui, he still had a calm expression on his face, and even moved his chopsticks to take a bite of his food.

When she asked, Zhang Jiuhui took a bite of food and brought it to Pippi's mouth, trying to save this little cutie's bitter face.

"The technicians will come over later."

She didn't eat the food that Zhang Jiuhui sent over. What she wants to be sure most now is whether the computer can be restored to its original state and the data content is completely preserved.

Pippi shook his head, "I've lost my appetite, will the technician fix it?"

Zhou Qiming nodded firmly, "Of course, you forgot? I am a technology company."

Pippi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "It makes sense."

She looked at the food on the table, and only then could she smell the aroma of rice, as if her nose was blocked just now.

"I'm really hungry, okay, let's eat."

Pippi moved his chopsticks to eat with confidence, and soon the technicians came in to solve the computer problem.

Zhang Jiuhui was never worried about other problems with the computer, he was only worried about not having enough time.

Since he started his business, his family has not supported him, and he has won all the resources by himself. Technology products need to invest in companies. He is preparing the content of the latest products to make the products competitive in the shortest possible time.

There are so many countries in the world, and new things come out every moment. They are people who are racing against time.

One second later, if the attributes of the product are similar, the people following behind will not be able to display it, otherwise they will be suspected of plagiarism, but the fact is that there is no plagiarism.

After dinner, Zhang Jiuhui asked Pippi to go back first.

He may still be busy for a while, Pippi is too tired to be here, and when he is sleepy, he has no way to send her back directly, but tosses.

When Pippi left, she was as reluctant as if she was parting from life and death, and jumped on Zhang Jiuhui's body, hooking his legs around his waist, clinging to Zhang Jiuhui like a koala, kissing him before leaving.

After Pippi left, Zhang Jiuhui was in full working condition and never got distracted for a moment.

He turned a blind eye to his mobile phone ringing several times, and finally found out that something was wrong with Wen Yuan after finishing all the work.

At this time, Wen Yuan was already in the hospital.

When Zhang Jiuhui arrived, Shi Wei was also there.

Wen Yuan looked at Zhang Jiuhui with red eyes, "You're finally here, I'm so scared."

Shi Wei watched Wen Yuan throw himself into Zhang Jiuhui's arms with a calm face, but his heart felt like a knife was twisted.

How could he easily let down a woman who accompanied him to make a comeback.

What happened in the past, Wen Yuan saw from her perspective, but didn't know how much Shi Wei had endured.

He was really not an ordinary man, but a declining rich young master.

Back then, Shijia's status was not inferior to that of Gu's in its heyday. The shopping mall was defeated for a while, and the companies that regarded Shijia as their enemies joined hands to step Shijia into a trough and could not recover.

After experiencing design, betrayal, and framing, the Shi family is already on the verge of collapse.

Shi Wei was the only one who survived. His parents were forced to death. Since then, he has become a person who only eats one meal a day, without any meat.

When he was so hungry that he almost felt like he was going to die.

At that time, Shi Wei was only 12 years old, and no one accepted his part-time job.

But he clearly remembered a girl named Wen Yuan who handed him a can of milk powder in a white dress.

He survived on the milk powder, taught himself homework to other children, and received a little money to satisfy his hunger.

The parents of those students were unwilling to give money at first, but later they were willing to give money because they saw that Shi Wei had indeed improved their children's grades.

The well-meaning parents gave money and clothes, and the children in the family didn't like it after wearing it and gave it to Shi Wei, that's how he grew up.

Many years later, Shi Wei met Wen Yuan again when he was running a milk tea shop, so they got together.

But he always remembers the hatred of the Shi family, so he has been working hard to rise and develop.

Shi Wei dare not miss any opportunity, nor will he reject any woman who can be a stepping stone. He can't realize that his body only belongs to Wen Yuan, because this is the stepping stone for him to climb up.

Feeling guilty towards Wen Yuan in his heart, he didn't dare to be alone with Wen Yuan for a long time, and didn't know how to face it.

All he can do is to keep a complete heart for Wen Yuan.

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