The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1145 Are They Feeling Good?

Pippi has a lot of friends, and she is the kind of girl who is more loyal, and sometimes she will shoulder shoulders with male friends. Although Zhang Jiuhui feels awkward, he will not doubt Pippi's love for him because of this.

He just asked Pippi to go home early after seeing his friends, and not to worry about his family by playing too late.

Originally Zhang Jiuhui hung up the phone, but Wen Yuan felt that he cared, probably because he liked Pippi.

But when he arrived at Zhang Jiuhui's company, seeing him still calmly handling business affairs, Wen Yuan guessed that it might be an accident that he hung up the phone just now. He didn't have deep feelings for Pippi, and there were other reasons for being together.

"I still have something to talk to you, so I came here, you don't find me annoying, do you?"

Zhang Jiuhui denied it.

"Of course not. You need to be cautious in your entrepreneurial stage."

In Zhang Jiuhui's heart, Wen Yuan has always been that good image, and he will not easily associate her with the word "Biao Biao" unless there is solid evidence.

Moreover, sometimes, some people fight for their own interests, which is not wrong.

Wen Yuan did talk about some serious things with Zhang Jiuhui, it wasn't just idle chatter after he suddenly appeared.

She talked until seven o'clock in the evening... It's not that Wen Yuan talked too much, but that sometimes in the middle of her talk, Zhang Jiuhui had something to deal with first, and Wen Yuan had to wait for him to deal with it before continuing.

When Wen Yuan finished what he wanted to say, it was also when Zhang Jiuhui finished his day's work.

She saw Zhang Jiuhui working so hard, not the relaxed look she imagined after becoming the boss of a large-scale enterprise.

Wen Yuan sighed, "You have management and employees under you, why do you have to ask many things in person, won't you be tired?"

Zhang Jiuhui was going to get his coat while talking, but Wen Yuan guessed it, got the coat ahead of time and handed it to him.

"It's better to do it yourself than to wait for others to deal with it."

Of course, what Zhang Jiuhui said is also time-consuming. When he can do it himself, he will do it. If time does not allow or there are more important things, he will choose.

Wen Yuan smiled wryly, "I thought you were much easier than me, but I didn't expect you to work harder than me."

After she said this, she looked at the time deliberately, "shall we have dinner together?"

Zhang Jiuhui did not refuse, he and Wen Yuan walked to a restaurant near the company.

After a busy day, Zhang Jiuhui was also tired, so he thought about eating something near the company, so he didn't have to drive home to eat.

Wen Yuan looked at Zhang Jiuhui's eating speed, which was like a migrant worker driving past a construction site by himself, eating in a hurry.

"Do you have something urgent?"

Wen Yuan hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls, but he watched Zhang Jiuhui almost finished eating.

"I want to go back sooner."

Does this answer count as a reason to speed up eating?Or is Zhang Jiuhui avoiding his own question?In fact, it's not that Zhang Jiuhui eats fast, but that Wen Yuan's state is wrong. She wants to spend more time with him, so she eats much slower than the original speed.

After such a comparison, she felt that Zhang Jiuhui was eating fast.

For Zhang Jiuhui, he didn't think it was a date, eating was eating, so he only ate, maybe if he was with Pippi, the situation would be different.

Wen Yuan couldn't hold back the time left by Zhang Jiuhui, if he was too deliberate, he would look bad.

"We have time to see you again, be careful on the road."

Zhang Jiuhui responded and left without telling Wen Yuanduo.

Wen Yuan watched Zhang Jiuhui leave but didn't see him pay the bill. She thought maybe he was in a hurry to go back and forgot.

She called the waiter, but the waiter told Wen Yuan that Zhang Jiuhui often came to this restaurant. After he had eaten, the restaurant would regularly send the consumption amount to a number, and the bill would be settled in seconds.

"So it is."

Wen Yuan realized later, this statement reminded her of something.

Since Zhang Jiuhui often came here, she asked the waiter who he came with.

"Is he usually alone, or with others?"

The waiter thought for a while, "Half time alone, half time with girlfriend."

The waiter in front of him got to the point, and Wen Yuan continued to ask.

"Then, does he and his girlfriend seem to have a good relationship?"

Eating is a private time, and no one else is staring at them. When two people get along alone, the feelings they show should be the most authentic.

The waiter thought back, "Ok, very good."

The waiter was excited when he said that.

"Mr. Zhou dotes on his girlfriend very much, he will do whatever he wants.

I feel that he is quite mature, just being controlled by a little girl and obeying her advice. "

Wen Yuan's face changed when he heard this. After all, this was not the answer she wanted to hear.

"Well, thank you."

She then also left the restaurant, and what she thought was simple became complicated from this moment on.

If Zhang Jiuhui is for profit, she can show her ability and compare Pippi's shortcomings.

But if Zhang Jiuhui really likes Pippi to be with her, it would put great pressure on Wen Yuan to destroy the relationship between the two.

Sitting in the car, she kept asking herself, did she like Zhang Jiuhui very much?Wen Yuan denied this answer because she still couldn't forget the cheating ex.

But she needed a man like Zhang Jiuhui to help her. If it wasn't such a relationship, how could he help her.

However, Wen Yuan had already tasted the pain of being meddled by a third party, and Pippi did nothing wrong, she was innocent enough to bear it.

She hated the intervention of a third party so much, and she didn't want to become that third party.

So far, since she doesn't like Zhang Jiuhui that much, she intends to stop this plan.

All the previous tests are invalidated, no matter what Pippi's background strength is, or the relationship between her and Zhang Jiuhui, from now on, it has no meaning for Wen Yuan.

... When Zhang Jiuhui returned home after dinner, Pippi was waiting for him at his house.

She likes Zhang Jiuhui because she cares about him when she asks about his feelings with other boys.

But after she said they were friends, Zhang Jiuhui also gave her trust.

It must be what happened to He Sheng before that made him grow up. This time, he must learn to listen to Pippi and believe in Pippi.

As soon as Zhang Jiuhui came back, Pippi ran to him holding the cut fruit.

"Your aunt just cut it, and I didn't move a piece, just waiting for you to come back."

Zhang Jiuhui smiled with satisfaction, picked up a fork and forked a piece of fruit, and seeing that he was about to put it in his mouth, Pippi delivered it to his mouth in an instant.

She opened her mouth happily, and ate the fruit that Zhang Jiuhui brought to her mouth.

"good to eat."

Zhang Jiuhui put down his fork, "I'm going to change my clothes first."

As soon as Pippi heard this, she asked Zhang Jiuhui to change into the pajamas she gave her.

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