The man didn't know why, but somehow stood in front of Pippi's car.

"what are you doing?!"

Pippi pointed at the man with anger in his eyes.

The man lingered on Pippi, "I don't want money now, I want..."

Pippi looked at the man imposingly, after all, his company is here, how can such a man be bullied? "I've already made compensation, and what you want has nothing to do with me."

Pippi reprimanded the man, "Get out of the way!"

The man didn't move at all, she immediately took out her mobile phone and contacted the company's security.

Not long after, the company's security guards arrived.

When the security guard took the man away, the man resisted and finally scuffled.

One-to-many, the man suffered a little bit, but the security guards were serious and not too much. As a result, the man called the police, and Pippi and the company's security were taken to the police station.

The man pretended to be pitiful and talked about what happened at that time.

Said that Pippi stopped suddenly and caused a rear-end collision, and her claim was unsuccessful. She also used her power to call security guards to beat herself.

Pippi exploded in anger immediately, she couldn't bear these words, she got up and slapped the man in front of the police.

That man is very good at acting, Pippi can slap a girl so hard, he can be slapped from his seat to the ground.

"Police, look, you have to take care of these rampant rich people. You dare to beat me in front of you. You are simply not paying attention to you and ignoring the law."

Pippi looked at this man and couldn't bear it for a second.

The matter between Zhang Jiuhui and He Sheng has not been resolved yet, Pippi is suppressing and has no place to vent.


She was so angry that she wanted to do it again, but two policemen stopped Pippi, held her down and sat aside.

"This is the police station!"

Pippi's chest heaved violently, "You... I know this is the police station, but he lied! Do you know that he lied? He maliciously distorted the facts. I was wronged. How can I bear this tone?"

The policeman looked at Pippi with a serious face, "We will not just listen to one side of the story, we will investigate after each of you states the matter.

Things will come to fruition only after the investigation. "

Pippi nodded helplessly, "Okay, you guys go investigate."

She looked at the innocent security guards in her company and immediately said to the police, "Anyway, they listen to me about this matter, let them go, I will take care of it in the end."

The policeman still said seriously, "We will not wrong anyone. After the matter is investigated, we will naturally identify the responsibility. There is no need to worry."

Pippi looked angrily at the greedy man opposite him who was full of lies.

He avoided the policeman's eyes and gave Pippi a wretched smile.

Then he said that he wanted to reconcile and didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Look at this matter. She is also a little girl. I don't think it's good to make a big mess. Why don't we discuss it privately?"

This incident did not cause any particularly serious consequences. The two parties voluntarily settled privately, and the police agreed.

Suddenly, only Pippi and the greedy man were left in the room.

As soon as the police left, he changed his appearance, and he was no longer the wronged victim.

Pippi looked at him disdainfully, "I knew you were faking it a long time ago!"

The man smiled and walked towards Pippi.

"So what if I pretend?"

He pointed to the injuries on his face and body, "I'm pretending to be pitiful, but this injury is not fake, and you called the security guard."

Pippi pointed at the man angrily, "Shameless!"

"You took my compensation and stopped my car.

I just asked the security guard to drive you away, you did it first. "

The man looked at Pippi excitedly, "But it's useless if you say these things."


He grabbed Pippi's hand with his hands and feet.

"I know there is no monitoring there, so what you say is all based on your mouth, which is useless.

I asked for compensation and stopped you, so I made a move first.

But with so many of you, do you think I will be the one to take advantage? Even if I am, the police don't believe it, and normal people don't believe it. "

Pippi kicked the man directly, directly on his knee.

"Except for being tolerant of a certain person, I have never tolerated others."

Hearing this, the man became even more interested in Pippi.

"Who can you tolerate?"

At that time, he didn't want monetary compensation, but he fell in love with Pippi and wanted her to be with him, so he was willing to settle the matter.

The situation after that was that the man was seeking profit for himself step by step. Now that the matter has not been resolved at the police station, he wants to use this matter to bite Pippi as a victim and have a one-night relationship with her. trade.

Pippi was sick of the man in front of him, and didn't even want to look at him.

Although the man couldn't control himself a bit, he was in the police station after all, so he had to endure it if he wanted to make a move.

He gritted his teeth and leaned into Pippi's ear, "This matter can be resolved, the private way is, you stay with me for a night..."

Pippi laughed suddenly after hearing this, "Ridiculous."

She felt that this man was beyond his control. Why did she think that just one such thing could threaten her?Pippi couldn't help laughing all the time, because it was so ridiculous, it was like a joke.

She looked at the man contemptuously, "You may not know who I am, but you won't get any benefit from this matter."

Negotiations were fruitless, and the police returned after the time was up.

The man killed that set of lies, and the two sides insisted on their own words. There were no other witnesses when the incident happened, and there was no surveillance at the time. The matter was a bit difficult to handle.

When things were at a stalemate, Zhang Jiuhui appeared at the police station.

When Pippi hung up the phone suddenly at that time, he felt strange and had a hunch that something had happened.

If Pippi didn't want to answer his call, she didn't have to answer it. She wasn't the kind of girl who would get on the phone and hang up on purpose to annoy others.

Pippi doesn't have so many crooked thoughts, her thoughts are often very direct.

When Zhang Jiuhui appeared, Pippi rushed to him in surprise.

"How did you know I was here?"

Her eyes were full of joy, and she almost forgot what happened before at that moment, and she never felt that there was any conflict between them.

Pippi grabbed Zhang Jiuhui's hand, "That man is so hateful, really, I wanted to deal with him, but you came, so you can deal with it for me."

Zhang Jiuhui deliberately pretended to be a stranger and took Pippi's hand away.

"I'm here to report the case and deal with my own affairs."


Pippi looked at him in surprise, not knowing the situation.

Zhang Jiuhui immediately went to the police, pointed at the man, and said that he had blackmailed him.

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