The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1128 Heartbeat for a Moment

About 10 minutes later, the girl opened the door and came out.

"I made food for Young Master He just now, and secretly took some out for you to eat. I think you haven't eaten after waiting for a day."

The cold wind can be tolerated, but seeing the food and smelling the aroma, Pippi's stomach growls, it is really unbearable.

"Thank you."

She grabbed the food given by the girl.

The girl was kind, but this trip was seen by He Sheng.

When he returned, He Sheng's gaze was fixed on her who entered the door.

"What did you do?"

The girl was afraid of causing trouble for Pippi, so she told a lie.

"There is a stray cat in your villa. It's cold and cold today. I'm afraid the kitten will be hungry, so I gave her some food."

He Sheng didn't doubt what the girl said, and didn't say much.

After supper, He Sheng asked the girl to stay tonight.

"It's too late today, you have to prepare breakfast tomorrow, choose a room to sleep at will."

"Yes, Young Master He."

He turned around and went upstairs to take a shower. After taking a shower, He Sheng went downstairs to get his things, just in time to see the girl coming back from the door.

This time the bowl and chopsticks in the girl's hand aroused He Sheng's suspicion.

"Feed the cat?"

The girl nodded nervously, "Well, yes."

He smiled disdainfully, he didn't expect such a clean and simple girl to be deceiving.

He Sheng ruthlessly exposed the girl's lies.

"Cats still use chopsticks to eat? Are cat demons?!"

His tone was a bit harsher, and the girl was so frightened that she dropped her bowl on the ground.

With a crisp sound, the bowls were all shattered, and the girl hadn't had time to close the door when she came in with the empty bowls and chopsticks, so Pippi heard the sound.

She was afraid that the girl would be blamed by He Sheng for helping her, so she rushed in desperately.

He Sheng was shocked when he saw Pippi, "Why are you here?!"

Pippi didn't reply to He Sheng's words, and just spoke nice words for the girl.

"I'm hungry, let her give me something to eat, don't blame her, blame me if you want."

He Sheng didn't understand what Pippi was talking about at the moment, so he could only follow her words.

"Why don't you come in and eat when you're hungry?"

Pippi felt that He Sheng was pretending to be stupid, obviously he didn't want to see her, and his assistant refused to let her in, so she waited for a day.

But this matter is the fault of Pippi's people, He Sheng is quite innocent, so let him do as he pleases.

The girl immediately knelt down to pick up the broken bowls on the ground.

"It's my fault. She has been waiting for a long time, enough trouble."

This girl is voluntary and kind, and she can't let others take the blame.

Seeing this, Pippi immediately went to help her pick up the pieces of the bowl, "Don't worry, I will take care of it! I didn't expect you to be so loyal when you look at such a weak and weak girl. We will be good friends from now on." The girl said this , He Sheng didn't hear it.

He Sheng only saw the two girls squatting on the ground picking up the pieces of the bowl, hands in a hurry.

He put down what he was holding and walked over.

He Sheng pulled Pippi who was squatting on the ground, "Tell me why you appeared."

Pippi said in a good voice, "I want to see you, I have something to tell you."

She didn't say how long she had waited, because these were her own responsibilities. He Sheng had been injured since last night, but he had done nothing wrong, so it was nothing if he waited for a day.

"You said."

He Sheng is rational and serious at the moment, very serious, completely different from how he treated Pippi last night.

He Sheng didn't remember what happened last night very clearly, but he knew that he violated Pippi uncontrollably, so today he is extraordinarily rational.

Those things were not his intention, and he didn't want Pippi to misunderstand that he was an irresponsible person who just wanted to have a good night.

He Sheng's state made Pippi nervous.

She forgot that she was still holding the fragments she picked up in her hand, and she bled as soon as she clenched her fist tightly.

Did you lose consciousness?When Pippi's blood dripped to the ground, the girl reminded her that she knew she was injured.

He Sheng quickly took Pippi's hand, and opened her hand carefully.

He looked at Pippi's hand cut by pieces one by one, and he really felt heartbroken. The girl was shocked to see this scene, and accidentally scratched her own hand.

She made a sound in pain, and He Sheng pointed to the cabinet over the projector, "There is a medicine box, go and deal with it."

As for Pippi, He Sheng called the doctor directly to deal with her.

Pippi was sitting on the sofa, and He Sheng was beside her.

The doctor was going to deal with Pippi's injured hand, and gave her a vaccination in advance, "Miss Pippi, it will be a bit irritating when I apply the medicine later, please bear with it.

And there are small debris in your palm, I have to use small tweezers to pick it out for you. "

Pippi nodded calmly, "I see."

He Sheng looked at her very worriedly, and at the same time told the doctor.

"You lighten up."

He looked worried as if he was the one who was hurt.

The doctor had already started treating the wound, but Pippi didn't respond.

He Sheng stroked Pippi's hair lightly, "Won't it hurt?"

Pippi smiled reluctantly.

"will not."

In fact, she was caught in another kind of shock from a certain moment, so she was absorbed in thinking about that incident, and didn't feel the same pain as before.

When she was injured just now, He Sheng's eyes at that moment.

Pippi was actually moved for a moment... Maybe it wasn't a heartbeat, but I couldn't find a more suitable word to describe that feeling.

He Sheng's appearance at that time was really as if he had been seriously injured, but Pippi looked unharmed when he saw him, but he was obviously injured.

In other words, even if He Sheng himself was injured, he would not behave like that.

No matter how painful he was, he never showed such eyes and expressions.

Pippi was caught in another problem.

Can love really be touched?Well, between her and Zhang Jiuhui, did she touch Zhang Jiuhui, that's why he... Then, will she be touched by others?At least so far, she has not seen Zhang Jiuhui caring more about herself than He Sheng at that moment.

Pippi didn't know how to face He Sheng, she didn't dare to look at him anymore.

She began to overthrow the series of thoughts she had just had in her mind.

Maybe it was because she had an awkward fight with Zhang Jiuhui today, and He Sheng happened to behave very well again, that's why she thought so.

"Yes, that's right! That's right!"

Pippi spoke suddenly, and He Sheng really didn't understand.

He held Pippi's arm, "You said you wanted to talk to me, what do you want to say."

Pippi took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm and looking at He Sheng.

But when she looked at He Sheng, she felt distressed.

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