The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1117 She is not hypocritical

When Pippi stretched out her hand, she also stood up and shifted her legs slightly, but she didn't feel her legs were numb, and she fell to the ground immediately.

Anyway, it's numb, so I just sit like this first.

She turned on her phone and looked at the message just now, it was sent by her best friend.

Pippi replied casually and noticed the time on the phone, it was already past seven o'clock.

She looked up and saw that there was no Zhang Jiuhui around the office.

At that time, he sent a message saying that he came to look for Pippi around [-] pm, but now no one showed up.

Pippi opened the phone information again, and confirmed that Zhang Jiuhui did not send a message to explain the matter.

She called Zhang Jiuhui, but the other party didn't answer.

... She contacted again later, but Zhang Jiuhui was not contacted either.

Pippi looked at the phone angrily and scolded him. Before that, he said that he disappeared regardless of other people's feelings. Now that the time he made an appointment is not up, isn't he also disappearing!Now he doesn't care about other people's feelings, Pippi vowed to throw away Zhang Jiuhui's phone when he saw Zhang Jiuhui, anyway, the phones that can't be contacted are just decorations.

Just when Pippi was angry, the special assistant opened the door and came in.

"Miss, you are awake."


Pippi responded angrily.

"Miss, Mr. Zhou contacted me and said that you don't have to wait for him today, he has something to go back home."


Pippi looked at the special assistant unexpectedly, "He contacted you?"


Mr. Zhou contacted me around five o'clock in the afternoon. I came over and planned to tell you. I didn't say anything because you were still asleep. I was going to tell you when you woke up. "

Pippi looked at the special assistant in a daze, "Then why didn't he tell me directly?"

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid that you're worried, and that if you ask more questions, it will affect my mood."

The special assistant thought for a while, "Mr. Zhou's explanation to me is just a matter of one sentence, but if you ask him, you have to explain, but his family's affairs may be urgent, so he doesn't have much time to explain to you."

Pippi thought for a while, and this statement was also reasonable.

The reason why I didn't contact Zhang Jiuhui just now may be because he was dealing with things at home.

"That's it, take me home."

"Okay, then get ready and go downstairs."

Pippi got up and tidied her clothes and hair casually, picked up her bag and went downstairs.

The special assistant followed Pippi, talking about Zhang Jiuhui.

"The chairman asked about the matter between Mr. Zhou and you."

Pippi looked at the special assistant curiously, "Then how did you answer him?"

"Everything is fine."

Pippi looked at the special assistant with a smile, "Your words seem to be playing Tai Chi with my dad, will he be angry?"

The special assistant shook his head, "We are all concerned about this matter from your perspective. As long as you are good, he has no special requirements for Mr. Zhou."

"That's right, they all love me too much."

Pippi sent Zhang Jiuhui a message on the way home, and she just told him that she didn't care about missing appointments.

After all, it is understandable that there are things at home, and she is not such a hypocritical person.

This time Zhang Jiuhui replied to Pippi quickly, "I will pick you up early tomorrow morning."

Pippi received an echo from Zhang Jiuhui before he got home, and he said that he would pick him up early tomorrow morning, which meant that the two of them could meet when they woke up tomorrow morning.

She screamed in surprise in the car.

"Wow, I can see the little angel tomorrow morning!"

The special assistant was driving, and was startled by Pippi's sudden yell.


Pippi hissed and lowered his volume, "I didn't mean it just now."

"It's okay, as long as you are happy."

The special assistant continued to drive, and Pippi stared at the message on the phone all the way.

After sending Pippi home, the special assistant left, and Pippi's mother asked her about the old man while having dinner.

"I heard that your cooperation with that uncle went well?"

As soon as Pippi heard her mother mention the old man, she couldn't suppress her anger.

"Mom, do you know how you said he was a disappointment when you were eating? I'm really tired of that man's face. What kind of friends does Dad know?"

Pippi's mother couldn't help laughing.

"It's just friends on the lips. These people have weird thoughts, and they can deal with it naturally after seeing them a lot."

Pippi's mother looked familiar, it seemed that she had been in contact with this kind of people for a long time.

"Mom, I really think it's hard work for you to run a company. This kind of person is really..."

When Pippi talked about this kind of person, the facial features on his face were distorted.

After dinner, Pippi lay on the sofa with a sad look on his cell phone.

"What's wrong with you?"

Pippi told her mother that she and Zhang Jiuhui made an appointment to meet today.

"He has something at home, do you want me to ask?"

Pippi's mother smiled, "Didn't we meet tomorrow morning, wouldn't it be better to ask in person.

It's getting late now, if you ask, it's to disturb his rest, or to disturb his way of thinking about things. "

Pippi thought that what her mother said made sense, and nodded repeatedly.

Mom went on.

"He said that seeing you tomorrow morning means that he can handle it well, adjust himself, and just wait."

Pippi smiled, "Mom is right."

She stuffed her phone into her pocket, "Then I'll go upstairs to sleep and wait to see her tomorrow morning."

Pippi went upstairs excitedly, and texted Zhang Jiuhui good night while lying on the bed.

She just couldn't help but send him a message to let him know that she was thinking of him.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jiuhui arrived at Pipi's house.

Pippi was still awake when he arrived, and it was Pippi's mother who went downstairs to meet Zhang Jiuhui first.

"You came."

Pippi's mother asked Zhang Jiuhui to sit down with a smile.

"Have you had your breakfast?"

Zhang Jiuhui replied politely, "Not yet, I want to eat with Pippi."

Pippi's mother hurriedly asked the aunt at home to prepare more breakfast, and asked Zhang Jiuhui to stay at home for breakfast.

"Just eat at home, it's ready."

In fact, Zhang Jiuhui had already thought about a place for breakfast, and wanted to take Pippi to relax before working today, but the hospitality was hard to come by, and he couldn't refuse even if the elder asked.

"Okay, let's stay and eat."

Pippi's mother asked about the family affairs of Zhang Jiuhui that Pippi talked to herself yesterday.

"Pippi told me yesterday that you missed the appointment because of something at home. What happened at home? Is it serious? If you need help, just say so."

After all, they were well aware of what Zhang Jiuhui had helped them with in foreign countries.

Zhang Jiuhui shook his head.

"It's nothing, it's just been a long time since I went back, and my grandma insisted that I go home."

"Oh, all right."

This made Pippi's mother a little overwhelmed.

In fact, according to his relationship with Pippi, he could take Pippi back, but if they didn't mention it, they definitely couldn't ask for anything, otherwise it would be the same as rushing to marry their daughter.

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