The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1110 I'm So Tired

Pippi was very happy to hear this. Immediately after the meeting, she made a video call with her father and talked about it.

Dad got what Pippi wanted, and directly praised her for persisting in this matter despite her illness.

But then he talked about the cause of the disease.

"It rained accidentally last night."

Pippi's father was a little surprised, "Why did you get caught in the rain, you were either driving or taking a car, how could you get caught in the rain?"



Pippi was too lazy to explain so much.

"Dad, I have nothing to do now, I want to rest for a while, can you let me rest for a while."

"Okay, okay, remember to take medicine."

After hanging up the video call, the special assistant brought in the medicine.

After taking the medicine, Pippi fell asleep on the sofa in the office, and the first person to wake her up was Zhang Jiuhui.

She was pleasantly surprised when she opened her eyes and saw Zhang Jiuhui, but once again thought she was dreaming.

Pippi reached out to touch Zhang Jiuhui's face, felt that it was not real enough and pinched it again.

"who are you?"

Zhang Jiuhui touched Pippi's forehead, "The fever has subsided, why are you still so confused, you don't even recognize me."

Pippi wants to confirm whether it is a dream.

"I ask you questions, and you answer them."


Zhang Jiuhui cooperated with Pippi.

"Are you Zhang Jiuhui, are you my Zhang Jiuhui?"

He thought for a while, "This question is not easy to answer."

Pippi stretched out his hand and pointed at him angrily, "Think about the money I gave you, think about the thing I stamped myself."

After a few seconds, Zhang Jiuhui nodded in acquiescence.

Pippi sat up frantically and hugged him, "You are really mine, it's great, you admit it."

In fact, Zhang Jiuhui didn't think much about it, he just made the choice according to his own heart.

He likes the girl in front of him now, so he is willing to cooperate with her.

However, in his heart, this stage of simple liking is just an investigation period, whether they can really be together for a long time will take time.

"Pippi, you should take your medicine."

Zhang Jiuhui said something disappointing in a serious manner, and at the same time pushed away Pippi who was holding him.

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui reluctantly, "Is there any reward for taking the medicine?"

Zhang Jiuhui handed the cup to Pippi, and handed her the medicine along the way.

"Take medicine to be healthy."

Pippi smiled unconvinced, "Since you are in good health, you can eat with me."

As she spoke, she brought the medicine in her hand to Zhang Jiuhui's mouth. Of course, Pipi was only joking, and within a few seconds she put away the medicine in her hand and swallowed it in one go.

Pippi just wants to make life more fun, and wants to tease Zhang Jiuhui.

She put the dissatisfied cup aside after taking the medicine in one breath, "After taking the medicine, let's talk about rewards now."


Zhang Jiuhui readily agreed.

Just as Pippi was about to speak, the special assistant knocked on the door and came in.

This is someone who has been with his father for so long, so Pippi will not lose his composure.

She straightened her hair. She was lying down, but now she is sitting up.

"Is there a problem?"

The special assistant reported the work schedule with a serious face, "There was an occasion that required you to attend tonight, but you are not feeling well, so I have pushed it off.

But it is necessary for you to know about this matter, so I will report it to you. "

Pippi responded with a smile, "Well, I see."

After she finished saying this, the special assistant didn't leave, and his eyes fell on Zhang Jiuhui.

Pippi asked vigilantly, "Anything else?"

The special assistant paused for a few seconds and thought about it, "The company has a regular half-year gathering for all employees, and the time is coming soon.

The chairman probably won't come back, so you still need to be present to preside over the overall situation. "

Pippi felt a headache when he heard about these big things, and they were all problems on his own body.

She said discouragedly, "What time?"

"It's almost a week away, and I will remind you in advance when the time comes."


After Pippi responded, the special assistant left. At this time, only she and Zhang Jiuhui were left in the office.

She leaned on Zhang Jiuhui with a tired face, "I feel really tired now... I used to always complain that you were too busy, and always said that you were too busy to have extra time for me. I really believed it!"

Zhang Jiuhui patted Pippi's back lightly to comfort her, "This is what we need to bear in such a family."

That's right, Zhang Jiuhui has known this for a long time, but Pippi only recently learned about it.

She felt a pity when she thought of her suspension of studies, which was something she was very interested in.

Pippi leaned on Zhang Jiuhui and began to imagine his future life, "After I'm with you, if I want to study abroad, will you support me, and if I still have my own plans after getting married, will you give me freedom? ?”

In her consciousness, she has consciously bound herself and Zhang Jiuhui's life together.

When Zhang Jiuhui heard this, he almost agreed directly, but after thinking about it carefully, he was still in a daze.

He just knew that he liked Pippi, and he didn't think so much about the future.

But about freedom, Zhang Jiuhui will give it to others, because everyone has their own space.


His voice was low and serious.

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui seriously, "What's wrong?"

He opened his mouth to explain his understanding of the relationship between him and Pippi, but he didn't want Pippi to think too complicatedly about the relationship between the two of them.

"I just think you're good, so I thought I'd give it a try.

But it's not like... between us it's okay to... You understand? "

Pippi was in a daze for a moment, and it took a few minutes before she spoke.

"I understand, but sometimes I can't help it."

She thought that she and Zhang Jiuhui were inseparable, but it was only at the stage of trying to get in touch, and there was no definite answer.

This kind of feeling is like a weed living in the wind and rain. It may be full of resilience, or it may be uprooted lightly without knowing where to go.

After talking about this topic, the atmosphere in the office was a little gloomy for a while.

Zhang Jiuhui soon realized that what he said just now seemed to have hurt Pippi, and he took the initiative to talk about the gathering of their company's employees.

"About the staff gathering, there are some important parts that require you to make a decision. Why don't I remind you."

He took the initiative to share Pippi's worries, so naturally she would not lose face.

Pippi got up and took the IPAD on the desk, clicked on the memo and handed it to Zhang Jiuhui.

"You write down all the things I may need to decide, so that even if I forget, I will know after looking through it."


Zhang Jiuhui recorded some related matters on the iPad, and Pippi watched carefully from the side.

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