The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1105 It Was You

It was raining lightly outside, and the car windows began to fog up, making it difficult to see the outside world clearly.

"I now find it especially fun to sit in the car on a rainy day."

Zhang Jiuhui was curious about Pippi's statement, "How do you say it?"

Pippi thought for a while and explained, "It's foggy outside, you can't see anything clearly, it feels like we're driving in another world, fantasizing about a world we haven't touched.

It's in your head and you can be whatever you want, how liberating it feels. "

Pippi has been really tightened by the company's affairs these days, and her nerves are all tensed.

It is not easy to have such a day of vacation, and I feel that everything is free.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is envious of the plastic bag blown by the wind, and thinks it is a free object flying with the wind.

... Soon, Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui arrived at He Shengyue's restaurant.

When Pippi got off the car, a waiter came up to pick them up and held them up with umbrellas.

The waiter immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact the waiter in the room after seeing the man with the leather belt.

"Two distinguished guests have arrived, and the lady is carrying a gentleman."

Zhang Jiuhui had never eaten in this restaurant, so the people in this restaurant did not know him.

The news that was sent to He Sheng in advance was that the person with the leather belt was a man, which made He Sheng even more curious.

I made a dinner date with myself and even brought a man with me, what song is this from?He guessed it was Zhang Jiuhui, because besides him, Pippi would not have had so much contact with others, let alone bring an unfamiliar man to his appointment.

He Sheng vaguely saw the person next to Pippi through the glass. Although he couldn't see the face but only the outline, how could he not recognize him if he was so familiar.

"It's Zhang Jiuhui."

He spoke the name, and the waiter standing by heard him.


He Sheng was talking to himself, so he didn't answer the waiter's doubts.

The waiter heard the name in He Sheng's mouth clearly. At that time, he checked the IPAD in his hand curiously, and then confirmed the identities of the three people in the restaurant tonight.

Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui entered the restaurant, and He Sheng stood up with a look of no surprise.

"Oh it's you."

He took the initiative to step forward, and hugged Zhang Jiuhui's shoulders like a good brother, "It's raining, I feel relieved to have you walking with her."

Zhang Jiuhui also politely patted He Sheng on the shoulder.

As for what he said just now, Zhang Jiuhui didn't respond much.

He Sheng took the initiative to help Pippi open the seat, which was relatively close to him, so she sat down because she was embarrassed to refute face.

Zhang Jiuhui's position was opened by the waiter, and he was also next to Pippi, but relatively speaking, He Sheng was closer to Pippi.

He Sheng's eyes then fell on the waiter, and he winked.

"Go get ready."

The waiter immediately arranged for the chef to start preparing tonight's dishes.

In order to make an appointment with Pippi this time, He Sheng also took some thought. After contacting Pippi, he arranged for someone to airlift the ingredients from abroad as quickly as possible.

"Today's ingredients are specially selected by me, I hope you will be satisfied with the food."

Pippi smiled, and replied carelessly, "I must be satisfied, because I am quite satisfied today."

When she was talking, she unconsciously looked in Zhang Jiuhui's direction, and the two looked at each other and smiled, He Sheng felt very uncomfortable.

He Sheng didn't show his displeasure, after all, he was the one who invited Pippi today, and he also agreed that Pippi should be alone.

He coughed lightly, and Pippi withdrew his attention and looked at He Sheng.

Pippi looked towards him, and He Sheng spoke immediately.

"Pippi, I know you took over the family company, is it going well?"

What he said so far is relatively easy to answer, and he didn't ask anything that was deliberately embarrassing.

Pippi was happy all day today, thinking of a happy ending, she didn't take that much into consideration, she answered He Sheng's words very easily, and occasionally complained a few words to complain.

"It's going well so far, my father's special assistant is helping me."

Pippi was discouraged after saying this, "Actually, now I finally understand why the rich second generation on TV is unwilling to inherit the family property."

"Oh why?"

He Sheng thinks that Pippi looks like an elegant and noble lady, but she is very down-to-earth when getting along.

She was curious about Pippi's sudden words and Pippi's views on many things.

"Because you lost your family because you don't have any ability, the burden is too heavy, and others have to scold you.

It's not as easy as ordinary people. "

After finishing this sentence, Pippi began to talk about the company's operating problems, but the directors would have a lot of words, which made her very annoying.

"And those directors include my uncle and my father's friends for many years. I can only listen and not say anything."

As she spoke, she became angry, with a feeling of grievance and nowhere to vent.

Pippi didn't talk much about his troubles with Zhang Jiuhui today, because he was under a lot of pressure and busy every day, and it was easier to vent it with someone idle.

He Sheng then changed the subject and looked at Zhang Jiuhui, "Where did you take Pippi to play today?"

"Just walk around."

Zhang Jiuhui didn't want to reveal the details of his relationship with Pippi, and he didn't want to deliberately let He Sheng know the progress of their relationship, so as not to think that there would be an opportunity in his ideology.

"Walk wherever you want... If you don't know where to take Pippi in the future, I have a lot of places at hand."

Zhang Jiuhui rejected He Sheng's kindness, "Actually, she feels good wherever she goes with me."

His words were very lethal, and He Sheng suddenly felt stabbed in the heart.

After saying this, Zhang Jiuhui deliberately looked at Pippi.

"Am i right?"

He Sheng also looked at Pippi, expecting her next answer.

Pippi is Zhang Jiuhui wholeheartedly, she doesn't care what other people think.

He asked his heart so blatantly, Pippi naturally wouldn't hide it, he just wanted Zhang Jiuhui to know that he just liked him, liked him very much, and was unwavering.


"you're right!"

After saying this sentence, Pippi herself became excited, she stood up suddenly and walked to Zhang Jiuhui's side.

"I want to sit closer to you."

She pointed to the waiter, "Help me move the chair to this side, I want to be next to him."

He Sheng was extremely dissatisfied in his heart, but he could only endure it.

He knows that Pippi likes Zhang Jiuhui, and he has heard Pippi say many times that when the status quo cannot be changed, he can only endure it and wait for an opportunity.

He Sheng believes that one day he will have this opportunity.

All couples will experience quarrels and breakups, and he believes that Zhang Jiuhui and Pipi are no exception.

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