The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1101 Using Violence to Control Violence

Pippi looked at the parent and spoke uprightly.

"Your children are too skinny. They kicked me when they fell down just now, and they didn't even apologize. Children should be polite, isn't this bad?

If you were a person with a bad temper, your child would have been beaten long ago. "

The parent froze for a moment, and some didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Parents also know that their children are not reasonable, but they have never met someone who is more than ten or 20 years older than their children and still cares about them like this.

This society is like this, even if a child does something wrong, many people will be tolerant.

They think that children are children and need to be accommodated, but they don't realize that this is an omission in education.

Appreciate what is right and criticize what is wrong, so that children can grow up well.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiuhui stood up, handed the Pippi tissue, and at the same time told the parent about it.

"She is kind and hopes that the child can distinguish right from wrong and admit mistakes bravely.

She said a few words just now, and the child was a little uncomfortable, so she spoke in a hurry. "

The parents saw that Zhang Jiuhui spoke decently, and then began to educate the children.

"Look, it was wrong for you to kick your sister's skirt, and you should apologize."

The child looked at Pippi unconvinced, "She...I was going to apologize to her, but she said I was too naughty, I have worked hard and been obedient, and I got several star rewards in kindergarten this week. "

As he talked, the child felt wronged, and in the end, he couldn't tell right from wrong.

The parent simply apologized on behalf of the child and it was over. Pippi looked back at the child a little annoyed.

Zhang Jiuhui hurriedly reminded her, "Okay, this matter is over."

Pippi shook her head angrily, "It's not over."

"If you persist like this, you will be playing childish temper."

This sentence is very magical, after Zhang Jiuhui finished speaking, Pippi didn't pursue it anymore, she was afraid that she would be that naughty child in his heart, who didn't know what to do.

"Don't mention it, continue to eat meat."

It was only now that Pippi noticed that the meat caught by the chopsticks had dripped a lot of oil on the table, "I was too careless."

She hurriedly wiped it with a paper towel, praising the barbecue of this restaurant while wiping.

"Fragrant but not greasy, delicious, I will come with you next time."

Pippi almost rubbed her sleeves, Zhang Jiuhui helped her roll up the cuffs.

Such a move is very natural, just like working together on a small housework at home, they complement each other and have a tacit understanding.

After eating barbecue, there was an event in a nearby movie theater, so Pippi took Zhang Jiuhui to the movie theater.

It was only after she arrived that she remembered that Zhang Jiuhui had said that the company had something to do, and she had to let the secretary handle it first.

Although Pippi thought of this now, she deliberately didn't remind Zhang Jiuhui.

After finally having time to stay with him, go to hell with other things. If something really happened, the secretary would have contacted him long ago.

It's not that Zhang Jiuhui has forgotten the lie, but has already silently approved of Pippi's handling of He Sheng, so he doesn't need to leave to express and ease his dissatisfaction at the time.

Pippi looked excitedly at the leaflet he received from the restaurant just now, "There are couple activities in this cinema."

"what activity."

Zhang Jiuhui was not interested in that little leaflet, nor did he want to read it, he just wanted to hear what Pippi had to say.

Pippi began to retell Zhang Jiuhui according to the content on the single page.

It probably means that there is a premiere of a romance film today, and the main creators have arrived at the scene, and will wait for the audience in the lovers hall.

All couples who watch the movie can participate in the event after the movie is over, and improvise a certain clip in the movie with the actors on the spot. Participating will get a CP gift.

Pippi doesn't feel much about gifts, she can buy whatever she wants.

But she wanted to participate, because it was a couple's event, and if she dragged Zhang Jiuhui to participate, it would feel like a seal.

Moreover, the participants will all be couples, which also made Zhang Jiuhui infected by the sweet atmosphere of the scene and let him understand the benefits of being in love.

"Okay, that's all, let's go in."

She was about to buy a ticket when Zhang Jiuhui grabbed her wrist.

"This kind of meeting will be very noisy, let's watch a movie instead."

Saying that, Zhang Jiuhui let go of Pippi, and went to the staff to choose other movies to buy tickets.

When he was hesitating about what movie to say, Pippi preempted him. When he wanted to change his mouth, Pippi covered his mouth, using violence to control violence, simple and direct.

The theater staff had already issued tickets, and Pippi excitedly dragged Zhang Jiuhui into the theater with the tickets.

As soon as Pippi entered, she saw a few familiar actors. Although she had no contact or attention, she still knew these people.

"Wow, it turns out that they are the few of them. They are all handsome. I think this romance movie will not be bad."

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui excitedly, and he leaned back on the sofa calmly.

What they do is a couple's room, so there is a sofa for two people.

Before the film started, Pippi looked at the brief introduction on the flyer. It was a youth romance film, and it was about a girl who fell in love with a man from the ignorant period of youth, and has been in love for a long time.

Then at the same time, another boy liked her, but she kept insisting that the love in her heart remained unchanged, and finally won the male god in her heart.

She was pleasantly surprised and felt like she was writing her own story.

"So, will my outcome be the same as the movie's outcome?"

She couldn't help opening her mouth curiously, Zhang Jiuhui didn't hear what Pippi said, so she was puzzled.


The movie was about to start, and the lights in the hall dimmed until it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Pippi thought it was very interesting, she gently called Zhang Jiuhui's name.

"Zhang Jiuhui, are you there?"


Zhang Jiuhui responded cooperatively, he was very calm.

Pippi looked around anxiously, but couldn't see anything, "It's too dark, are you still by my side?"

Zhang Jiuhui felt Pippi's hand walking on the sofa, and began to touch it randomly, no matter if she was really scared or just playing around, if he met him in such a situation, he would not be used to it, and would have other inexplicable feelings Feel.

He held Pippi's hand firmly and firmly, and the other hand wrapped around Pippi's shoulder.

"The movie is about to start, be honest."

With Zhang Jiuhui holding her like this, Pippi felt a lot more at ease, and no longer had to wonder if the person around him was him.

Images appeared on the big screen, and the brightness in the hall gradually increased. Pippi could see everything clearly now.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhang Jiuhui's profile, the dim light added a bit of mystery to his handsome face.

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui beside him intently, and he said secretly.

"Are you going to watch the movie or watch me?"

Pippi smiled awkwardly, "Watching a movie, of course watching a movie."

She moved slightly towards Zhang Jiuhui, and leaned on his shoulder calmly.

At the beginning of the movie, Pippi was fascinated by watching it. The plots of those movies made her feel substituting, and she also learned a lot of tricks from the heroine of the movie to stalk the male god.

Pippi's stomach ached from laughing at the funny places.

She rubbed her belly and pointed to Zhang Jiuhui the heroine, "Do you think she is stupid to do such a stupid thing, and her IQ is not always online."

Zhang Jiuhui didn't answer, just looked at Pippi and smiled faintly.

In his heart, he felt that Pippi was talking about himself.

Zhang Jiuhui also watched this movie, the heroine's many behaviors are very similar to Pippi, and her personality is also similar.

When the movie was about to end, Pippi approached Zhang Jiuhui's ear.

"I read the synopsis of the story just now. The heroine has caught up with her male god, and there will be a romantic KISS ending soon."

"Well, so what?"

Pippi looked at the ignorant Zhang Jiuhui, "Do you think I look like that girl, and you look like that male god?"


Zhang Jiuhui looked calm, Pippi felt so deeply that he didn't respond.

She slammed Zhang Jiuhui's chest, "I will really be angry if you do this again!"

Pippi wanted to continue to teach Zhang Jiuhui a lesson, but he grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"I feel like you are like her now, because both of them do stupid things."

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui unconvinced, "I'm going to do one thing now, no matter what you think it is, it doesn't matter if it's stupid, you just have to bear it."

As she said, she pressed Zhang Jiuhui hard, and kissed him.

At the end of the movie, the lights in the whole hall were turned on in an instant, and Pippi's domineering action attracted the attention of countless couples.

She kissed hard, regardless of Zhang Jiuhui's cooperation or not.

But she felt that Zhang Jiuhui did not resist, and this was a good start.

Suddenly the whole hall erupted, and Zhang Jiuhui pushed Pipi away.

He coughed slightly, cleared his throat, a little embarrassed, and his cheeks were a little red.

Pippi looked at him with a grin, "It would be perfect if it matches the ending of the movie, otherwise it would be useless to watch this movie. I have to be inspired by the perfect ending."

She acted like a boy, but Zhang Jiuhui was a little embarrassed.

Especially when some curious girls surrounded him, he was extremely uncomfortable and lowered his head in some resistance.

Pippi said imposingly, "Sorry, my man is shy, so don't keep staring at him."

She pointed to the stage in front of her, "The main creators will be on stage soon, you should look there."

As soon as Pippi reminded, those girls immediately shifted their eyes to the stage.

She sat down excitedly, and hugged Zhang Jiuhui's head like an old man, "Don't worry, with me here, I will never allow them to roast you with their hot eyes."

Zhang Jiuhui took Pippi's hand away solemnly, "The movie is over, let's go."

He recovered for a while, and now he is much better than before, not as excited and ashamed to face after the kiss just ended.

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