The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1099 I will wait for you obediently

What Pippi heard was this voice all the time, and she felt that she always heard these voices when she contacted Zhang Jiuhui.

She was discouraged and contacted her best friend. Since Zhang Jiuhui couldn't be contacted, she could only give her her time.

The best friend answered the phone quickly, and Pippi was so heartbroken.

"Your sense of gap is too great. It would be great if he answered the phone."

My best friend understood immediately, "I should buy a transformation device, and Zhang Jiuhui's voice should be the only one who answers the phone in the future."

"Yes, that's what you should do."

After arguing for a while, Pippi threw a seat to his best friend, "Did you see that, the position just sent to you, come quickly, we won't wait when it's late."

After her best friend arrived, Pippi began to complain about her recent taking over of the company.

She looked at Pippi in shock, "Wow, are you so good, you just took over without learning anything?"

Pippi leaned on her head to explain, feeling very helpless.

"I call it driving ducks to the shelves."

Thinking of ducks, Pippi remembered the story Zhang Jiuhui told, as well as the breeding industry magazine they read together, including his promise to send a duckling to raise for himself.

"I'm so stupid."

Pippi laughed at himself, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhang Jiuhui.

He couldn't receive the call, and he should be able to see the message when he was not busy. Pippi asked Zhang Jiuhui about the whereabouts of the duck promised.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Jiuhui replied to the message.

"Whenever you have time, I'll take you to pick up the duckling."

She replied excitedly, "Tomorrow! It's tomorrow!"

Soon she received a message from Zhang Jiuhui, who said that he would pick up Pippi early in the morning.

Zhang Jiuhui also inadvertently found out about Pippi's return to China, and now that she was asking about the little duck, the return was confirmed.

"I will wait for you obediently and love you."

Pippi couldn't help but radiate his love. He's so tired recently that he doesn't have time to talk about love.

When we meet tomorrow, she will definitely make up for the vacancy during this time.

The next day, Pippi woke up early in the morning, more active than going to the company before.

Pippi's mother and aunt both knew that she was on holiday today, but no one expected that she would get up so early and run out without breakfast.

She wanted to see Zhang Jiuhui so much. In the early morning, Pippi asked him to pick her up as early as possible.

Perhaps the two had a good understanding, and when Pippi rushed out, Zhang Jiuhui's car drove over.

As soon as the car stopped, she excitedly opened the door and got in the car. In this way, she also saved a breakfast time to get along with Zhang Jiuhui.

But not long after sitting in the car, Pippi's stomach growled, "I'm hungry."

She looked at Zhang Jiuhui pitifully, and a fast food restaurant flashed past the car window, "Can I have a hamburger?"

Zhang Jiuhui didn't respond, and Pippi thought he was hopeless for breakfast, but he never thought that he would take him directly to a French restaurant for breakfast.

The environment is very romantic and the music in the restaurant is very comfortable.

In a pleasant and leisurely morning, she was with Zhang Jiuhui so early, as if she had been together since last night.

"I just thought you didn't want to waste your time giving me breakfast."

Zhang Jiuhui immediately asked her back, "I'm so bad in your heart?"

Pippi raised her hand and gestured, "It's a little bit bad."

Zhang Jiuhui explained that he made a reservation for this restaurant when he received Pippi's message in the early morning.

This behavior is super intimate and romantic, and she is very happy.

She was still a little unhappy that Zhang Jiuhui hadn't been contacted, and Pippi began to count the bad things he did.

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

Zhang Jiuhui smiled faintly, his smile was full of apology.

"I've been too busy recently, so I can only hang up in a hurry when I answer your call. I'm afraid that you will be disappointed even more, so..."

Pippi immediately held Zhang Jiuhui's hand, "You will always answer my calls from now on, just in case I need help in an emergency."

"it is good."

Zhang Jiuhui readily agreed without any tension.

Pippi asked about the duckling, "Aren't you very busy, why do you have time to take me to pick up the duckling today?"

"It's rare to find time in a day."

Pippi immediately took Zhang Jiuhui's hand and gave him a high five.

He looked at Pippi puzzled, "This is?"

"For the tacit understanding of our sympathy for each other."

Zhang Jiuhui didn't quite understand these words, but what she said was what she said.

There is no need to pursue what the little bully said about ghost horse spirits, just be happy.

After breakfast, Zhang Jiuhui drove Pippi to the suburbs.

"We are?"

"Go to the suburbs."

She smiled awkwardly, remembering the magazine.

Pippi looked at him, "Are you taking me to experience planting and breeding?"

Zhang Jiuhui smiled faintly, "You will know when we arrive."

He not only wants to give Pippi a duckling, but also wants to show her a different world. They haven't seen each other for a long time.

Pippi got up too early and didn't get enough sleep.

She fell asleep in the car on the way to the suburbs. After an unknown period of time, she felt her eyes open when the car stopped.

She looked out the car window, "It's a pond, a pond."

What surprised Pippi even more was that there were a lot of ducklings swimming in the pond, and it was very fun to swing their buttocks.

"I want to get out of the car."

She excitedly opened the car door and got out of the car. Zhang Jiuhui got out of the car with a coat.

The temperature in the suburbs is relatively low. Today he checked the weather specially, and the weather changed a little along the way, and it became cloudy.

Pippi had already gone to the pond to watch the ducklings, and the duck breeders came out.

Zhang Jiuhui originally wanted to go to a pet shop in the city to buy ducks and Pippi found out if they were there, so he asked his secretary to go to the flower, bird and fish market, but there were none.

In the end, he found out about this place where ducks are raised on the Internet. He did not expect such a beautiful pond.

"I want to buy a duck."

The breeder smiled, "A duck...then I'll give it to you, this little duck doesn't have much money."

Pippi watched Zhang Jiuhui talking to someone from a distance, and she ran over quickly.

She handed Zhang Jiuhui her mobile phone, "You help me take a photo with the little duck."

"it is good."

Zhang Jiuhui greeted Pippi politely and went to the pond with Pippi, and took a few photos of her.

Pippi told the truth contentedly, she said that she dare not raise ducklings.

"Why, don't you like it?"

Pippi explained the reason why she didn't dare to raise it. She was afraid that she could not raise it well, and she was afraid that the little animal would die.

"I raised a puppy when I was a child, but I didn't know much about it. As a result, the dog died when it got sick... They don't need to please me, they just exist as long as I like them."

She took Zhang Jiuhui's arm, "You took me to see the little duck, I'm already very happy."

Zhang Jiuhui smiled, "Then let's watch for a while."

He stayed with Pippi in the pond until almost noon, and even though she spent the whole morning just watching ducklings swimming around, she felt very satisfied.

This is the time to spend quietly with Zhang Jiuhui, on a simple little bench, she leans on his shoulder and looks at the cute little duck.

On the way back, Pippi was still talking about the little duck just now, looking reluctant to part.

"When you're not busy, can you take me to see it?"


Zhang Jiuhui's answer doesn't need to be considered at all, he now feels that getting along with Pippi is a kind of relaxation.

She is really simple, simple to get happy and feel happy.

In fact, Xie Jian was like this at the beginning, he liked her innocent feeling, but after Xie Jian experienced many things, people also thought about it more, and there were more sentimental moments.

Zhang Jiuhui wanted to keep Pippi's simplicity at this moment, and tried his best to keep it.

He still doesn't know what kind of person he thinks of Pippi, but he is someone who wants to protect.

After several minutes of not speaking, Pippi felt that she was not in the right state, so she spoke first.

"We cannot be silent, it will feel awkward."

Is it embarrassing, Zhang Jiuhui doesn't think so, he feels very relaxed, it doesn't matter if he speaks or not.

Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui were discussing what to eat later, and when the discussion was in full swing, He Sheng called.

She reluctantly answered the disappointing phone call, "What's the matter?"

"I want to invite you to dinner, I hope you don't refuse."

Pippi was about to refuse, when He Sheng talked about the company.

"I heard that you took over the company. We may have cooperation in the future. I just want to maintain a good relationship with you, is that okay?"

He Sheng continued to explain, "I won't force you if you don't come, I just want you to come."

Pippi thought for a few seconds, "I'll send you a message later and give you an answer."

After hanging up the phone, Pippi talked about it with Zhang Jiuhui, and analyzed whether he wanted to have dinner with He Sheng for the sake of the company.

Zhang Jiuhui didn't know why, but when Pippi mentioned He Sheng, he would be inexplicably annoyed.

"He didn't force me, but why do I feel that I should go?"

Zhang Jiuhui's tone suddenly became serious, "Do you have time to meet him tonight?"

He was reminding Pippi that today's time had been given to him by default, but Pippi didn't feel it.

Pippi only felt that he was going to have lunch with Zhang Jiuhui now, but he was not sure what to do after lunch.

"I have time tonight, let's play in the afternoon after lunch and then..."

"try it out?"

Zhang Jiuhui is not used to Pippi saying these three words, is love just for fun for her?He immediately looked at Pippi with a cold face, "The company still has things to deal with, and we will leave when we return to the city."


Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui in astonishment, she hadn't realized that something went wrong on her side.

She took Zhang Jiuhui's hand with some disappointment, "You've said all the hard work, why are there still things, can you let the secretary handle it."

Pippi hoped that Zhang Jiuhui would stay, and when she pleaded, he softened a little, but he didn't let go immediately.

Zhang Jiuhui took Pippi's hand away, "We'll talk about it when we get to the city."

He wanted to drive, so Pippi didn't say anything more, for fear of affecting his driving.

When he was about to reach the city, Pippi said, "Just now you said that the company has something to do, and then I asked you to contact the secretary to deal with it. Do you want to contact me in advance now?"

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