The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1090 Give you freedom

She complained about Pippi's airs, "When will you be okay? In ancient times, your travel is at the level of Lafayette."

"Go, am I that old!"

The best friend replied angrily, "If you don't come down, we will grow old."

"Okay, okay, let's go down now."

After Pippi finished speaking, there was no movement at the door.

What's happening here?When my best friend was standing at the door talking just now, there was no other movement. She clearly remembered that she asked Zhang Jiuhui to wait for her at the door.

"Uncle? Brother, are you still at the door?"

Pippi asked anxiously, but there was no sound at the door, so she opened the door immediately in fright.

There was no one at the door, but the moment Pippi was lost, he found a figure in the corridor.

"Why are you not at the door, I thought you were gone..."

She was still in shock, Zhang Jiuhui turned around and was amazed by Pippi's costume change, his mind was short-circuited for a few seconds.

After calming down, he explained what happened just now.

"Your best friend came to talk to you, it's not appropriate for me to stand at the door."

Pippi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "There's nothing wrong with it, I have a very good relationship with everyone, and we just got bigger together when we were fighting, it's not that much trouble."

She smiled and walked in front of Zhang Jiuhui, "After you get in touch with them more, you will understand them."

Pippi's approach made Zhang Jiuhui take a serious look at the girl in front of him again. From the appearance alone, this would be the type he likes.

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Pippi in a daze, even he didn't know what he was doing.

Pippi took his arm excitedly, "Let's go downstairs."

She led him downstairs, and when they walked down the stairs, the posture of the two of them attracted the attention of many people, including He Sheng, who was looking away.

When the two of them went downstairs, they felt like husband and wife.

Pippi introduced Zhang Jiuhui to his group of friends, "This is from my family, you can see it clearly, and keep an eye on it for me in the future, don't covet it."

This is a joke, but the meaning of the oath of sovereignty is still obvious.

Pippi's friends immediately responded, "Don't worry about Pippi, I will notify you in time whenever I see your family from now on."

As soon as these words came out, Pippi immediately looked at Zhang Jiuhui, she was afraid that his friend's joke would embarrass him.

Zhang Jiuhui didn't have any special expression at this time, but it was obviously not as happy as when he was alone with him just now.

She tiptoed to Zhang Jiuhui's ear and explained, "Don't worry, they won't really stare at you.

I am a person who needs freedom, and of course I will give you freedom. "

Zhang Jiuhui didn't say anything, just smiled faintly.

It wasn't because of what he said just now that his face changed, but because the young people's party reminded him of when he was in school.

After class, he would also meet Xie Jian and play with some friends.

Pippi arranged for a dessert chef to make desserts, and everyone went to taste them. This activity did not attract Zhang Jiuhui.

He doesn't like sweets, so he stays away from that noisy area.

This evacuation coincidentally shortened the distance to He Sheng.

Pippi played excitedly with everyone, but He Sheng didn't participate, and followed her all the way.

After Zhang Jiuhui approached, he looked away.

"I remember you don't like to participate in this kind of activity."

He Sheng took the initiative to speak, but Zhang Jiuhui didn't respond.

He stood up anxiously, "The relationship between the two of us should not be the way it is now."

Things were a bit complicated back then, and it wasn't really anyone's betrayal, it's just that everyone made different choices.

Zhang Jiuhui is gradually letting go of this matter, but He Sheng, who is relatively naive, still broods on it.

"It's fine now."

Looking at the emotional He Sheng, Zhang Jiuhui spoke slowly, and the response was a little respect for him.

At the same time, he was also giving Pippi face, after all, this was a party hosted by Pippi, and He Sheng was also one of them.

He Sheng shook his head anxiously, "This is not what I want."

Zhang Jiuhui put the phone on the table and looked confidently at He Sheng in front of him.

"You don't get what you want."


He Sheng's expression changed in anger, and Pippi also noticed the change.

...Pippi immediately rushed over when he saw the situation of He Sheng and Zhang Jiuhui. After all, He Sheng liked him, and he liked Zhang Jiuhui. He Sheng would definitely dislike Zhang Jiuhui.

She rushed over to put out the fire with freshly made desserts.

Pippi smiled and put the dessert between the two of them. In order to turn off the fire, he could only hold back his partiality, which was relatively fair.

"Try it, it's delicious. I ate a lot just now."

After she finished speaking, she pointed to the dessert side, "Look, they are all waiting there. That dessert chef has a lot of tricks and can make thousands of them."

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Pippi, "What's the plan for tonight?"

He took the initiative to attack, and Pippi didn't know how to respond for a while.

"This... I just held a party and temporarily arranged a few projects. I'm not sure when the party will be held, so I haven't arranged anything to do at night."

Pippi explained, and He Sheng spoke immediately.

"Why don't I arrange it tonight."

Pippi just wanted to say no, but Zhang Jiuhui agreed for him.

"Pippi, since He Sheng said it, let him arrange it. He is good at these things."

He Sheng successfully took over the matter, but felt very awkward in his heart, because Pippi agreed only because of Zhang Jiuhui's consent.

It made him uncomfortable to see the woman he liked listening to another man so much.

The evening arrangement is his home game. If Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui are still in this state, wouldn't it be a slap in the face for him?Like an assigned worker, he began to prepare for the evening's activities.

He Sheng didn't want Zhang Jiuhui's limelight to overwhelm him tonight, so he made some preparations in advance.

When everyone arrived at the place where they had fun at night, Pippi was suddenly taken away.

Zhang Jiuhui was not very familiar with this place, so it was impossible for him to find Pippi immediately.

The person who took Pippi away was He Sheng's assistant, "Don't worry, Miss Pippi, Young Master He just wants to spend a few minutes alone with you at this time and say a few words."

Pippi was slightly worried, and was finally taken to the top floor.

With the romantic candlelight and the unobstructed night view, He Sheng rested his arms on the half-meter-high fence comfortably.

When the breeze blew, he looked back, and Pippi had already arrived.

"He Shao, the temperature is seventeen degrees and it is windy. Miss Pippi's dress is not suitable for staying for too long."


The assistant reminded He Sheng very thoughtfully, and this action inexplicably made Pippi feel more fond of them.

He Sheng smiled and waved towards Pippi.

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