First of all, you must know the background of the next family's wealth, and then you can grasp it.

Gu Mingchen's expression changed at this moment: "What are you doing?"

Seeing Gu Mingchen's appearance, Su Yan was a little scared. She didn't want to talk to him at first, but she didn't dare not answer.

"I'm looking at my phone."
Gu Mingchen's appearance confused Su Yan.

"Yeah, I'm looking at my phone, didn't you see it when you walked in?"

"See what? Let me see."

Gu Mingchen obviously saw the content, but wanted to order her, Su Yan glanced at Gu Mingchen, the two of them did not reconcile, why did Gu Mingchen...

"What's the matter! Take it out!"

While talking, Su Yan picked up the mobile phone next to the pillow and pressed it directly under the quilt.

In the end, Gu Mingchen's attitude became tough: "Take it out."

Su Yan was also very stubborn, determined not to listen to what Gu Mingchen had to say.

"This is a hospital, how can you reach out and rob like a robber?"

"What shady things did you see?"
Gu Mingchen deliberately continued to ask.

"No matter what I want to see, I have the right not to let you see it. You have to understand these things and learn to respect others! Are you happy to always force others to do something?"

Anyway, Su Yan won't stay in Gu's house anymore, and she can directly speak out the dissatisfaction she has been patient and accumulated.

"You don't like being forced?"
"Of course! Otherwise I'd go crazy!"

Gu Mingchen thought of the way Su Yan flung himself into his arms in the photo, and was so angry that he had a headache.

"If you are willing to rely on me, I am here, and I can satisfy you whatever you want."
Su Yan didn't understand the meaning of Gu Mingchen's sudden utterance, but thought it was an unsavory swear word.

"What's the meaning!"

At this time, Gu Mingchen took out his mobile phone and showed Su Yan the photos.

Su Yan immediately fell silent...

"This is…"

Gu Mingchen gave Su Yan a disdainful look, fearing that Su Yan would not understand the content, he explained: "I think my wife is not satisfied, so I found another man."

In fact, Gu Mingchen had many reasons for Su Yan to stay, but this sentence was enough for Su Yan to leave.

"No! The relationship between me and him is not what you think!"

"What does that look like?"

Su Yan couldn't say a word, because she had explained to Gu Mingchen many times that she and Zhang Jiuhui were friends, but Gu Mingchen had never believed it, and in such a situation, Gu Mingchen would not believe it.

"Did you find a good next family, the benefactor you maintained with your body and mind?"
Su Yan wanted to explain again, but when she heard Gu Mingchen's words, she felt a little angry.

She looked at Gu Mingchen for a long time before she couldn't help but sneer: "I'm by your side. Although the days are not long, they are definitely not short. Do you have me in your heart?"

"Don't you feel it?"
If he just looked at those photos of Gu Zeyu, Gu Mingchen would still control his emotions, but now, even Su Yan himself is checking Zhang Jiahui's information.

He even doubted whether Su Yan had long planned to leave him.

I originally wanted to rely on myself, but now I feel that I am not very reliable, so I hurriedly looked for a new pedal.

Su Yan couldn't speak, she was just angry, she was so angry with Gu Mingchen that she couldn't speak.

She stared at Gu Mingchen for a long time, but gritted her teeth, pointed at the door and said, "Let's go! Get lost! Don't talk!"

"What? After finding your next home, you don't want to stay with me anymore?"

Su Yan looked into Gu Mingchen's eyes, feeling a little scared.

"Stop talking, I just want to stay away from you."
Su Yan tried her best to turn her face away, and stopped looking at Gu Mingchen.

"Yes, I feel the same way about you, it's disgusting."
He tried his best to let go of Su Yan, and walked straight away.

It wasn't until the door was closed that Su Yan looked at the closed door and felt a little lost... Disgusting...Su Yan kept thinking about this word in his mind.

I don't know who is disgusting.

Thinking about Gu Mingchen's attitude, Su Yan couldn't be more angry!Without hesitation, Su Yan pulled out the infusion needle in her hand and left the hospital.

This hospital was arranged by Gu's family. She didn't want to live in it, and she didn't want to have any relationship with Gu Mingchen.

It's not bad that it can develop to this point.

When Li Yixiang received this news, she was all smiles.

When Gu Mingchen came out of the hospital, his face was expressionless... So this means that the relationship between him and Su Yan has been completely torn... This is the best opportunity. If you grasp it and win Gu Mingchen in one fell swoop, then she will take the position of Mrs. Gu. Sit tight.

Li Yixiang straightened his hair in front of the mirror, and immediately called Gu Mingchen.

Now is a good time to develop relationships.

It's late at night, never disappoints.

"Mingchen, I have something to tell you."
When Li Yixiang said this, he adjusted his tone to a very refreshing tone.

But Gu Mingchen on the other end of the phone looked like he didn't want to talk to anyone: "Let's talk about it later."

"This is a matter of work. It's urgent. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. I'll go find you."

Before Gu Mingchen answered, Li Yixiang had already hung up the phone. Since that was the case, Gu Mingchen couldn't continue, so he sent a message to Li Yixiang and told her the address.

It was the house that Gu Mingchen lived with Su Yan before marriage. Gu Mingchen didn't want to go home to face Mr. Gu, so he just came here by accident.

Gu Mingchen originally thought that when he came to a clean place, his heart would be much calmer, and people would become calmer.

But the fact is not the case, he can't settle down at all.

Li Yixiang arrived a bit slower than usual, she specially touched up her makeup a few times at the door before ringing the doorbell.

As soon as Gu Mingchen opened the door, Li Yixiang took out two porcelain bottles from behind in surprise: "Look, don't they look familiar?"

These two bottles are from a handmade yogurt shop that Li Yixiang used to accompany him to.

"It's so late, why did you bring this here?"
Gu Mingchen thought that Li Yixiang would not care about anything, so he asked.

Li Yixiang immediately put the porcelain vase in Gu Mingchen's hand: "You once boasted about the deliciousness of my cooking. This is the only time I have tried it. You encouraged me a lot and told me that I am a talented person. Want to do, anything can be done well.

Gu Mingchen looked at the porcelain vase, and recalled what Li Yixiang said, she was not lying.

"Then try it quickly, is what I'm cooking delicious?"

"Don't eat, it's too late."
Gu Mingchen replied without much interest, and then sat straight on the sofa, but Li Yixiang came over, stretched out his hand to hook Gu Mingchen's arm, and said coquettishly: "Try it, just take a small bite. This is to remind you, we In the good old days, you would drive to this store at night, and you would have to wait until after work.”

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