The secretary responded, "Okay, Mr. Zhou."

Everyone in Pippi's room left, only Zhang Jiuhui was left.

He looked at the fallen wine bottles in the room, collected them one by one and threw them into the trash can.

Pippi was not bad this time, all she drank was low alcohol concentration, it seemed that she was bored, so she relieved her boredom.

Zhang Jiuhui can naturally excuse Pippi's drinking in his heart.

After putting it away, he sat by the bed and looked at Pippi lying on the bed, "I like drinking so much, will I be a little drunk in the future?"

Zhang Jiuhui raised his hand to touch Pippi's forehead, and straightened her messy hair.

"You really……"

Pippi moved her body and rolled over, Zhang Jiuhui subconsciously blocked her.

"Be careful."

He even felt that this bed was not enough for Pippi to sleep on. She rolled around and was only suitable for sleeping on tatami so that she would not fall down.

Pippi fell asleep, Zhang Jiuhui stayed with her for a while and then contacted an interior designer.

He even forgot that Pippi was only staying here temporarily. In one afternoon, he asked the designer to create a Japanese-style room so that Pippi would not fall when he rolled over in his sleep.

"Mr. Zhou, it's done, is that okay?"

This is one of the rooms in his house, as well as a guest room. This order changed the style of the whole house for Pippi.

According to Zhang Jiuhui's idea, the designer made a tatami mat that sleeps directly on the floor.

Moreover, the sleeping space on the tatami is very large, and girls are more beautiful, and the storage cabinets are also relatively large.


Zhang Jiuhui smiled in satisfaction.

Not long after the designer left, Pippi woke up. She knew that Zhang Jiuhui was back, so she went to his room to look for him.

Zhang Jiuhui returned to his own room from the new room, and was surprised to see Pippi in his room.

"When did you wake up?"

Pippi looked at him sleepily, "Just now."

She may have been drinking too much, and when she woke up, her voice was a little hoarse, and she felt like a duckling when she opened her mouth.

After saying this, Pippi rubbed his throat in embarrassment, "This is me?"

Zhang Jiuhui asked Pippi seriously, "Does your throat hurt?"

He was afraid that Pippi's throat was inflamed or something. Although her voice was funny now, his first reaction was to make sure that she was healthy.

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a bit blocked."

Zhang Jiuhui was relieved when he heard her say that, it was just a normal feeling after drinking.

Pippi stood in front of Zhang Jiuhui excitedly, "I heard from my aunt that you came back very early, why?"

Auntie clearly told Pippi that Zhang Jiuhui came back for her.

She was very happy to hear this, but she hoped to hear it from Zhang Jiuhui.

Zhang Jiuhui hesitated, and cleared his throat. Hearing Pippi's voice, he felt that his throat was a little sticky.

"There are few things in the company today."

Just as Zhang Jiuhui finished speaking, the phone rang. In this quiet atmosphere, the phone sounded particularly urgent.

He answered the phone calmly, and the secretary reported on the phone what he had to deal with that day.

"Mr. Zhou, these are all handled according to your request."

It took more than 20 minutes for the secretary to report the work on the phone, and it would be conceivable to deal with it.

Zhang Jiuhui just said that the fact that the company has few things is tantamount to a direct slap in the face, and she quickly remembered what the secretary had talked to herself.

He is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and he doesn't show it very much when he cares about others.

But Pippi really hoped that he would express his concern, so that he would not be depressed, and others would be happy because of his dedication.

She took the initiative to hold Zhang Jiuhui's hand again.

"Brother, you came back for me, didn't you?"

Zhang Jiuhui was silent. If he didn't deny it, it was equivalent to confirming Pippi's words. She continued to speak, guiding him to become a proactive person.

"You just nod or shake your head, you don't have to say it."

A few seconds later, Pippi saw Zhang Jiuhui nodding, and she jumped on him excitedly.

"That's right, if you care about others, you should say it, so that when others are happy, you will be happy too."

"Happiness is contagious, don't you think?"

She hugged Zhang Jiuhui's neck tightly, and then her eyes fell on his lips.

"Let's have a kiss."

Zhang Jiuhui immediately tilted his neck back, avoiding Pippi's proactive kiss.

Pippi lay on him and refused to get off, so he just took Pippi to the new room.

"Did you go wrong?"

Pippi is very familiar with Zhang Jiuhui's house, this is not the way back to her room, Zhang Jiuhui is definitely going the wrong way.

She looked at Zhang Jiuhui with righteous words, "Is it because I am so fascinated by me that I am so irrational that I don't even know the way."

Zhang Jiuhui pushed open the door slowly, the room felt very soft as soon as it was opened, the light beige color made the atmosphere gentle.

"Wow, this is?"

Pippi has visited every room in Zhang Jiuhui's house, but she has never seen this one.

In her impression, this is not in line with the style of Zhang Jiuhui's house. Could it be that she has lost her memory, and she doesn't even remember such a room.

"I've never been in this room before."

Pippi was pleasantly surprised by this room, and she immediately jumped off his body.

She stepped on the tatami and couldn't help but lay down, "It's so comfortable, you can try it too."

Pippi stretched out her hand towards Zhang Jiuhui, but he didn't respond, she immediately sat up and grabbed his hand, pulling him down with a sharp tug.

Zhang Jiuhui was willing to be toppled, otherwise how could it be possible with only the strength of a girl.

Pippi and Zhang Jiuhui lay on the tatami, she closed her eyes easily, and imagined traveling with him.

"I feel like I'm in the grassland, the desert, anyway, I'm with you."

When she said this, she touched Zhang Jiuhui beside her to confirm that he was there, so she felt super at ease.

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Pippi, then unconsciously closed his eyes.

The amazing thing is that the moment I closed my eyes, another scene appeared in my mind. Although it is not a grassland or a desert, it is also a vast outdoor, which feels free and comfortable.

Pippi's first feeling ended, and she started the second feeling. She moved her body and leaned on his shoulder.

"I imagine myself now..."

Pippi was a little embarrassed to say the next thing.

Not long after, she felt her hand being held by someone, and she was very happy because there was no one else beside Zhang Jiuhui.

She shyly slowed down her speech, "What are you doing?"

"I'm afraid you will be taken away by traffickers."

Zhang Jiuhui's words were so disappointing, Pippi immediately shook off his hand and sat up, "It's not fun at all, you don't cooperate, that's not how other idol dramas are performed."

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