The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1055 Interesting Girl

Pippi looked unhappy, and her best friend praised her in different ways.

"Our Pippi is the most beautiful, a famous little angel."

Pippi sighed deeply, "."

K, stop, I want to sleep in the car for a while, you have no problem. "

The best friend immediately agreed when she heard this, after all, Pippi did seem to be in a bad state, she just didn't wake up.

The drive was far away, and Pippi slept peacefully for a while, and then accompanied her girlfriends to start various beauty-enhancing activities.

Pippi has been sitting on the side resting, staring at the phone from time to time.

The best friend noticed Pippi's move, "Pippi, are you waiting for Zhang Jiuhui's message?"


Pippi wanted to solve He Sheng, so she asked someone to investigate him. She was waiting for the person who investigated him to give her news.

But my best friend didn't believe Pippi's words, so she smiled silently and didn't say much.

After a while, my best friend talked about the clothes I prepared for Pippi, "Go home when everything is done, and you can change into the clothes and shoes I prepared for you.

The place of the party is close to my house, and we will start directly from my house when the time comes. "


Pippi watched the time go by helplessly.

This day was really boring, it passed very slowly, and I finally waited until I went home.

The best friend took out the clothes prepared for Pippi. Although they are both of the same brand, their styles are completely different.

Pippi belongs to the entry-level simple style, while the girlfriend's style is quite eye-catching.

"This dress?"

Pippi picked up her clothes. She is also a killer for all kinds of parties. My girlfriends should know her style, and they prepared such plain clothes.

"Are you taking me to visit the grave?"

The best friend explained awkwardly, "You are not interested in other men, so you can dress in such a low-key way to avoid trouble.

If you encounter some dog skin plaster and cannot get rid of it, you will be the one who suffers. "

What my best friend said was right, Pippi actually guessed what she was thinking.

When she changed her clothes and set off, her best friend took the initiative to admit her mistake.

"I was wrong. I chose this for you on purpose. I thought you didn't come here because of that man, so just dress in a simpler way to set off me and help me find a perfect male god."

Pippi looked helpless, "Yeah, I see."

At this moment, Zhang Jiuhui received a call, which was a voice he didn't want to hear.

"I will personally invite you to the first party after returning home."

Zhang Jiuhui paused for a few seconds before responding, "We chose different paths, sorry I don't have so much time to play with you."

The other party was instantly upset, "I invite you to hope that our relationship will improve. With your attitude, we can only be against each other forever. This is of no benefit, you know."

Zhang Jiuhui responded lightly, "You must stick to your choice."

He was about to hang up the phone after finishing speaking, but the man on the other end stopped him, "By the way, I forgot to tell you, I have already met her alone."


The person on the other end of the phone continued, "When I saw her again, I fell in love with her even more than the first time when I was drunk. She is really a very interesting girl. She is also interested in me. I can't wait."

The girl he was talking about was Pipi, and Zhang Jiuhui knew it.

But when the two of them met, he didn't know.

Except for going home to sleep at night, Pippi is in front of my eyes almost every day, so when did I see him.

Is it night?Zhang Jiuhui was not interested in He Sheng's party, so he hung up the phone after resolutely refusing it.

On the contrary, He Sheng talked about meeting Pippi on the phone just now, which made him a little worried, so he contacted Pippi immediately.

Pippi was surprised to receive a call from Zhang Jiuhui, because he seldom took the initiative.

"What's the matter, brother, why did you call me? Did you miss me?"

Pippi is looking forward to Zhang Jiuhui on the other end of the phone very much. If he says he misses her now, she can even abandon her best friend and go directly to Zhang Jiuhui.

"elder brother?"

Zhang Jiuhui didn't speak for a long time, and Pippi waited anxiously.

After about a few minutes, he spoke.

"Where are you?"

Pippi looked out the window, because the car kept moving, there was no way to give Zhang Jiuhui a definite coordinate position.

"I'm in the car, going out with my girlfriends."

His end still hesitated before responding, "En."

Pippi felt that Zhang Jiuhui's words were more than that, she continued to ask, "Brother, do you just want to ask me where I am, or do you have anything else to ask me?"

Zhang Jiuhui hesitated, he always felt that it was inappropriate to ask Pippi and He Sheng directly.


After answering, he wanted to hang up the phone, and accidentally saw the time and added another sentence.

"come home early."

Pippi and the others are more playful, and they must be late to go home, so he deliberately reminded Pippi.

This is concern, of course Pippi heard it, and was very happy.

"Okay brother, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you and go home as soon as possible.

Good night, I love you. "

After talking, the two of them hung up the phone, and Pippi's best friend who was sitting on the side looked at her.

"What's wrong with him?"

Pippi shook his head excitedly, "No, he's fine.

He will contact me even if he has nothing to do, because he is concerned about me. "

Seeing Pippi looking so happy, her best friend put her on her shoulders.

"Remember, I'm still single now, show affection in front of me and restrain yourself, or you'll be pricking my heart."

Pippi analyzed the situation solemnly, "The party I will accompany you tonight is a blind date, maybe you can catch that man, I wish you good luck."

As soon as my best friend heard this, she became excited again. She was agitated just now on the road.

"Wow, your blessing is good.

If that man is really captured by me, I will be willing to listen to you mentioning Zhang Jiuhui every day in the future. "

Pippi smiled triumphantly, "Don't worry, most of the time what I say is effective."

When the best friend heard this, she rubbed against Pippi, "I want to benefit from your success."

Soon, the party venue arrived.

The driver got out of the car first and opened the car door, and Pippi and her best friend got out of a car door holding hands.

My best friend was very excited when she saw the entrance, "Oh my God, this is so cool, it's like a rock concert."

Pippi also likes rock music quite a bit, so I am looking forward to tonight's event after watching this entrance.

At least this party was not like the ones I had attended before. It was in a hall of the hotel, and then there was the most common kind of high society party. It was really rigid and boring.

The best friend took out the invitation and entered with Pippi.

As soon as I entered, I found that it was really arranged like a concert. At present, there is a rock singer singing in the center of the stage, and he is a popular singer.

It belongs to the kind of good-looking, good-looking, and good singing skills.

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