The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1046 Loneliness

"Miss, there is something wrong with your aunt abroad, and the husband and wife have gone to deal with it."


She looked at the aunt at home in surprise, "When did this happen, why didn't anyone tell me?!"

The aunt explained, "You just came back from abroad, they didn't want you to make trouble, so they didn't tell you.

But I don't think it should be a big deal, otherwise I would have notified you anyway. "

Hearing such an explanation, Pippi was relieved a lot, which made sense.

If something really happened to the family, no matter what, she would be notified. If there is no notification, it is fine.

Pippi smiled and went back to her room.

Thinking about what happened with Zhang Jiuhui just now, I felt closer to him.

Before going to bed, Pippi dialed Zhang Jiuhui's phone number, "My parents have gone abroad, my aunt has something to do, and now I am the only one left at home..."

Zhang Jiuhui responded, "Are you afraid?"

Pippi would usually say that she was afraid when talking about being alone. This is a short phrase, she didn't mention it just now, so Zhang Jiuhui said it for her first.

"Eh? How do you know?"

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't help laughing when he heard her words, "Because you can't say anything else except this."

"Tch, that's not true. I still say I'm lonely, I'm lonely, I..."

"Good night."

While talking, Pippi stopped by herself. She saw the clock on the wall. It was time for others to rest.

Zhang Jiuhui answered and hung up the phone. He was the only one in the empty house.

Since I talked to Pippi just now, I can still hear her voice when I lie down.

What she said, her tone of voice, were all fun.

When recalling these, Zhang Jiuhui would laugh unconsciously, but he didn't know it.

The next day, Pippi went to Zhou's house early in the morning, and Zhang Jiuhui's mother was preparing breakfast.

Of course, she was only preparing breakfast for her son and Pippi, and she was not responsible for the breakfast of the rest.

"Auntie, what did you do this morning?"

Zhang Jiuhui's mother just wanted to match Pippi and him, so the breakfast they made was very romantic, and it looked like the kind that couples eat together.

She opened the breakfast in the box, "Look, Pippi, this is what I learned online yesterday."

Zhang Jiuhui's mother made the breakfast very cute, like a child's bento, and made it in the shape of a small animal.

Pippi's breakfast is a bunny, Zhang Jiuhui's breakfast is a little lion, an inexplicable sense of harmony.

"Wow, Auntie, you are amazing."

Zhang Jiuhui's mother smiled and patted Pippi's shoulder, "You have to work hard."

Pippi smiled and lifted the bag containing the breakfast, "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Then Pi Dai took the breakfast and left to Zhang Jiuhui's company.

He was explaining things to his secretary in the office when Pippi opened the door and walked in.

"Brother, I brought you breakfast."

Seeing Zhang Jiuhui's serious face, she sat aside and set out all the breakfast.

Pippi was sitting, leaning on his head in boredom and looking in his direction.


She yelled softly, and Zhang Jiuhui occasionally glanced at her casually, but quickly looked away again.

Finally waited until Zhang Jiuhui told the secretary that the matter was over.

As soon as the secretary turned to leave, Pippi quickly ran to Zhang Jiuhui's side and pulled him to where he was sitting.

"Auntie prepared this for us. I went to get it for you early in the morning."

Zhang Jiuhui smiled politely, "I've eaten."

Hearing what he said was clearly a refusal, Pippi immediately became unhappy, "What do you mean you won't eat?"

Zhang Jiuhui smiled faintly, "You eat first, I still have some things to deal with."

After he finished speaking, he returned to his desk, turned on the computer and started to act.

Pippi walked up to Zhang Jiuhui with the breakfast, took out a fork and brought the food to his mouth.

"The food I gave you doesn't give you a strong feeling of fullness. Eat as much as you want. Auntie prepared it."

It took a few seconds for Zhang Jiuhui to respond, "No."

Seeing Zhang Jiuhui's indifference to his actions, Pippi felt somewhat discouraged.

With some helplessness, she returned to the position she had just taken, and could only entertain herself to make herself happy.

Pippi took photos of two breakfasts and sent them to Moments. It looked like a couple's breakfast. Soon many people liked and wished, and Xie Jian was one of them.

When she saw Xie Jian's likes, she immediately sent her a message.

"Sister Xie Jian, where are you now?"

Xie Jian replied very quickly, "We are in the Grand Canyon, and we will return to China after a while. We will meet when we return to China."

When Pippi was returning to Xie Jian, she sent a message in succession.

"I saw your circle of friends, I wish you well, and when I return to China, I will bring another breakfast host to make an appointment."

Pippi originally wanted to talk to Xie Jian about Zhang Jiuhui's affairs, but he was playing so affectionately there, talking was a waste of his time.

"it is good……"

She put down her phone and lay down on the table with a tired look on her face.

Pippi seemed in a bad mood, Zhang Jiuhui noticed it, he hesitated for a moment, got up and walked to her side.

"Thank you for bringing breakfast, I'll save it for lunch."

He couldn't help touching Pippi's forehead as he said that, "Is it because you had a fever yesterday and still feel unwell?"

Pippi shook his head, "No, you ignored me, I'm not happy."

She is really a very simple girl, these words are very direct.

Zhang Jiuhui didn't know how to explain it. On the one hand, it was because of work, and on the other hand, it was because of his own heart.

"Pippi, I..."

Pippi immediately stopped Zhang Jiuhui, his tone now seemed to say that he was about to treat her as a younger sister again, and she didn't want to listen to it anymore.

"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first."

Pippi didn't say a word, and left in a hurry.

After leaving Gu's, Pippi contacted her parents. Her aunt was fine. The company run by her aunt had a problem, so her parents should stay for a while longer than expected.

"Take care of yourself, and don't wrong yourself in everything."

"Well, I know Mommy."

Pippi's mother was a little worried and told her again, "That Zhang Jiuhui made you work too hard, why not just forget it... Hey, I know that your thoughts are all on his side, but there are many excellent men, of course you have the capital Choose a better one."

Pippi almost cried when he heard his mother's concern, but he held back.

"He is the best man, if I get it, I believe the rest of my life will be very happy.

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