The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 104 Where is my mother

Obviously already has Li Yixiang, but this side wants to possess himself physically.

From now on, we must definitely keep a certain distance from Gu Mingchen!Otherwise, I will be so miserable that there will be no bones left!

After experiencing a series of things during the honeymoon trip, Su Yan finally returned to her hometown, feeling extremely exhausted physically and mentally.

The first thing Su Yan thought of on the plane was to visit her mother in the hospital.

In the past, when she wanted to see her mother, Gu Mingchen stopped her from going to see her. Now that Gu Mingchen is gone, it will take time even if she flies back by private plane, so Su Yan has enough time to go to the hospital.

After leaving the airport, Su Yan stopped a car and went straight to the hospital.

I tried my best to rush to the hospital, but I couldn't see my mother in the ward.

One nurse asked another nurse, "Su Yan's family." The nurse replied, "Her mother has already been transferred."

She asked the nurse angrily: "I am an immediate family member, why didn't you inform me! Can your hospital make decisions for itself?"

When talking about Su Yan, she cried emotionally.

Her mother was the last straw that overwhelmed Su Yan. She originally thought that she would be able to see her when she returned home and get the comfort she wanted most, but now...

Unable to hold back her emotions, Su Yan dragged the nurse abruptly, when the doctor arrived.

"Miss Jenny?"
When Su Yan saw the doctor, she felt rescued. She raised her hand and casually wiped away her tears.

"It's me, where is my mother?"

The doctor opened his arms and explained calmly: "The transfer is indeed through kinship, you can rest assured. As for which hospital you went to, you can contact your family to ask."

The doctor had just finished speaking, and before Su Yan could inquire carefully, he was pulled away by the ambulance.

At this time, several names of the Su family flashed in Su Yan's mind, but the Su family had long ignored her mother's affairs.

It could only be Gu Mingchen.

In this case, she cooperated with Gu Mingchen and was legally husband and wife, so Gu Mingchen was considered a relative.

Su Yan took out her mobile phone and dialed Gu Mingchen helplessly.

Opened his mouth without a trace of emotion: "Where is my mother?"

Gu Mingchen didn't answer her question directly, but asked the question he wanted to ask first.

"I'm back, are you okay? Where are you, have you eaten?"

Listening to Gu Mingchen's words, Su Yan only felt long-winded, without any emotion.

Then asking is just to distract her mother.

"Where is my mother! Answer!"

Gu Mingchen took a breath slowly, and said three words calmly: "Go home."

Su Yan exploded when she heard the news, it was her mother, why did she do it without informing her.

"Why do you decide for me!"
"We are husband and wife, of course I can call the shots."
Su Yan looked at the phone screen angrily, suppressed the anger all over her body, and asked Gu Mingchen: "Where is she... Where is she, I want to see my mother!"

"Don't you think your current attitude is not suitable for talking to me?"
Su Yan smiled contemptuously: "What else can I say?"

Since there is nothing more to say, there is no need to say any more.

Gu Mingchen was about to hang up the phone, Su Yan yelled into the phone: "Don't hang up! Tell me! Where is my mother!"

"I sent someone to send her out of the country."
Su Yan was immediately dumbfounded.

Went abroad... So, now she can't even see the people she cares about the most?If he wanted to see her, he had to surrender to Gu Mingchen, so that he could contain her?

Su Yan was furious at this moment, she was angry with Gu Mingchen, and also angry with herself for being powerless.

Now that she knows that Gu Mingchen will not let her go so easily, then she has nothing to say, she will not beg him!

Su Yan held back the breath in her heart without cursing, and immediately hung up the phone.

At this time, Su Yan was so angry that Gu Mingchen had chest pains, why did he meet such a person, it was like meeting a demon.

Frail and sickly, she lives the same day every day... Ever since she married Gu Mingchen, her whole body and heart have been tired and exhausted.

I can't just fall down now... Su Yan slowly walked out of the hospital with the help of the wall, and stood on the busy street, listening to the sounds around her.

Feeling even more restless...Walking aimlessly on the street, Su Yan became interested in a pile of beer at the street food stall.

Drunk people don't think so much!Su Yan sat on the small table by the side and drank half of the bottle in one go.

Su Yan's head was a little dizzy, but she didn't think it was enough. The guests on the four tables were all accompanied, and she wanted to be accompanied.

The priority is Zhang Jiuhui.

Su Yan dialed Zhang Jiuhui's phone number: "Have you escaped from the lion's mouth? I will share the location with you, and you are not allowed to be late within 15 minutes!"

After speaking, Su Yan hung up the phone and shared the seat with Zhang Jiuhui.

Zhang Jiuhui arrived earlier than expected... In fact, since Su Yan left Zhang Jiuhui's sight, he had already sent people to check Su Yan's itinerary.

Not long after he came back today, he received a call from Su Yan and happened to be on the way.

"I didn't escape from the mouth of a lion."
Su Yan forced a smile, it was just a joke, Zhang Jiuhui still had to explain.

Su Yan smiled and asked the boss to serve the wine.

"Drink, if you don't get drunk today, you won't return!"
Zhang Jiuhui watched Su Yan directly pick up the wine bottle and drink it, and then reached out to stop him.

"It's not good to drink like this at night, it's easy to have a stomachache, I'll pour you a glass, drink less."

Su Yan pushed Zhang Jiuhui's hand away: "If you want to accompany me, drink it well, if you don't want to accompany me, then go."

At this moment, Su Yan was very stubborn, and Zhang Jiuhui knew that Su Yan could not listen to advice, so he had a drink with her.

"By the way, after that person took you, how did you come back?"
In fact, even if Zhang Jiuhui sent someone to follow him, he would not know about the relationship between Su Yan and Gu Mingchen, so he wanted to ask Su Yan through the atmosphere of drinking.

It could be seen that Su Yan was in a bad mood.

And when Gu Mingchen took Su Yan away at that time, it was not so easy to resolve the anger and possessiveness of the man.

But what Zhang Jiuhui really wants to ask is what is the relationship between Su Yan and Gu Mingchen.

"Don't ask such nonsense questions! Drink!"
Su Yan didn't pay attention to Zhang Jiuhui at all, she just wanted to get herself drunk.

After Su Yan drank it all in one gulp, her mind became confused and she was still uttering nonsense words.

"How could he do this to me? Why didn't he let me see my mother?"

Talking about Su Yan's body crooked, Zhang Jiuhui immediately hugged Su Yan.

Then he leaned her body against himself: "yes, he is not qualified to do this, don't be sad."

The drunkard continued to speak naturally, following his own mood and said, "I'm not sad! I'm angry, this scumbag can't afford to lose!"

Speaking of this, Su Yan even beat Zhang Jiuhui: "Swear at me, don't make him proud! I want to beat him up wantonly!"

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't say such words, but Su Yan wanted him to vent with him, so he scolded a few words along with him.

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