Besides, the wedding she wanted wasn't too grand, as long as it was special and warm.

"You have to trust me."

Xie Jian squeezed Gu Mingchen's chin domineeringly, "Don't worry, I will make you marry me to your satisfaction."

Gu Mingchen was so excited that he almost didn't recognize the sick sentence.

He immediately raised his eyebrows, hooked Xie Jian's waist, "Who will marry whom?!"

Xie Jian pinched Gu Mingchen's nose and pushed him away to run away. The two happily quarreled in the living room when Gu Mingchen's cell phone rang.

The number was unfamiliar, Xie Jian took Gu Mingchen's cell phone.

"This is?"

He didn't have a saved number, and Xie Jian didn't know who this person was, so he was inexplicably worried. After all, the two of them were getting married soon, and she didn't want any more trouble.

"Do you want to pick it up?"

Xie Jian thought for a while and handed the phone to Gu Mingchen, who hung up the phone directly.

After a few seconds, I received a message. The other party claimed that he was Li Yixiang, explaining that he and Gu Zeyu were abroad now, everything was fine, and he also promised that Gu Zeyu would never become a threat to them again.

But she also explained that she had something important to tell Gu Mingchen, and Xie Jian called back the call without saying anything.

"You still listen to what she has to say."

After Xie Jian finished speaking, he returned to the room.

Gu Mingchen answered Li Yixiang's call.

"Actually, our lives are irrelevant. I have love and hate for you, but one day I will completely let go of all this, because at least I have gained some, at least my life is stable now."

Li Yixiang had prepared too much, Gu Mingchen felt that she was hesitating, she was hesitating whether to say what was said in the message.

"Yixiang, if you have something to say, speak up."

After hearing this sentence, she paused on the phone for a few seconds, "We are safe now, but you and Xie Jian are not safe enough.

Has your wedding date been set? "


Li Yixiang said hastily, "Don't make a big deal, don't let anyone but you know."


Although what Li Yixiang said was Xie Jian's thoughts, she definitely did not say that to fulfill Xie Jian's thoughts.

"Bai Chen!"

Li Yixiang urgently talked about the fact that she returned to Gu Mingchen at that time, that it was Bai Chen and Gu Zeyu who joined forces to take advantage of her relationship, but Gu Zeyu became an abandoned son, and Li Yixiang chose to stand by him.

Now they are all calm, but Bai Chen has become a person whose plan failed, he will not allow his own failure.

So Gu Mingchen and Xie Jian's wedding will be the time period he is targeting, and he has been observing the two of them.

"He and I have been far away from all that. I hope you can also handle this matter well. This is also my original intention to contact you."

After finishing speaking, Li Yixiang hung up the phone before Gu Mingchen and informed them, so she can live in peace.

... After finishing the call, Xie Jian came out of the room after a while, and Gu Mingchen was thinking about it.

Bai Chen is not an easy person to deal with, he is very ruthless, and he can do anything, he can kill and set fire, he can escape everywhere, he will fight anything.

Xie Jian looked worried at Gu Mingchen's stillness, and walked quickly to his side.

"what happened to you?"

Gu Mingchen immediately replied, "Nothing."

He wasn't going to tell Xie Jian about this, but he would definitely arrange protective measures during this time so that they could all be safe.

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen and didn't say anything. After getting along for so long, he would answer very quickly when he told lies, because he was anxious to make others believe him, so he was so restless.

"Okay, let's get ready to cook."

She took Gu Mingchen's hand to the kitchen and started preparing today's dinner.

"Jian Jian went out to play and will be back in a while."

With Xie Jian's accidental words, Gu Mingchen almost dropped the knife in his hand to the ground, "Jian Jian going out?"

"Yeah, he said that walking around the neighborhood and doing homework is too tiring, so he's more suffocated at home."

Gu Mingchen rushed out of the door immediately, and Xie Jian hurriedly followed.

She chased Gu Mingchen from behind and asked, "What's the matter, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Did he go out alone?"

Gu Mingchen asked Xie Jian as he went downstairs, Xie Jian replied yes, which made him even more worried.

Li Yixiang's reminder was not unreasonable, there was no longer Jian Jian in the community, and when Gu Mingchen sent someone to monitor, he found that Jian Jian had been taken away.

The screen showed that he voluntarily left with the other party, but struggled a bit before leaving, and negotiated for a few minutes.

The other party must have threatened Jian Jian or something, so he followed.

Jian Jian didn't use a mobile phone in China, so he couldn't locate him with his mobile phone. The other party also took Jian Jian away on foot with a group of people, and there was no license plate number to check.

Gu Mingchen has asked his special assistant to call the police, and he is also investigating.

Surveillance showed that these people had appeared in the community a few days ago, and today it was as if they had just waited for Jian Jian, and they took him away smoothly.

Xie Jian was dumbfounded looking at the surveillance. She knew it was a crisis, but she didn't expect it to be at this time.

"what should we do?"

Although the picture doesn't look dangerous, what good will it do to just take a child away like this!Xie Jian almost fainted helplessly, Gu Mingchen picked her up and took her home.

On the way home, Gu Mingchen analyzed the matter with Xie Jian, "Jian Jian didn't offend anyone.

He grew up with the old man. He didn't meet anyone at this stage, and then he was abroad, so those people came for us.

We wait for those people to contact, they will not act rashly, even if I spell myself, I will save Jian Jian. "

Xie Jian hugged Gu Mingchen's neck in fear when he heard this, "No, I want you all to be safe, if you have to change one by one, then replace me, I'm the most useless...I..."

She cried as soon as she spoke, the tears couldn't be stopped, no matter how Gu Mingchen tried to persuade her, she couldn't stop.

Xie Jian can stay calm in any danger, except for Jian Jian, who is her own child, she can't do that.

She was admitted to the hospital in such a hurry, and the wedding could only be postponed.

Gu Mingchen stayed with Xie Jian in the hospital, and there is no news about Jian Jian so far.

Xie Jian woke up from the nightmare, so frightened that the bed sheet almost tore.

The first thing she said when she woke up was to ask about Jian Jian's situation, "How is Jian Jian, is there any news?"

"Not yet, but don't worry too much."

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen in panic, "No... why don't you worry, will he be torn up, will he have been..."

She didn't dare to think about it, if she lost this child, she really wouldn't be able to live.

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