The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1019 Is the child alright?

Gu Mingchen smiled, and he hugged Xie Jian from behind.

"Actually, what I want to hear more is that the three of us live together."

"But I..."

Maybe it was because of another environment, the hurdle in Xie Jian's heart didn't play a big role, but it might not be so after returning to China, and she wanted to see Zhang Jiuhui when she returned to China this time.

"Okay, Jane will live with you."

Xie Jian couldn't continue talking, and Gu Mingchen wouldn't make it difficult for her, that was his child, and she lacked Jian Jian's growth, so she should make these requests.

Just as Gu Mingchen agreed to Xie Jian, the housekeeper called.

"Mr. Gu, the old man has been discharged from the hospital and has returned home now."

"Yes, I see."

This matter was so sudden, the housekeeper hung up the phone after he finished speaking, he was notified.

He was told that Mr. Gu was discharged from the hospital, and he had to face a lot of things after returning to China.

The butler has always been paying attention to his side, presumably Mr. Gu knows about the itinerary of him, Xie Jian and Jian Jian.

Mr. Gu never accepted Xie Jian after that, and Gu Mingchen was worried that something might go wrong between Jian Jian and Xie Jian.

He immediately stopped Xie Jian who was packing his luggage, "You and Jian Jian will return home a few days later."


"I have other arrangements, it's hard to explain."

Xie Jian hesitated for a while, but Gu Mingchen would never harm her, so she agreed.

That night when Gu Mingchen returned to the country and came back to the Gu family, the situation of the Gu family is different now. Although he has the real power in the Gu family, as long as the old man is still alive, he will only be the second in line.

In Mr. Gu's study, Gu Mingchen opened the door and entered.

Originally thought it was a game, but found that Mr. Gu was only asking about his recent situation.

This time, Mr. Gu narrowly escaped death and was discharged from the hospital, but his whole body was much older and his spirit was not as good as before. He couldn't stand the toss, so he wouldn't be too head-on with Gu Mingchen.

Gu Mingchen didn't know that the relationship between him and Mr. Gu was almost mutually restrictive, and Mr. Gu didn't say anything about it, nor did he show it.

"How is the child?"

"Very well, let's go on vacation now."

Old Master Gu coughed and continued to ask, "How is your relationship with Su Yan?"

Gu Mingchen didn't want to hide from Mr. Gu, he would not give up if he chose this person, he should let everyone know his position.

"Everything is going well and I will arrange the wedding as soon as possible."

He said this very firmly, and he didn't have the tone of discussing with others.

After hearing these words, Mr. Gu looked at him seriously, "I haven't made any progress in so many years. People who are fettered by emotions are too unwise."

"Yes, I am inferior to you.

But I would like to be a person with feelings and weaknesses, rather than a heartless person. "

Gu Mingchen's words expressed dissatisfaction with Mr. Gu and the Gu family. This family has no family ties.

After hearing these words, Mr. Gu was silent for a while.

"There's time to bring her to see me after that."

It's just a woman, Mr. Gu doesn't have so many things to insist on after going to hell. If you insist on being tough, it's a waste of your energy.

Besides, Gu Mingchen did turn the tide and manage the Gu family well when he was critically ill, otherwise the Gu family would have been defeated by Gu Zeyu. This is his credit, and Mr. Gu knows it.

Gu Mingchen knew all the good and bad things he had done to him, and the housekeeper remembered them all, and told Mr. Gu.

"Don't be afraid, it's not that difficult to fulfill you, I can do it now."

When Mr. Gu finished saying this, Gu Mingchen's heart suddenly sank when he came in. It was a feeling of tension and relaxation.

"Okay, I'll bring her here."

Mr. Gu nodded, "It's been hard work since you came back all night, go and rest."

Gu Mingchen got up and left Mr. Gu's study.

He still had to be a little careful about Mr. Gu's words. He still had to think carefully about Xie Jian's meeting with him, and consider when the most suitable time would be.

Gu Mingchen has been at Gu's house for the past two days, and he went to Gu's as usual. Apart from asking about the company's current situation, Mr. Gu didn't interfere in any of his management of the company.

Mr. Gu's discharge from the hospital this time is indeed a little different from before, but he still hasn't let down his vigilance. Maybe Mr. Gu is planning something.

About a week has passed, Mr. Gu has been recuperating at home, and occasionally asks about the company, but rarely.

After several days of observation, Gu Mingchen felt that Xie Jian and Jian Jian could come back from abroad.

He immediately sent someone to go abroad to bring Xie Jian and Jian Jian back, and asked Jian Jian to go home with Xie Jian first.

On the day Xie Jian and Jian Jian came back, Mr. Gu asked about meeting Xie Jian.

During lunch time, Mr. Gu put down the spoon suddenly while drinking the soup. The porcelain spoon made a crisp sound when it touched the porcelain bowl.

"When are you going to bring Su Yan here?"

This is the day when Xie Jian and Jian Jian came back. I don't know if Mr. Gu got the news or asked unconsciously. In short, Gu Mingchen answered very carefully.

"It's still a while, you just got out of the hospital not long ago, take more rest."

Mr. Gu smiled faintly. His smile was really long-lost. In my impression, he had hardly smiled in the past few years.

But the more this kind of abnormality made Gu Mingchen feel suspicious, he was worried about letting Mr. Gu see Xie Jian.

After lunch, Gu Mingchen left Gu's house and went straight to Xie Jian's house.

In the morning, he received the news that Xie Jian and Jian Jian had arrived in China safely, and they should be home by this time.

Gu Mingchen eagerly went to Xie Jian's house and knocked on the door, and it was Jian Jian who opened the door.

"Dad, you are here."

Gu Mingchen came in time, and Jian Jian and Xie Jian had just returned not long ago. Xie Jian was arranging the guest room and arranging Jian Jian's clothes.

Jian Jian happily pointed to the location of the guest room, "I said I can do it myself, but my mother insists on doing it for me."

Gu Mingchen gently stroked Jian Jian's hair, "She is happy to do these things for you, so just let her do it, just don't make her work too hard.

You have to stop her when it's too hard. "

"rest assured."

After Jian Jian said this, she sat on the carpet in front of the TV and played games, and Gu Mingchen went straight to the guest room.

"Xie Jian, did you have a hard time coming back?"

Xie Jian turned around immediately when he heard Gu Mingchen's voice, "It's not hard, just sit down."

She has doubled her affection for Gu Mingchen now, and she is even more happy that Jian Jian was sent directly to her when she returned to China this time.

Many obstacles in her heart will be eliminated because of these, and she also believes that her mother will be very happy about sending Jian Jian to her, so happy that she can tolerate her getting along with Gu Mingchen at this moment.

Xie Jian continued to organize Jian Jian's luggage, Gu Mingchen saw her flustered and took her hand.

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