After walking for a while, Zhang Jiuhui saw a house not far away.

"Look, someone lives over there."

Su Yan also took a look, rekindled hope, and immediately pulled Zhang Jiuhui to run, but accidentally tripped Su Yan.

Although Zhang Jiuhui survived, he failed to hold Su Yan in time.

He immediately stretched out his hand to pull Su Yan, but Su Yan's foot fell a little bit and she couldn't move. In the end, only Zhang Jiuhui could help her.

Zhang Jiuhui came to the only residence with Su Yan on his back. It was only when he stayed overnight that he realized that this house was the place where the director and photographer shot documentary films.

After learning about this, Su Yan was very excited, because she liked to watch this show when she was a child.

She chatted with photographers and directors very late, and asked them if they took pictures of what she saw when she was a child, but considering their age, these people are still very young.

Zhang Jiuhui, who went upstairs first, helped Su Yan tidy up the bed, but unexpectedly, Su Yan did not come back for a long time.

Zhang Jiuhui, who was waiting for Su Yan to rest, went downstairs anxiously, and asked Su Yan, "Why don't you go upstairs to rest?"

In an instant, the people next to him burst out laughing.

"Your boyfriend is very cute. Let's rest early and talk about it tomorrow. We will shoot part of it tomorrow. If you are interested, you can follow along, but it is a little dangerous."

Su Yan was attracted as soon as she heard it, and almost started talking again. If Zhang Jiuhui didn't stop her and pulled Su Yan upstairs, she might chat until tomorrow morning.

After going upstairs, Su Yan returned to the room.

After saying good night, Zhang Jiuhui was about to leave, Su Yan thought about it, and called Zhang Jiuhui to stop.

"Can I go tomorrow?"

Zhang Jiuhui guessed what Su Yan was thinking, and refused directly.

"No, it's dangerous. You're not a professional, so you can't do it just because you're interested. What if you don't pay attention and cause trouble for others?"

"However, someone asked me to invite me just now, didn't you hear that?!"
Zhang Jiuhui had insisted not to let Su Yan go, so he shook his head and said no, and went back to the room.

Su Yan also closed the door, she won't give up easily, Zhang Jiuhui won't go, she will go by herself.

Thinking of seeing animals up close tomorrow, Su Yan was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

After finally calming down and getting ready to sleep, Su Yan's cell phone rang. At that moment, she guessed it was Gu Mingchen.

She didn't say goodbye, nor did she leave a message. Gu Mingchen would know as long as he returned to the hotel.

She was trying to forget the unhappiness before and didn't think about it.

Su Yan reached for the phone and turned it off... The next morning, Su Yan got up early and changed into a jacket, which was convenient and quick.

While Su Yan was brushing her teeth, Zhang Jiuhui suddenly pushed the door open and came in, startling Su Yan.

Su Yan opened her mouth in surprise, and sprayed out the toothpaste foam on Zhang Jiuhui's face: "Why did you come in so suddenly, it scared me to death, it's really rude!"

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Su Yan seriously: "Are you sure you want to go?"

Su Yan insisted on nodding.

In fact, Zhang Jiuhui was just thinking about the last struggle, what if he could change Su Yan's mind?But, if not, he would still be with her.

"Then get ready, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Zhang Jiuhui went downstairs first to ensure safety. They were sitting in the car. It was an extremely safe off-road vehicle suitable for driving in the wild. After modification, the safety factor was extremely high, which made Zhang Jiuhui a little relieved.

Su Yan's injury was still not healed yesterday, seeing that it was not easy to go downstairs.

His face changed when he was walking, and he looked like he was in pain.

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't bear it, went upstairs to pick up Su Yan, and grabbed her by force.

The rest of the documentary photographers looked at Zhang Jiuhui and Su Yan with some uncertainty, and asked, "Can you do this?"

Su Yan nodded resolutely, then patted Zhang Jiuhui on the shoulder, and he also nodded in agreement with Su Yan.

"Well, we are all in the car, there is no activity, if you want to get out of the car, you can wait for us in the car."
A photographer glanced at Zhang Jiuhui: "Can you drive?"

Zhang Jiuhui nodded.

"It's just right. You are driving the car, and your girlfriend is in the co-pilot. You can all follow us. When we get off the car, for convenience, you should meet us at any time."

Zhang Jiuhui nodded happily.

The photographer said that in the past, every time they came out, they always had to sacrifice a photographer who stayed in the car and couldn't shoot the most ideal opportunity to get close to their own style. They were also very lucky this time.

Generally speaking, such drivers are difficult to find, and some people will not follow them because they think it is too dangerous.

In fact, the danger can be controlled, and it is generally good. After all, people will carry some high-tech self-defense equipment, which can be used when necessary.

Su Yan listened with great interest, and suddenly, the phone rang again.

It was a familiar number, she didn't save it, but she must have seen it recently, she answered the call hesitantly.

"Where are you now, ma'am?"

Su Yan could hear clearly that he was Gu Mingchen's assistant.

"Are you alright?"
Gu Mingchen's assistant spoke a little vaguely, Su Yan immediately hung up the phone, she guessed must be Gu Mingchen who wanted to ask, otherwise why would the assistant ask where she is.

Now she finally became happy and did some happy things again, so she didn't want to be disturbed.

As for cooperating with him as a loving couple, let's wait until we get back. She doesn't want to think like this at all now, she still wants to be willful.

The photographer recorded a lot on the way.

When it was time to eat at noon, everyone set up tents in a safe place and prepared for a picnic, which was a special experience.

At this time, Su Yan's cell phone rang again, and she simply turned it off.

Zhang Jiuhui sensed something was wrong with Su Yan: "Is he the one who made you angry?"

Su Yan shook her head and gnawed at the corn in her hand.

If Zhang Jiuhui was not too worried about Su Yan, he would never have mentioned her and Gu Mingchen in front of her.

Seeing that Su Yan shut up, Zhang Jiuhui didn't want to force it either.

"Show me your phone."
Hearing Zhang Jiuhui's words, Su Yan's eyes widened in doubt.


Zhang Jiuhui picked up Su Yan's cell phone with a smile and greeted her.

"I see you are not happy when you look at this phone, since it always annoys you, let me look at it for you."
Facing what Zhang Jiuhui said, Su Yan smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry about it, I don't want to talk to him anyway."
After lunch, she took a short rest and was busy again in the afternoon. When she came back, Su Yan was exhausted.

It's because her physical strength is not good enough, and other photographers don't work so hard like her.Su Yan silently hid this small dream in her heart, she still needs a practice.

Zhang Jiuhui was also okay, only Su Yan was tired and limp, and when he returned to his residence, Zhang Jiuhui still hugged him and got off the car.

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