The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1009 I Don't Want to Trouble You

"Pippi, you are reluctant, why do you have to embarrass yourself."

She took a breath, "I'm not embarrassing myself."

"Then you promise you won't be sad or distressed?"

Pippi couldn't guarantee Xie Jian's words, so she pulled out the matter of her studies to block it, "I'm reading what I like now, and if I have a hobby, my time and energy will be allocated. I think I'll be fine."

Xie Jian felt distressed when he heard this, "Pippi, I think you should think about this matter, did you just tell me?"

"Well, because I don't know if the decision should be said so directly."

Xie Jian affirmed Pippi's point, "You didn't tell your family right away that you were right, you should think about it again."

"This is the result of my consideration."

Hearing what Pippi said, Xie Jian had made a decision, which cannot be changed.

But the reason she told herself was nothing more than seeing that Zhang Jiuhui's thoughts were with her, so she wanted to tell herself that they were okay, and wanted to fulfill Zhang Jiuhui.

"Pippi, I understand how you want to fulfill someone's emotions.

But I don't want you to give up because of me, because Zhang Jiuhui still can't let go of me. "

Pippi was silent on the phone for a few seconds.

"I actually... I have considered this decision for a while, and I think this matter is not only for him, but also for me."

She continued, "Sister Xie Jian, I didn't consider your reasons, I didn't do it because he likes you and wants you.

It's like I like him, but he doesn't like me. Emotional matters require mutual consent. "

Hearing this, Xie Jian felt that this decision was right, and she would accept and bear it after thinking about the consequences.

"I do it for myself."

Pippi repeated this sentence again, wanting to prove to Xie Jian that she did nothing wrong.

"Ah That's good."

If this choice was for his own good and not for Xie Jian's reasons, Xie Jian would feel relieved.

"Then, I'm sure you'll do well."

Xie Jian encouraged Pippi, hoping that this matter would have a good result.

After this matter was finished, the two of them hung up the phone, but at the moment of hanging up, Pippi's eyes turned red.

The reluctance in Pippi's heart is probably only known to herself, she handled this matter very quickly, and then the news also spread from Zhang Jiuhui to Xie Jian.

"My engagement with Pippi is broken."

This was originally something that Zhang Jiuhui needed to do, but Pippi did not expect to bring it up by himself.


The tone of Xie Jian's answer was very cold. She was not surprised or surprised by this matter. Pippi liked Zhang Jiuhui and said that she would follow her freedom, but Zhang Jiuhui also benefited after all.

"Xie Jian, what's wrong with you?"

Her tone was too indifferent, Zhang Jiuhui was not used to it.

Xie Jian was silent for a few seconds before replying, "I'm fine, it's just that there's no need to tell me about you and Pippi.

And this incident separated two people, which is not a good thing to be happy about. "

She hung up the phone without waiting for Zhang Jiuhui to speak, and within a few minutes his call came in again.

"Xie Jian, my heart has always been only for you."

Facing Zhang Jiuhui's confession, Xie Jian replied without hesitation, "But I never have you in my heart."

She explained her own words, "Actually, you know who I love best, but you are always willing to pretend to be confused."

Although Xie Jian felt that what he said was serious, it was the truth.

"If you are angry because I said that, then I will find out about my grandma and my mother myself, and I won't bother you anymore."

As soon as Zhang Jiuhui heard Xie Jian say this, he stopped her, "I'll investigate this matter."

Liang Yu's eyebrows were difficult to deal with. Zhang Jiuhui's investigation had progressed for a while before there was a breakthrough. Xie Jian didn't have that much strength to investigate.

Regardless of whether she loves him or not, Zhang Jiuhui is unwilling to see her in trouble.

"No, I'll check. I shouldn't bother you so much."

Zhang Jiuhui replied with a firm attitude, "Let this matter be up to me."

He then explained to Xie Jian the reason why he did this, "I've been investigating for so long, so I'm more confident and have a clue than you. If you come to investigate, everything will start all over again. Wouldn't it be useless for me to do so?"

"But I... really don't want to trouble you."

Zhang Jiuhui immediately answered, "Then you should treat it as my investigation for Auntie. I will investigate for Auntie. You have no position to refuse."

Xie Jian sighed helplessly, "Then, thank you."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and there was a knock on the door immediately.

Qingqing has been taking care of the child for the past two days and has no time to go upstairs. Now that the child is fine, she came up to find Xie Jian immediately.

Before Xie Jian asked her to come up because he was in a bad mood, Qingqing thought that he would have time to spend time with her.

"You are lucky. Today is just the weekend. My husband is at home looking after the children. I will stay with you for a while."

Xie Jian smiled at Qingqing, and then took out beer and drinks from the refrigerator, and some snacks from the kitchen cupboard.

"That's all that's left at home, is that enough?"

Seeing that she was looking like drinking to drown her sorrows again, Qingqing stopped her.

"I can't drink with you. If I drink too much, it will be difficult for my husband to take care of the two children."

Xie Jian shrugged reluctantly, "Okay, then I'll put it away."

Seeing that Xie Jian was a little lost, Qingqing stopped her who was walking towards the refrigerator, "Why don't you keep two cans, one can for each person, I can drink one can, and then keep the snacks too."

Hearing these words, Xie Jian had a smile on his face, Qingqing secretly sent a message to Gu Mingchen.

The content probably said that Xie Jian was in a bad mood, so let him come over as soon as possible if he has time, and open the door for him while I am here, so I am not afraid that Xie Jian will turn him away.

Qingqing stared at the phone for a while, and found that Gu Mingchen didn't reply to the favorite message, she was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that this is a matter of creating opportunities for him, even if he pays a thousand dollars, he should agree, it shouldn't be that there is no result.

Qingqing wondered if there was something awkward between Xie Jian and Gu Mingchen.

She looked at Xie Jian, "Xie Jian, have you and Gu Mingchen met recently?"

Xie Jian hesitated for a moment before answering, "No."

"When was the last time we met?"

Unable to understand why Qingqing asked this again, Xie Jian was not in a high mood when he heard that Gu Mingchen was concerned.

But Qingqing had been waiting for her answer, and she had to say that the latest time was when Gu Mingchen followed her back to the community, and she hadn't seen each other since then.

"Is there any trouble?"

Qingqing/It really broke the casserole and asked the end, Xie Jian shook his head, expressing that he didn't want to mention Gu Mingchen too much.

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