The character setting in "Daqian" is close to reality, and the negative state like being drunk will also slow down the actions of the characters in the game.

Qiao Mai knocked on Chang Yining's head, and asked, "Didn't you say you're going to download the Foundation Establishment Dacheng dungeon today? Or are you planning to change schools and learn Drunken Fist?"

"Don't, don't laugh at me." Chang Yining hugged the wine jar, and bumped his head into Qiao Mai's palm aggrievedly, "Tell me, what's so good about Nie Yuan? Why are so many women following him?"

Seeing that he would not be able to get up for a while, Qiao Mai simply sat on his side, picked up a peanut and put it in his mouth.

"Is he popular?"

Chang Yining nodded: "My younger sister and older sister like him, and the soul of this game, your idol Qiao Mai, the top of her head is green like that, yet she still hasn't divorced Nie Yuan."

Speaking of this, Qiao Mai was also very depressed.She was not idle when she was not following Wu Momo's treatment in Beidu City, and spent all her money hiring the best divorce lawyer to handle the divorce lawsuit with Nie Yuan.

The professionalism of the lawyer team is very good, and they did not disclose any information about her throughout the whole process, so that there is no real evidence of the breakdown of their marriage on the Internet.

This kind of lawsuit is very troublesome to deal with, but Qiao Mai voluntarily gave up all the property after marriage. Logically speaking, there should be no tug-of-war over property division.But no matter how eloquent the lawyer team was, Nie Yuan's side firmly refused to accept the divorce mediation. Therefore, the court could not make a divorce judgment.

Nie Yuan did not meet any of the conditions for a forced divorce. He had no domestic violence, gambling or drug abuse.Although he and Chang Huiyu were rumored to be scandalous on the Internet, there was no evidence of cheating that could be judged by the judge, and he and Qiao Mai had been separated for less than two years.

The verdict has not yet come down, and the lawyer has explained to Qiao Mai that the possibility of a divorce is very small.

"Hey, who wants to have a touch of green on the top of their head?"

Qiao Mai picked up the wine cup in Chang Yining's hand, and couldn't help drinking it.

The two of you drank the strongest wine in the restaurant, and condemned Nie Yuan together while drinking.After drinking, Chang Yining had a drink and insisted on mentioning to download the dungeon.

It has to be said that fighting in the game can really relieve stress. Qiao Mai fought side by side with him for an hour in the dungeon. When they came out, their equipment was torn and their blood bars had bottomed out.

It was midnight in the game world, and the sky was full of stars. Chang Yining lay down on the grass with a blade of grass in his mouth, with his hands behind his head, secretly looking at Qiao Mai who was sitting beside him.

She stretched her hands behind her back, raised her graceful jaw slightly, and her eyes were full of starlight.

Intoxicated, Chang Yining got excited for a moment, and asked, "Xiaosui, which city are you from?"

When you meet a girl who is more sensitive, you may be able to see his throbbing.But Qiao Mai knew his position and had no experience. For a moment, he felt that Chang Yining had seen through something, and said nonsense, "I'm from Lingnan City."

"Oh...then one of us is in the south and the other is in the north." Chang Yining lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and said happily, "But it doesn't matter, I just graduated from university and haven't officially started working yet. I can come and find you play!"

Qiao Mai looked down at him in surprise, not sure if he really didn't recognize him, or was trying to find out on purpose.

She smiled casually: "I see that the light is dead, so I don't want it."

When Chang Yining heard this, he turned his head angrily: "I didn't meet you because of my appearance, but I was a comrade in arms who fought side by side. Besides, you pinched your face so much like Qiao Mai, I saw you Angry. As long as you don't look like this in real life, I don't care how ugly you are."

Qiao Mai was stunned, then covered his belly, and laughed loudly.

Chang Yining was fooled by her, thinking what's so funny about this?But seeing her trembling back with laughter and tears in the corners of her eyes, he was relieved again.

Forget it, he didn't get drunk in vain to make his friend happy.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and when the final judgment of the court comes down, Qiao Mai must attend in person.A reporter who had been in ambush in the courthouse for many days finally squatted down on her, and surrounded her when she came out like a mosquito smelling blood.

"Dr. Qiao, do you come to the court this time to file a divorce lawsuit with Nie Yuan?"

"What about your verdict? How about the division of property?"

Qiao Mai avoided answering, and quickly walked towards the parking place under the escort of the lawyer team.

"Look, it's Nie Yuan who has come out!"

Most reporters immediately chose to abandon Qiao Mai and turn to Nie Yuan.

The bodyguards around Nie Yuan skillfully started to build a human wall, but Nie Yuan waved his hand to stop them.

The reporters smelled the gossip, and asked Qiao Mai's question again with more enthusiasm.

The man nodded aggressively and said, "Indeed, my wife and I are in a divorce lawsuit, but the judgment has already come down, and the divorce lawsuit is not supported."

"Is there a problem with property division?"

Nie Yuan looked at Qiao Mai from a distance, and slowly shook his head: "No, there has never been a question of property division. Madam proposed not to have any property."

The reporters were so surprised that they lost their voices collectively, and no one asked the next question immediately.

Someone who reacted quickly caught the key: "The person who proposed the divorce is Dr. Qiao? She doesn't want property, but you, Dong Nie, don't want a divorce?"

Nie Yuan generously admitted: "That's right."

"Then Nie Dong, what is your relationship with Miss Chang Huiyu?"

"In short, it's not a lover relationship." Nie Yuan seemed to think that the answer was enough, and quickly walked through the crowd with his long legs.The reporters were isolated from the human wall, but even without bodyguards, the aura of the man made them fear from the bottom of their hearts.No wonder this boss was able to keep a low profile out of the eyes of the media in the past, so why is he taking the initiative to accept interviews now?

Qiao Mai sat in the car, looked at Nie Yuan's back through the one-way glass, and smiled ironically.

As expected of Nie Yuan, who doesn't take other people's hearts seriously, no one will give such an answer.

That night, the divorce lawsuit between Nie Yuan and Qiao Mai made the headlines of various websites. Everyone talked about Qiao Mai's voluntary relinquishment of property, and discussed Nie Yuan's words and deeds.

[If you ask me, Nie Yuan is a typical example of the red flag at home not falling, and the colorful flags fluttering outside. 】

[It is said that the second lady of the Chang family is an illegitimate daughter. If she wants to marry her home, Nie Yuan will definitely feel ashamed. In comparison, a highly educated beauty like Dr. Qiao is better for showing off. 】

[Qiao Mai's background is so ordinary, it is obviously more advantageous for Nie Yuan to marry the second lady of the Chang family! 】

[Upstairs, you can't understand the world of the rich at first glance.A giant crocodile of Nie Yuan's level doesn't need a marriage at all, but the Chang family needs him even more. 】

Netizens were more excited than Qiao Mai.She doesn't care about gossip, she just worries about her marriage with Nie Yuan.

Qiao Mian was recently helping the Ministry of Security train agents, and he went home every three or four days. When he learned that his mother had lost the lawsuit, he was calmer than Job: "Mom, you have been separated for less than two years now, and it is normal that you cannot force a divorce. Travel to relax?"

Qiao Mai shook his head: "No, now that Wu Momo's condition is showing hope, I have to stay in Beidu City to observe the data."

Job came over and said, "Why do I feel that my mother is playing games all day long? If it wasn't for the recent filming, I would also go in and play."

After Job recovered, he entered the group and resumed shooting non-stop.Fortunately, the production team was in the film and television city on the outskirts of Beijing. When he didn't have many rehearsals, he would go home to rest.

Qiao Mian walked to the sofa, picked up a sleeping black and white two-color Garfield, and threw it on Qiao Mai's lap: "Let the sixth brother play games with you, Mommy lies on the bed all day and is addicted to games, we will also worry about it." You were kidnapped."

Qiaojia let out a "meow" and wiped his sleepy eyes with his paws: "But there is only one helmet at home."

Qiao Mian picked up the delivery boxes piled up under the courtyard: "Don't worry, I got one."

Qiao Mai pulls Qiao Jia into the three-person group of Get, and introduces him as his younger brother, who will play games with everyone in the future.

Due to treatment reasons, Wu Momo almost stayed in the game except for sleeping.She received the news of getting connected to Get from the chat conversation, and happily welcomed Qiaojia to play online.

Ning Qiu never responded.

In reality, Chang Yining had a fierce quarrel with his parents, and Nie Yuan's refusal to divorce completely touched his bottom line.He asked his parents not to cater to Nie Yuan anymore.

"Our Chang family is not as rich as Nie Yuan, but it's not a small family. Dad, Mom, don't you feel ashamed to send Chang Huiyu to pamper him every day? What do you make my sister think?"

Father Chang's face was livid, and he slapped him across the face.

"Old Chang! Why did you hit him!"

"Hmph, I'm going to beat him today. A loving mother is a loser. It's because you protect him all day long that he doesn't know how difficult it is to maintain a huge family business. He only knows how to enjoy himself and play games all day long, reprimanding him. We have treated our daughter badly."

Father Chang pointed at his only son's nose and scolded: "Chang Yining, if you really have the backbone and really want to help your sister, you should learn how to run a company and use your strength to make Nie Yuan bow down. When you can bear Nie Yuan's The consequences of Yuan's anger, you come to protect your sister again!"

This slap caused Chang Yining to tilt his head, his disheveled bangs covering his eyes.

Mrs. Chang was very worried, she held his face and wanted to check.

"I'm fine, Mom." Chang Yining raised his head, his eyes were firm, "Dad, that's what you said, as long as I can run the company independently, you let me fight against Nie Yuan."

Chang's father's face softened a little: "Do you know what it means to run an independent business?"

"I know, Dad. You ask."

The father and son had a long talk in the study, and Chang Yining returned to the room with a hard drive full of materials, washed his face and cleared his mind, only then did he see the message from Qiao Mai.

Instead of replying in the group, he poked the account named "Rong Sui" privately, and solemnly said: [Xiao Sui, I will start to take over my family's company recently, so I can't play games anymore. 】

Because of his generous shots, everyone in the game knows that he is a rich second generation.

Seeing that Qiao Mai didn't reply, he added anxiously: [But I will come back to play when I have time, and...]

[Can you chat with me occasionally? 】

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