Qiao Mai was really frightened. With his hands on the wall of the elevator, he looked at the man: "Sir, get up and talk first, don't kneel down with me. Xiaojia, go help him up."

Qiaojia went to help the man, but the man wanted to insist on kneeling, but he didn't expect that the cute and lazy young man had such strength and easily pulled him up.

The man wiped his tear-filled eyes, choked up and said, "Dr. Qiao, I heard online comments that your game can cure diseases, especially neurological diseases. My daughter is being treated in Beidu No. [-] Hospital, please." Please go and see her!"

Qiao Mai was a little embarrassed: "This gentleman, using holographic equipment to treat diseases is still in the experimental stage..."

"I'm here to ask you to let my daughter participate in the experiment!" The man wanted to kneel down, but Qiao Jia raised his hand quickly.

The man was at a loss and didn't know what to do to get Qiao Mai to help.

Qiu Mai saw his embarrassment, and took out a business card from the canvas bag on his shoulder: "I can't decide the details of the experiment, but I can introduce the person in charge of the experiment for you. I'm going to visit a patient today, and I can't give details Tan, here is my business card, you take it, we will contact you later."

The man took the business card tremblingly, hope appeared on his wrinkled face, wept with joy, and handed over a small crumpled piece of paper: "Okay, okay, thank you, you are such a good person, Dr. Qiao ! My name is Wu Xueqiang, this is my phone number, you must remember to contact me! This is my daughter's last hope..."

Speaking of this, the old father could no longer control his grief, and tears were already running down his face.

Until entering the VIP ward area, Qiao Mai was still in a melancholy mood.She thought of her two lost children, and patted the heads of Nie Xin and Nie Chongzhi. It would be great if...they were really her children.

But she also felt that her mood was too despicable. The two children of the family could recall the days when they lived in the slums with their biological mother. Her extravagant expectation was not only unfair to the lost four treasures and five treasures, but also sorry for the painstaking efforts to bring Nie Xin and Nie Xin together. The woman born to Nie Chongzhi.

In order for Job to rest at ease, the crew discussed with the hospital and arranged bodyguards to guard all the entrances and exits of the VIP area. Therefore, when Qiao Mai arrived, the front of the ward was very quiet. She knocked on the door twice, and Xiao Yaxin immediately opened the door to welcome her.

"Dr. Joe."

"Hello, Empress Xiao." Qiao Mai and her had been on a show, but they didn't know each other at all. It was embarrassing to meet her face to face at this time.

With a calm expression, Xiao Yaxin led her through the entrance of the ward to the spacious medical area.

"Dr. Qiao, please call me Yaxin. This time Xiaobu was injured, and I have to bear the main responsibility. As a producer, I didn't supervise the equipment on the shooting site properly."

"Ya Xin, don't blame yourself."

Xiao Yaxin took all the responsibility on herself, Qiao Mai who is not good at communicating with strangers really didn't know how to respond.Joss took Qiu Mai's hand and squeezed it nervously.

"Xiao Si, what's wrong?"

"Mommy, I want to pee," said Joss slimyly.

His obviously abnormal behavior made Qiao Mai realize that something was wrong, and took him to the bathroom. After closing the door, Joss leaned into her ear and whispered: "Mom, I can't hear Xiao Yaxin's heartfelt voice, but, but I was in the variety show before." You can hear it."

The last person Joss couldn't hear was Nie Yuan, and Qiao Mai hurriedly knelt down and asked him, "She didn't have any strange ideas before, did she?"

Joss shook his head: "When I was doing missions with her in the variety show, all she could think about was solving puzzles, or it was about filming TV series with my brother, nothing special."

"Mom knows. Xiao Si, don't worry, don't show any abnormalities, let's observe again."

Job was lying quietly on the hospital bed, his chest rising and falling steadily. Nie Xin and Nie Chong held one of his hands and talked in a rambling manner.

"Ya Xin, I'm here, you go to work first, I've worked hard for you these few days."

Xiao Yaxin nodded: "Okay, Dr. Qiao, if Xiao Bu wakes up, he must notify me."

After Xiao Yaxin left, Nie Chongzhi suddenly changed back into a cat shape, jumped onto the bed, and walked to the side of Job's handsome face.

Qiao Mai picked him up in surprise: "Chongzhi, what's wrong? My brother's head was broken, don't hurt him, be good."

Nie Xin came up to explain: "Mom, you misunderstood. The younger brother has special abilities that can heal internal and external injuries. You let him lick Brother Qiaobu. Really, just trust us once, Mom..."

He acted so sincerely that even Joss nodded to her to show that he was believable.

Qiao Mai put Nie Chongzhi back on the hospital bed, protecting the equipment attached to him.Nie Chongzhi was very careful, making full use of the cat's agility, twisting his little feet between various lines, leaning over to aim at Job's ear, and extending his tongue to the back of his head, licking it one after another.

"Okay." Nie Chongzhi raised his head and looked seriously at Job's face.

Qiao Mai was afraid that if it didn't work, the child would be sad, so he picked him up and kissed him.

However, the next second, the beautiful man laying on the hospital bed opened his eyes slowly, seeing the family suddenly appearing in front of him, he was still in a daze, and said slowly: "Mom...Mom..."

"Xiao Bu, don't move, let the doctor take a look at the situation first."

Joss immediately helped to ring the bell, and the doctor in charge of the VIP ward came quickly. He carefully pushed Job to several examination rooms, checked his whole body, and shook his head in shock: "It's strange, it's strange, before During the examination, Mr. Qiao clearly still had an intracranial contusion, but now the film shows that he has recovered. How about I arrange an expert consultation?"

"Isn't it a good thing?" Qiao Mai knew that the cats were unusual, and hurriedly persuaded the doctor, "Thank you for your dedication, and there is no need for expert consultation."

Of course, the doctor respected the hospital for the patients and their families. He suggested that Job stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days, and gave them space.

Qiao Mai happily grabbed Job's hand and asked him what he wanted to eat.

"The last time my mother learned Mr. Shang's precise measurement of cooking methods, I asked him for the stew recipe. There are several kinds. You can choose. There are soybean trotter soup, wolfberry perch soup, and corn ribs soup. ..."

"Goji berry perch soup, thank you mom."

"The mouth is so sweet. Be good, Xiao Jia is here to accompany you, lie down quietly, don't run around, and mother will go back to the hotel to make soup for you."

"Wait!" Job lifted the quilt directly and grabbed Qiao Mai's wrist, "Mom, I'm really fine, I'm alive and well, I can't wait to be discharged from the hospital now, you don't need to be quiet, you can stay, that door There is a kitchen inside."

Nie Xin pouted: "Then you have to work hard for your mother to cook soup for you."

"You child!"

The two cubs, one big and one small, got entangled with each other, almost overturning the hospital bed.

Among the children, Job and Nie Xin were the most impulsive. Before Qiao Mai could tear them apart, Nie Xin was suddenly knocked down by inertia.

"Xiaoxin!" Job turned pale with fright, and wanted to get out of bed to help, because he had been lying on the bed for too long, and his movements were a step slower.

When Qiao Mai picked up Nie Xin, he suddenly saw something under the bed.

She put Nie Xin to sit beside the bed, and knelt down to check.

Job was confused, crawled to the bed and stretched his head: "Mom, what are you doing? I really didn't mean it just now. I was wrong. I will definitely treat my brother well in the future!"

"Shh, you go back to bed first."


Qiao Mai straightened up, holding a button-sized black round shell in his hand, took out his mobile phone, brought the two devices closer, opened a program with a black background, and tapped with two fingers.

Qiao Jia tried to peek, but it was useless, he couldn't read a single character.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Qiao Mai's brows tightened, he turned off the screen of his phone, and sighed, "He's a master."

Nie Chongzhi kept quiet and asked, "Is it a listening device?"

"That's right, I wanted to anti-trace, but the other party's method is not low, and he cut off the network before I cracked it. Xiaojia, help me deal with this thing."

Qiaojia took the bug | and twisted it casually with his fingers, and the button-shaped black shell was crushed by him.He walked around the room again, checked every corner, and found several listening devices one after another. After Qiao Mai confirmed that they had lost the signal, he crushed them all with his hands.

Nie Xin and Nie Chongzhi were both stunned, and they couldn't imagine that this was the usual lazy Garfield.

Job held Nie Xin in his arms, stroked his younger brother's hair, and gritted his teeth: "Who did it? They put a listening device under my bed, are they those damned paparazzi?"

Qiao Mai shook his head: "I don't think so. This kind of listening device is high-tech, waterproof and electricity-proof, very small in size, and the signal transmission distance is very long, like military technology."

"Military use?" Job recalled vigorously, "But, apart from my eldest brother, I have never had any contact with anyone related to the military."

Nie Xin yelled "Aww" and broke free from his clutches, and hid behind Nie Chongzhi: "Damn it, take it easy, my head is going to be bald by you."

"Don't worry about who it is. We don't know the purpose of the other party. There must be someone watching Xiaobu. It's not safe for you three children to stay here. Xiaojia will send them back to Ningnan City first."

Nie Xin said, "Mom, we just came here."

Nie Chongzhi said, "I don't want to go back."

Qiaojia said: "In my opinion, it is safer for the elder brother to send someone. These few days, he accompanied Ling Ye to sign the final international cooperation contract in Beidu City. There are also a large number of people from Zhihu here. Why don't you ask the elder brother to take action and wait for Ling Ye? When we return to our country, Eldest Brother can personally help us find out who is trying to harm Third Brother."

"Your elder brother—"

dong dong!

The nurse's soft voice sounded outside the door: "Mr. Qiao, Ms. Qiao, Mr. Shang Yueming is here to visit."

Qiao Mai walked to the entrance and looked out through the cat's eyes, Shang Yueming's calm and indifferent handsome face was facing the door.

Qiaojia held the doorknob: "Mom, I'll come."

The door opened, Shang Yueming looked at the expressions of the two, and his heart tightened slightly: "What happened?"

Qiu Mai's instinct is to believe him, but everything still depends on evidence. As Job's immediate boss, his suspicion cannot be ruled out.

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