"Bai Yueguang?" Nie Yuan lowered his head and took the photo frame, "You say she is my Bai Yueguang?"

"Otherwise? You keep putting her picture on the table, and you don't have any brothers or sisters. Could it be that the information on the Internet is fake?" When Qiao Mai asked this question, there was something in his heart that he couldn't even explain clearly. expect.

Nie Yuan shook his head: "She is not my brother or sister. This matter is very complicated to say, and it is related to the secrets of our family."

Qiao Mai twitched the corners of her lips, and her black hair was scattered on the side of her face, making her pale face: "Okay, then you can keep this secret. Women who are not related to each other have secrets that can't be told... Heh. "

Her things here, except for a few work-related documents and portable computers, clothes and daily necessities are all free.

Qiao Mai didn't even have time to change his clothes, as soon as he put away the important things, he was about to go downstairs with his suitcase.

Nie Yuan took off his suit jacket, tugged at the collar, and said with a sullen face, "Stop."

Qiao Mai turned a deaf ear and walked out without looking back. Nie Yuan followed her and at first persuaded him patiently: "Give me some time and seek the opinions of people in the clan before I can tell you the truth."

"No." When he walked to the elevator leading to the living room, Qiao Mai turned his head and glanced at him suspiciously, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you tell me the truth or not, because we are not in a relationship where we can entrust each other with secrets."

A look of disbelief flashed across Nie Yuan's eyes: "What did you say?"

Qiao Mai pressed the elevator, and the next second, the elevator door opened, and Ling Ye and Qiao Mian, who were wrestling together, appeared behind the door.

The three of them looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Qiao Mai reacted the fastest, put the suitcase away, and rushed up to separate the two: "Xiao Mian, why are you fighting with His Royal Highness? Let go now."

She was worried that Qiao Mian's force value was too high, and it didn't matter how serious he was. If he really wanted to do something to Ling Ye, he would be fighting against the entire country.

"Sister, you are the one, why are you running out with your suitcase in your pajamas?"

While the two were talking, Nie Yuan took out his mobile phone and called someone to stop the elevator.

After Ling Ye was let go, he straightened the wrinkles on his clothes, as if he wasn't the one who was fighting with someone just now: "Xiao Mian and I have some misunderstandings, so let's talk about it. Ms. Qiao is because of Dong Nie's cheating. runaway?"

It was only then that Nie Yuan noticed him.

"Qiao Mai, come here." No one could see how he moved, and when Qiao Mian realized it, he had already pulled him into his arms.The strong arms tightly encircled her waist, Qiao Mai didn't even see the whole story clearly, but felt that he was about to be suffocated by Nie Yuan.

"You... cough cough, let me go, I just... made it clear..."

Nie Yuan lowered his head, put his lips close to her earlobe, and reminded in a low voice: "You should think about the occasion, if there is a fight..."

Qiao Mai suddenly calmed down.There is no rush to move out at this moment. Rather, if she really makes a scene, it will be more like she has too much affection for Nie Yuan, so that she becomes angry from embarrassment.

"Your Highness, although you have a noble status, this is a private residence. Even you are not allowed to trespass." Qiu Mai took Racho Mian's hand and brought him to the same camp as the people in the elevator. Ling Ye made a clear distinction.

Ling Ye was not angry at being so teased by her, with a faint smile on his soft face all the time: "I'm taking the liberty, yesterday I wanted Qiao Mian to go back to the embassy area to continue protecting me, but he insisted on guarding me at the manor. You. I went back to the foreign affairs apartment for one night, and I really felt insecure, so I asked the ambassador to send me here."

Qiao Mai was a little skeptical of life, is the royal family of a country so shameless?Hold on to a bodyguard.

"Then you take your bodyguard and leave quickly." Nie Yuan was feeling irritable. He had never been in contact with Ling Ye, and he had only heard about it before, but the way this man looked at Qiao Mai now made him very unhappy.

Just as Qiao Mian was about to say "I'm not leaving", Qiao Mai's eyes swept him away, so he had to swallow the words with difficulty.

"Sister, are you sure you don't need help?"

"Don't worry, can Nie Yuan still eat me? Go quickly." Qiao Mai pushed his shoulder, turned to Nie Yuan and said, "Open the elevator."

The voice instantly became an octave colder.

Nie Yuan just wanted to send these two annoying obstacles away quickly, and let people resume the elevator operation without saying a word.Seeing the elevator going down, Qiao Mai breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Nie Dong, can you let me go now?"

"Qiao Mai, have you had enough trouble?" At this moment, Nie Yuan looked rather embarrassed. He had left the elegant and retro dark brown suit jacket in the bedroom. Two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, exposing his Adam's apple and collarbone. The hidden wildness is exposed.

Qiao Mai's eyes were rational and sober: "We have made it very clear just now. Chang Huiyu has no blood relationship with you, right? The specific situation between you and her involves family secrets, so you can't tell me right now? "

"Nie Yuan, since you can't be honest and let everyone think I'm an abandoned woman, it's reasonable for me to leave this place."

Nie Yuan couldn't find any mistakes in this remark.

As expected of her, she lacks emotional intelligence, but she is a master of logic.

Qiao Mai continued to mutter: "But wearing pajamas is a bit impulsive. You go, I will change clothes and leave."

Nie Yuan watched her walk back to the bedroom, her light brown eyes gradually darkened.

Qiao Mai changed into a casual attire that was convenient for movement, and made sure that the rest of the things could be discarded, and walked back to the door.

"Huh?" She twisted the doorknob vigorously, making sure it was locked from the outside, "Nie Yuan, are you outside, Nie Yuan?"

Deathly silence answered her.

Qiao Mai knocked on the door in disbelief.Is Nie Yuan... shutting himself up?
She immediately took out her mobile phone and tried to make a call to get Qiao Mian back, but found that there was no signal in the room.

Heh, locking the door and adding a signal jammer, as expected of Nie Yuan, is arrogant and unreasonable.

"Is there anyone? Is anyone passing by? Open the door for me."

"Nie Yuan, are you there? How about we have a good chat?"

Qiao Mai yelled a few times, feeling extremely thirsty, and took out a can of Coke from the refrigerator.Since she finished working overtime, Nie Yuan put the refrigerator back for her. With the equipment and food reserves in this large bedroom, Qiao Mai can survive here for a month without any problem.

It is estimated that Nie Yuan also relied on this to imprison her confidently.

She stayed in the house all day, and tried to get help from the gardener and the guards on the balcony, but she was ignored.She also heard from Qiao Mian that the kittens had already moved to the villa on Chunlin Street, and they would not return to the manor after get off work and school, so they would definitely not find out about it for a while.

In the evening, when she was sitting on a chair and trying to unlock the lock with a hairpin, Aunt Liu's voice sounded outside the door: "Madam, are you okay?"

"Good guy, someone finally talked to me!" Qiao Mai cheered up, and leaned on the door and asked, "Aunt Liu, can you let me out?"

Aunt Liu panicked: "Madam, this is not allowed. Director Nie personally ordered that no one is allowed to let you out. But he asked me to check your safety every half a day."

Qiao Mai asked: "Then can you inform Joey and them for me? Any one will do."

Aunt Liu shook her head outside the door: "Dong Nie also ordered everyone not to contact the young masters."

After listening to it, Qiao Mai asked with the last glimmer of hope, "Then can you still go online?"

Aunt Liu said: "It's no good, ma'am, the whole manor can't communicate with the outside world now."

Qiao Mai angrily put the hairpin on the chair, gathered her long messy hair to her chest, turned her palms up and made an angry movement: "Hoo...Okay, Aunt Liu, thank you, I It's okay, you can go to work."

Qiao Mai will not embarrass the people working in the manor. Since Nie Yuan is so cruel that the entire Red Maple Manor cannot contact the outside world, it is impossible for her to find a shielding device in the room and destroy it.

When rows of night lights in the manor came on, Qiao Mai stood on the balcony.

When Nie Yuan first built the Red Maple Manor, he didn’t care about electricity bills at all. From the castle-like main building to the watchtower next to it, to the back mountain and the courtyard square in front of the building, there are 1.1 meters of street lights. The lights in front of the main building are still white marble lampshades. The dots of the stars converge into a bright road.

With the help of the light, she could clearly see every foothold from the bedroom on the fourth floor to the eaves on the first floor. However, she was really not sure that she could cross some distances, and she would not fall if she put her feet on the balcony railing. Suddenly there was an urgent cry——

"what are you doing?!"

Qiao Mai didn't want to take risks at first, but when she was yelled at like this, she was startled, her hands slipped and she missed the railing, her right foot swayed down when she stepped out, and half of her body was immediately hung outside.

A trace of cold sweat dripped from her forehead, she stabilized her mind and looked downstairs.

Beside the courtyard stone bridge outside the first floor, Shang Yueming waved to the nearby guards while raising his head to pay attention to her situation.

"Don't be nervous, stabilize yourself first." Shang Yueming communicated a few words with the guard, but Qiao Mai didn't hear clearly, only saw the guard running away quickly.

Shang Yueming quickly moved to the bottom of Qiao Mai, raised his hand and said, "Listen to me, if you fall now, even if I catch you, you will suffer a great impact, and you are very likely to be injured. So I asked people to remove all the guards around, and I jumped up to save you."

Before Qiao Mai understood the meaning of his words, he saw Shang Yueming transformed into a large leopard cat she had seen once, with four claws climbing up the outer wall like hooks, at a speed that ordinary people's eyes could not catch, As if teleported to the balcony on the fourth floor.

"Close your eyes first."

When Qiao Mai heard this, she wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears: Please, she's already hanging half of her body outside, and she's not an Olympic gymnastics champion, so she insisted on closing her eyes?

Shang Yueming has a white line from the cat-shaped eyes to the back of the forehead, and light brown spots from the top of the head to the back like a leopard.When he climbed on the balcony railing sharply to look over, Qiao Mai felt like he was being watched by a beast.

He said in a deep voice: "Ms. Qiao, my clothes are still under there. If men and women can't kiss each other, I'll go to the bedroom to borrow clothes and pants."

Qiao Mai grabbed the railing with both arms, gritted his teeth and said, "Then why don't you go quickly?!"

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