Qibao Miaomiao: The super president spoils the sky

Chapter 64 Nie Yuan's Worst Decision

When Nie Yuan returned home after dealing with urgent business, he happened to meet Qiao Jia and Qiao Yi at the door.
The boys took a photo, faithfully carried out Qiao Mian's orders, and bowed to Qiao Jia and Qiao Yi: "Please come in, two brothers."
Facing Nie Yuan, they turned their faces sideways, stood in a row with their hips akimbo, and said, "No entry!"
Joey and Qiao Jia also ignored, rushed into the villa, and saw Qiao Mai sitting on the sofa reading a book.
"Are you back? Your eldest brother confiscated my mobile phone and computer before going out, and unplugged all the cables at home and hid them. Is it because I am afraid that I will know something?" There is a live broadcast, and Xiaoyi will not leave work until 9 o'clock. Tell me, how bad the news is, are you afraid that I will be devastated if I find out?"
Qiao Mai approached them step by step with a book in hand, and directly shone the thick "Visual Basic.NET" on the heads of the two of them.
Joey helped his forehead helplessly: "Mom, I will be stupid later."
"I think you two are very smart, and you can fight a few more times."
Qiao Mai put down the book, and heard screams coming from outside the door.
She walked to the window: "Is it Xiao Mian's three friends guarding the door?"
Nie Yuan's gaze met her through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he immediately let go of his throat.The three leather-clothed boys collapsed on the ground, Nie Yuan walked past them without looking sideways, walked to the window, and smiled at her through a layer of glass between Qiao Mai.
The sound insulation effect of the glass is very good, Qiao Jia poked the second brother: "Second brother, what is he talking about?"
"I didn't mean it." Joey translated the lips, "They did it first. Open the door for me, okay?"
Qiao Mai went to open the door for Nie Yuan without saying a word, and let the three boys enter the room to rest.
"This big brother... has really good skills." Boy A said while clutching his chest.
Boy B cupped his hands at Qiao Mai: "Sister, when brother Mian comes back, please give us a few words of kindness. We haven't finished the task, and we really don't have the face to see him!"
Qiao Mai waved his hand: "Don't worry."
She raised her chin again, and glanced at Nie Yuan threateningly: "You must know what happened, right? They won't tell me, and you won't tell me either?"
She didn't realize how coquettish the tone of her words was.Nie Yuan felt relieved when he heard it, and raised his hand to pat Qiao Mai's head: "Don't worry, I will tell you. Here, see for yourself."
Qiao Mai looked seriously at the Weibo interface he opened, and didn't even care about being patted on the head.
Joey and Joga looked at each other and began to comfort them.
Joey's Persian green eyes looked deeply at Qiao Mai, held her shoulders and said, "Mom, don't think so much. When the game you make is launched, players will definitely feel how fun it is. When the time comes The reviews turned around. Believe me, I have a hunch there will be a lot of praise."
Qiaojia didn't like to talk, and only said simply: "Mom, I will be with you."
"Good son." Qiao Mai squeezed his face alone, "Don't worry, I'm fine."
Both kittens have read online comments, some of which are very vicious.Mom won't read the wrong topic, right?
Joey took the phone over to look at it, yes, those words really hurt people.
Netizen 1: [When Qiao Mai made the hype earlier, I thought it was wrong. What kind of IQ of 190, if she is really so good, can she be unknown in the past 20 years? 】
Netizen 2: [Everyone knows about the Turing test, right?The key to passing the Turing test is that the robot has feelings and desires.Can you imagine how terrifying an AI with emotions and desires, body and mind is stronger than humans?As long as there is energy, people can survive forever.If Qiao Mai's game really mass-produces emotional AI as NPC, then she has created such a terrible enemy as "The Matrix"! 】
Netizen 3: [Yes, Qiao Mai is definitely the public enemy of mankind. She is no longer human. In order to make money, she abandoned the future of this society. 】
Netizen 4: [I think this revelation is false, can humans really create AI with emotions?Doesn't that amount to creating a new species?How long did it take for Qiao Mai to switch to Mutong Technology? 】
Netizen 5: [Some people say that this matter is impossible, no, if it is not true, the National Information Technology Center will not send an investigation team to Mutong Technology.It is very likely that Mutong Group has been developing it secretly before, but they knew how to measure, and they didn't really make this kind of AI until the chairman's wife settled in. They rely on relationships, and they don't just do what they want. 】
Netizen 6: [Mutong Group was really harmed by Qiao Mai!No matter how rich you are, as long as you touch the bottom line of the country and cause irreparable harm to society, you will definitely be wiped out overnight. 】
Netizen 7: [Marrying Qiao Mai is probably the worst decision Nie Yuan has ever made in his life. 】
Even Joey, who is usually very well-mannered, wanted to hit someone after reading these words. He felt that his mother must be forcing a smile.
"Why don't we go to work during this time."
Qiaojia nodded in agreement: "Mom, I'll take you abroad to make food and broadcast, and eat delicious food."
"I'm really fine." Qiao Mai returned the phone to Nie Yuan and asked his son, "Do you know where your eldest brother is?"
The two kittens shook their heads.
Nie Yuan said helplessly: "I was dragged to do hard work by the Fifth Research Institute. I will send you a new mobile phone and replace the card for you."
"OK, thanks." Qiao Mai turned to his two sons and waved his hands, "Okay, what should you two do, don't delay work because of such trivial matters. Also, take these three friends of your eldest brother to the hospital Look, don't let anyone get hurt."
Under her strong request, Joey and Qiaojia led the people away step by step and turned around three times.
After the door closed, Qiao Mai sat slumped on the sofa, his energetic face just now dimmed instantly.

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