The risk factor of the beach treasure hunt program is much lower than that of the jungle adventure. This episode mainly tests the patience and communication skills of the guests, as well as the ability to summarize and summarize clues.At first, Yao Yidan got several clues that the NPCs were willing to give with her sweet smile, but when she sorted it out, she encountered difficulties.
What is "the tears of sharks on the stranded reef at the beginning of sunset" and "the mournful cry of shrimp fishers in the sea wind from the southeast" sounds really inexplicable, and this can also be regarded as a clue?
Yao Yidan chatted with several people, and all the clues she got were sentences like this. She wrote down each of them in a notepad, chasing Job's footsteps: "Wait a minute, cousin, Job! Take a look, This is the clue I found, but I can't figure out the meaning, let's think about it together."
Job didn't even look at him, and while Cousin Yao's attention was attracted, he gave Joss a look, and the two brothers tacitly distanced themselves from the cousins.
"This is the result of your hard work, so I won't share it. My brother and I will also look for clues." After Job finished speaking, Yao Yidan didn't wait for Yao Yidan to react. away.
Yao Yidan almost couldn't hold back the character design, and directly cursed.She has been in the industry for so many years, and she has never seen such an uncooperative male star.
Qiao Mai in front of the TV nodded seriously: "Well, Xiao Bu doesn't like this type of girl."
With his belly up, Qiao Mian was enjoying frontal grooming service with his limbs spread out, while watching TV with his cat face sideways, he asked, "Then what kind does he like?"
Qiao Mai guessed enthusiastically: "He might like Yujie type, think about it, Xiaobu has been used to being praised since he was so popular since he was a child because of his charm ability. He must like Yujie who dismisses him. Noble and glamorous, the better."
Qiao Mian couldn't imagine it, so he simply concentrated on enjoying his mother's grooming and stroking comfortably.
In the live broadcast, Joss rubbed his belly, and when Job saw him, he stopped holding his hand and asked him if he wanted to eat first.
Joss shook his head and said, "Brother, let's look for it again."
If Qiao Mai opens the barrage, he will see how much the netizens love Joss:
[A child who is only 3 years old!Both parents are busy with their careers, and the only time they can enjoy family affection is actually going to variety shows with their elder brother. 】
【Ha ha ha ha, did the upstairs make a mistake? Job said he was an uncle. 】
[No matter what, Xiao Bu said that the elder brother is the elder brother.Our Xiaobu will always be 18 years old~]
[Xun Pain, Joss looks so sensible, how does he look like the son of a rich family? 】
How could Job really starve his younger brother? He called his assistant Jiang Wenye and motioned him to take out the lunch boxes prepared at home.
Aunt Liu was distressed that Joss had to record such a long program at such a young age, so she stewed Codonopsis chicken soup for him and put it in an electric heating incubator.Jiang Wenye was scrolling through the news with a pale face on his mobile phone. When he heard Job's instructions, his hand shook, and the phone fell to the ground with a "crack".
He hurriedly picked it up and replied, "Here we come!"
Joss and his eyes intertwined for a moment, his expression suddenly became flustered, and he grabbed Job's clothes helplessly.Job squatted down and picked him up, shouted to the drone "Don't follow me", and strode to the foreshore.
"Little brother, what happened?"
"In the news just now, someone exposed the project that my mother is working on, accusing her of making Mutong Technology spend a huge amount of money on the AI ​​design, which is simply a castle in the sky. Even if it is realized, there will be fatal problems!"
Job didn't know what his mother was busy with all day long. His IQ was not low, but he didn't click on the computer at all.
The drone did not follow, but the staff involved in the show and the group performers on the beach all noticed Job's strange behavior and looked over curiously.Some people also looked at their mobile phones during the recording of the show, and knew that Qiao Mai was reprimanded by anonymous sources.
Job made a quick decision in his heart.If the recording of the program is stopped now, those who are interested will think that their family is guilty of being afraid of this revelation, and even make up more sensational things.So he had to record it, record it with confidence.
"Xiao Si, listen carefully..."
At the intersection of Chunlin Street, Qiao Mian took takeaway in the security room. When he was walking home, he ran into Grandma Qin and her daughter who had helped take care of him.
"Grandma Qin is good."
"Okay, okay... Ouch, you are Qiao Mian?" Grandma Qin stopped in her tracks and looked at him carefully, "Oh, you are just like Job, you grew up so fast, you looked like you were still in middle school when you first moved here , You’ve grown so strong now, I heard you’ve gone abroad to study?”
"Well, is Grandma Qin in good health?"
The old man was about to talk about his leg and foot problems, but his left arm was pulled by his daughter. When he turned his head, she was shaking her head vigorously.
Grandma Qin showed doubts, but after all, it was her own daughter, she replied "It's okay" with a smile, and walked away quickly under her daughter's overt pull.
When Qiao Mian was far enough away, Grandma Qin asked, "Mengmeng, what are you doing?"
"Mom, don't get in touch with this family in the future. Now it is said on the Internet that they have conducted AI experiments that violate human ethics. Even the investigation team of the National Information Technology Center has settled in the Mutong Group. No matter how rich you are, it is worth it Keep investigating!" The daughter said earnestly.
Grandma Qin was taken aback: "Then what a big deal this must be!"
Where the two of them could not see, Qiao Mian, who was supposed to be deaf, rubbed his ears, and a cold light flashed in his golden pupils.

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