Qibao Miaomiao: The super president spoils the sky

Chapter 30 Becoming an Airborne Supervisor

"Xiaobu, listen to what my sister said. Mutong Group and Sundray Group are both much larger than Jiayue Entertainment. The variety show jointly invested by the two of them is not available for ordinary programs."
In the independent office of the senior manager, Wang Zhi earnestly persuaded Job who was sitting across from him: "Mr. Shang told me this news, which is also a hint that you can fight for it. Because of the rumor of a hidden marriage, Mr. Shang treated you very well. Dissatisfied, this time the company will work hard to support you, you can no longer be willful."
"Sister Wang, thank you." Job held a cup of green tea in his hand, his blue eyes curved into beautiful crescent moons, "But I want to read the proposal for this variety show first. Okay, right?"
Qiao Bu smiled, Wang Zhi and life assistant Jiang Wenye were both so fascinated that they couldn't find their way, they nodded in agreement.
Job left with the file bag, and his expression immediately sank as soon as he went out.
Mutong and Xinrui?Don't think he doesn't know, these two companies are actually decided by Nie Yuan.
The last time Shang Yueming handed him over to Nie Yuan directly, I am afraid that the person in charge of Jiayue Entertainment is also surnamed Nie.I accidentally fell into the den of thieves.
In the evening, Job returned to the Red Maple Manor with a heavy heart, and Aunt Liu came up to greet him and said hello, "Master Job is back, do you want something to eat?"
Since Qiao Mai and Nie Yuan got married, people in the manor used to call her Madam, but because Qiao Mai brought too many children, Nie Yuan never clearly identified their inheritance rights, so the staff of the manor still used to call her Nie. Xinhe and Nie Chongzhi's eldest and second young masters address Joey, Job and others by their first names.
"Where is my mother?"
Aunt Liu showed a embarrassed expression: "Madam and Sir are talking in the study on the third floor, you'd better not disturb them."
Job pretended not to hear it, and took the elevator straight to the third floor.He has a keen hearing and can easily hear the conversations in the room.
"If you really don't want to sign, you can eat at home and wait to die. Anyway, I don't need you to work." Nie Yuan's speech was full of the atmosphere worthy of being beaten.
Qiao Mai said lightly: "I'm not interested in Mutong Technology. The most promising one now is Get made by Xiaoyi."
"Isn't it more embarrassing for a mother to work for her son's company than to work for her husband's company?"
After hearing this, Qiao Mai remained silent.Job also wanted to shake Nie Yuan's shoulders, and asked him where his confidence came from, and "husband" even claimed to be on it.
"see this."
Qiao Bu approached the door, but only heard the sound of flipping papers, and didn't know what Nie Yuan showed Qiao Mai. After a while, she asked in surprise, "Is this true?"
Nie Yuan said: "It's absolutely true."
"Okay, I'll join the job when I finish my homework."
Job's eyes widened, and he wondered if Nie Yuan knew magic tricks.The next second, the door was opened, and Nie Yuan raised his thin lips and asked him, "Have you heard enough?"
"Not yet." Job first blew a kiss to his mother, and then threw the planning book to Nie Yuan, "This variety show, "Family Treasure Hunt", said that each episode can bring a family member to participate, Shang Yueming It seems that you want me to pick it up, is that what you mean?"
Nie Yuan flipped through the planning book: "It's the first time I read it, I'm just investing, you can ask Xu Shuzheng for the details, go if you want. Oh right..."
He just remembered, took out his phone, and created a WeChat group: "Bring all your brothers in."
Job looked at the group name: Kiss one family...
Really speechless.
After Qiaobu finished adding people, Nie Yuan pulled in an account with the profile picture of a three-color raccoon cat.
[Hello, my name is Xu Shuzheng, and I am Mr. Nie's special assistant.If you have anything to do in the future, you can tell me directly. 】
Joey: […]
Job: [I have something to do, if I want to participate in the most popular variety show in the universe, bring money into the group, one hot search every day during the show, is that okay [smile]]
Xu Shuzheng: [Received. 】
Job who just wanted to run on: What?Really agreed?
Mutong Technology is located on the 12th to 22nd floors of the Mutong Group Building. It is one of the busiest departments of the group, with lights on 24 hours a day.On this day, the plot planning department of the secret project team on the 12th floor ushered in a new director.
"I heard that I used to do research and development, and my coding ability should be 6, otherwise how could I be poached and airborne?"
"But we are the plot planning department here, and we don't need to write code."
"You guys don't know that, do you?" A young man with a thin face raised his head and said in a low voice mysteriously: "I heard from a friend of Xinrui Games that this female supervisor was just an ordinary employee before, and it is said that she was with the above The one who had a close relationship was transferred to be the supervisor."
Colleagues were puzzled: "The one above? Which one?"
"Who else can it be, the biggest one on the 100th floor!"
As soon as this remark came out, the whole group was shocked.
"Come on, if you really have a big boss on the 100th floor as your backer, can you still come to us and be the director of plot planning?"
"Not necessarily. Let me tell you, this is the most promising project of the group this year. Maybe it's just a gift for gold plating."
"If you really want to be gold-plated, you should go to the R&D department..."
When everyone heard the words, they sighed in unison.That's right, in this game, the least important thing is their plot planning department.
"Everyone!" The HR of the project team came to this area and clapped their hands.Beside him was a girl of short stature, with a simple high ponytail, Bai Shengsheng's face was slightly puffed up on both sides, she looked like a fresh graduate who had just graduated.
"This is your new supervisor, Qiao Mai, the chief planner of the plot. She has asked me to make an appointment for the meeting room for the next hour. Come on, chief planner Qiao."
Qiao Mai introduced his last project in a very simple way. After listening to these employees, they all thought to themselves: Sure enough, he is a related household. He has just worked on a project that has just launched. director?
Qiao Mai didn't seem to notice their eyes, and directly asked them to use the computer to go to the meeting.
There are a total of 15 people in the plot planning team, all of whom are sitting at a long table in a medium-sized conference room.After Qiao Mai sat down, he went straight to the topic and said, "I have already understood the progress of the previous work. Next, everyone must overturn all the original work and start over."
The man who just spread the gossip couldn't help it: "Overthrow them all? We have been busy for half a year to write the current world view and main NPC story line. Overthrow it if you say overthrow it? Then who will bear the cost of the previous half year!"
Qiao Mai looked at him: "Xu Shaocheng, right? I have fully discussed the cost issue with the finance team, and Mr. Lu Banming, the leader of the project team, has also approved it. I will lead the new plot line."
Xu Shaocheng thought it was absurd, but he didn't dare to refute Lu Banming's decision, so he had to press his dissatisfaction first.
Qiao Mai glanced at the 15 people present and asked, "Everyone, what is the root cause of our secret project?"
Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and then, a girl who looked younger than Qiao Mai weakly raised her hand and replied, "Because...we are going to make the world's first holographic game."
"Thank you, Yuechen." Qiao Mai smiled at her, and Yang Yuechen immediately lowered her head shyly.
"Then I would like to ask everyone, can all the previous plot progress reflect the characteristics of holographic games?"
A woman wearing black-framed glasses and full of OL temperament held a ballpoint pen and said thoughtfully: "No. We just made a normal world view of a fairy."
"Tan Qing is right." Qiao Mai continued to persuade, "Faced with this situation, don't you all want to work hard to make changes?"
Lu Tan please be slightly taken aback.Could it be that the executive has completely remembered their faces and names?
Hearing Qiao Mai's question, the people below were impatiently commotion.Who doesn't want to make a difference?When they were recruited into this project team by cross-department and cross-company, everyone was very excited. Thinking that they could participate in this milestone holographic game project, they all worked hard and vowed to do it. Make some achievements.
But soon, reality shattered their imagination.
Any company or department has a chain of contempt, and in the game development team of "Daqian", at the top of the food chain, of course, is the human-computer interaction team that supports the foundation of the holographic game, composed of the world's top computer scientists and neuroscientists; The second is responsible for building the game's algorithm group, back-end development, and front-end development.As the layout of the game, the art team invited top modeling and painting masters in the industry to meet the needs of holographic games.
In the face of the alluring gimmick of holographic games, the plot has become a secondary element.No matter how rubbish you write, in the case of technological monopoly, players will still flock to occupy the market in one fell swoop.
Someone said in a low voice: "Chief Qiao, you said that you want to reflect the characteristics of holographic games. Of course we have tried hard, but the only unique link designed by us is the holographic assistant. This artificial intelligence has been designed by us. There are flowers coming out, no matter how many there are, the previous chief strategist didn't think of it."
Qiao Mai smiled, stood up, and turned on the projector.
"Everyone present here, I regard it as my own. Therefore, I will show you this plan without reservation today. I hope you can help me to make this prototype even more wonderful and colorful."
An hour passed, and the 15 members who had listened to the new plot planning plan were already in a huge shock.
There is no doubt that if Qiao Mai's idea is followed, their plot planning will become the core selling point no less than the technology of the holographic game itself!
Lu Tanqing stood up excitedly and clenched his fists: "Joe's chief planner, I, Lu Tanqing, will follow your plan from today! I promise, even if I work day and night, I will realize it!"
"Me too!"
"Count me in!"
"I have to work overtime today, don't let anyone stop me!"
In this passionate scene, only Xu Shaocheng showed suspicion.But thinking of his friend's complaints, he didn't rashly stand up against Qiao Mai, but silently posted an anonymous post on the company's intranet.

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