The naive female CEO mistook her husband again

Chapter 93 South Sea Algae Monster Tea Tea 18

"Hey, I think you all know this jade card, help me up quickly if you are sensible, there is someone behind Ben Chacha!"

Seeing their strange expressions deepened Jiamu Chacha's thoughts. Although the mermaid tribe is not under the control of the East China Sea, they have to listen to the prince's token. After all, confronting the entire East China Sea is not something a smart person can do. Son.

She was sure that they would look at the token for three points of face, and she punched them in vain before, but now she dared not fight back, she was really relieved.

She was complacent, but the surprised expressions of Hongwei and the others became more and more annoyed, as if they saw something disgusting, and contrary to their friendliness just now, they snatched Jiamu Chacha's token and arrested her.

"Hey, hey, why are you so fat!!"

Jiamu Chacha was carried by someone with one arm in each hand, and was lifted in the air like an eagle catching a chick. His legs were so short that he couldn't touch the ground, and he stared wildly.

"I'm afraid you don't know how much enmity this prince has with our imperial concubine, and how dare you reveal his things in our mermaid territory?"

Hongwei was already punched and was upright, but now he found an excellent outlet, looked at Jiamu Chacha sarcastically, and the strength in his hand became more and more serious, and the squeezed Jiamu Chacha only sucked air.

She stared back, you are avenging yourself!

Red Tail also stared, so what?

Jiamu Chacha showed weakness, her eyes softened, but they seemed like shrimps.

Laughing dead, can't see it at all.

"Who is screaming, did you hear that?"

Ignoring Jiamu Chacha's cries of ghosts and wolves, Hongwei tilted his head to ask Heiwei, who pointed at Jiamu Chacha, looked at Hongwei suspiciously, and signaled with his eyes, isn't this here?

Suddenly he understood something, coughed twice, looked around indiscriminately, pretending to be stupid.

"No, it's very quiet."


Jiamu Chacha's face was grim, and her voice broke when she shouted, but the two fish next to her didn't move at all, so they carried her wholeheartedly to the place where Shui Mengchan lived.

Returning to the familiar door, they were about to enter when they heard an indescribable sound coming from the room.

Heiwei blushed, Hongwei turned black, and Ziwei simply turned red and black.


Jiamu Chacha laughed out loud.

A few people quickly covered her mouth, if they interrupted the Emperor's business at this time, they might die, and they still want to find a wife!

The gagged Jiamu Chacha opened her innocent eyes wide. She desperately wanted to say something, but was stopped by that generous palm.

In the end, she held her breath, her body slackened, and she gave up struggling.

That is, can you also plug her ears!
She is still one.


A few bachelors pricked up their ears excitedly. If it wasn't inconvenient to carry Jiamu Chacha, they would have stuck to the door.

Jiamu Chacha: I want to stay here?
Suddenly, following a fierce indescribable sound, the room fell silent instantly, and several people retreated three meters away in a sensible manner, bowing their heads.

Sure enough, after a while, the door was opened, and the young and handsome Shark Emperor Cangyang straightened his belt, and walked out imposingly.

He is a young man in his twenties, with a very noble face, blond hair, blue eyes, thin lips and cold brows, wearing a platinum robe, with two metal armbands on each cuff, each with a gemstone, shining glow.

"What's the matter?"

Cang Yang had just done the perfect thing, and he was in a great mood. He didn't ask too many questions about the people who suddenly appeared at the door, and his gaze fell on the only female, Jiamu Chacha, inadvertently.

Seeing those fair legs, his eyes sank.

"Are you here to pay tribute?"

"Exactly, Master Shark Emperor!"

Red Tail cupped his fists to salute, and threw Jiamu Chacha forward casually. Jiamu Chacha fell to the ground, yelled, and wanted to rub his butt, but everyone was watching.

I had to cry silently.

"Very good, hahaha!"

Cang Yang suddenly laughed heartily, waved his big hand, and said to Hong Wei and the others: "Rewards, there are many rewards!"

Today, he managed to deal with the affairs of the clan, and came to accompany the concubine, impatient to do some husband and wife affairs, and Shui Mengchan told him that she had their child.

What a happy event, and now there is another great event.

Shui Mengchan in the room heard Cang Yang's laughter, and also came out with a smile.

"What makes the Shark Emperor so happy?"

As soon as she came out, Cang Yang quickly stepped up and held her hand, as if holding a fragile treasure.

Shui Mengchan had long been used to his thoughtfulness, so she just pursed her lips and smiled.

"Mengchan, look, this is what you want."

Cang Yang hurriedly pointed to Jiamu Chacha on the ground, motioning Shui Mengchan to look.Shui Mengchan didn't look surprised when she saw Jiamu Chacha.

"Little guy, you still can't escape from my palm."

Shui Mengchan sneered, her eyes were full of luster.

"Do you know?"

Now Cang Yang, who was planning to take the opportunity to make Shui Mengchan happy, was stumped and his heart sank.

"She was offered up just now, but she ran away unexpectedly."

There was resentment in Shui Mengchan's words, which made Cang Yang feel distressed again.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay, didn't you catch me back?"

Jiamu Chacha on the ground rolled her eyes, why should she be killed and fed dog food, just give her a sharp knife, hurry up! !

And isn't she the one to be afraid of?

"But isn't this little girl too young?"

Cang Yang seemed to be a little hesitant, considering Shui Mengchan's age, should he find someone similar?

"I have the prince's token, you can't kill me!"

The reckless Jiamu Chacha completely forgot what Hongwei said just now, and stabbed herself with the final knife.

Cang Yang, who was still hesitating, heard the crown prince and saw the purple jade tablet in Jiamu Chacha's hand, and instantly became furious.

Shui Mengchan's face on the side also became pale and distorted, her fingers clenched tightly, and her teeth creaked.

Why is she looking for legs so desperately? It's not because of the owner of this token!
She was originally not a mermaid, but a human.

Three years ago, she went to sea with her father. At that time, Shui Mengchan was only 15 years old, she was in her young age, she was extremely pure, and she was in awe of the sea in her heart.

The boat sailed to the center of the sea, but encountered a tornado tornado and was instantly swallowed in the sea.

When he woke up, he saw a handsome man with purple eyes. He was dressed expensively and had an elegant figure. He was not an ordinary person at first glance.

As a human being, Shui Mengchan took a long time to digest a bunch of information. She did not die, but was rescued. She was at the bottom of the East China Sea.

Because it is impossible for human beings to survive in the sea, the purple-eyed man tried his best to think of a way, and finally found an excellent way.

That is to use the merman's tail to replace her human legs.

In this way, as a mermaid, she can survive under the sea.

The bubble that kept her alive was only effective for seven days, and during those seven days, she and the man with purple pupils were almost inseparable.

She didn't know his identity, she only knew that she was taken to a dreamlike palace, everywhere was green.

Every odd-shaped shrimp was very polite to her, but none of them told her the identity of the man with purple pupils.

They ate and lived together for seven days, and they gradually developed feelings for each other. She affectionately called him Ayue, and he called her Chan'er.

There are many fish tails, but suitable and powerful ones are very rare.

It just so happened that the purple-eyed man heard that the concubine of the leader of the mermen had died, so he had evil thoughts.

That day was the penultimate day of the seven-day period.

When she woke up, Ayue was gone, and she hurriedly followed through the breath on the foam on her body, but saw a bloody fight.

The Shark Emperor was blond and blue-eyed, with a bare figure, holding a strangely shaped weapon in his hand.

It is one foot long, and the place where it is held is slender, like a scepter, but at the top end is divided into three quadrangular forks, which are inlaid with many fine gems. It is more like a treasured treasure than a weapon.

There was blood on the fork.

Opposite him was holding a sword in one hand, the center of gravity of his body fell on the sword, his abdomen seemed to be injured by the weapon, and blood was dripping down.

Seeing that he was injured, she rushed forward desperately, hugged him and begged him.

She doesn't want fishtails anymore, she doesn't want to live so long, even if there are two days left, she doesn't want to watch him get hurt.

But Ah Yue didn't listen to her, pushed her away, and persistently stepped forward to hit her.

The two fought together, and A Yue had more and more scars on his body, and he was about to be killed.

Blindfolded by the blood, she rushed forward to block the fatal blow for him with her fragile body.

She thought she was going to die, but in front of her eyes was his anxious face, and beside her ears were his cries.

When he woke up again, it was a year later.

Her legs turned into a fishtail at some point, a colorful tail.

She anxiously searched for A Yue's whereabouts, but found that she was trapped in the reef formation and couldn't get out no matter what.

Shark Emperor Cangyang's words almost made her collapse.

He said that when she was in a coma, he violated her, and the Ayue she was thinking of was actually the prince of the Tourmaline Palace in the East China Sea, and he would never marry her, a fake mermaid without status.

He also said that if she didn't believe it, she could go and see that Ayue was already in her arms, and her legs were also dedicated to his beauty.

Hearing this, she was completely heartbroken.

What hope could she have?

What else is there to miss.

She yelled frantically, beat her fish tail vigorously, knocked her head on the reef, and scratched her own flesh and blood with a knife.

All the acts of self-harm came down, but there was no harm.

She forgot that she was already a mermaid, she would not be injured, let alone die.

Although she almost accepted the reality in front of her, she still did not give up and sneaked out of the rock formation.

To see her Ayue.

She tried her best to escape the guards of the Tourmaline Palace, but was almost caught as a thief.

Finally arrived at the house she was familiar with, but she heard laughter and laughter inside.

He could vaguely hear the extremely gentle voice in her heart.

Talking to another strange woman.

He asked her if she was still used to this leg.

The other party was ringing with silver bells, and every conversation mixed with joy was like a knife cutting her heart.

I don't know how to get back, I only know that she was lying on the couch that day, motionless.

Not a drop of water entered.

Shark Emperor Cangyang put aside all his affairs and took care of her day and night. With such care, iron and stone can blossom, not to mention her long-frozen heart.

Gradually, she accepted her new identity as Concubine Shark, and forced herself to forget that gentle face like water.

Now, he came to the door relentlessly, what does this mean?
"What did he say?"

Shui Mengchan tried her best to stabilize her trembling body, and tried not to show her deep attachment to the owner of the jade tablet. She was a little scared, but also very much looking forward to it. She knew that she wanted to feel sorry for Cang Yang, who loved her so much, but she didn't. There is a way to control the heart that is about to jump out.

She still loved him, always had.

What a beautiful man he was, his voice was gentler than the summer sea breeze in the East China Sea, his deep purple eyes almost sucked people in, when he looked at her, there was always an obvious smile hidden inside .

Even the brightest stars can't match the sparkle in his eyes.

Compared to him who is gentle, Cang Yang is just the opposite, he is very domineering, even when he is having sex, he is extremely rude and does not allow her to resist, only when he hurts her, he hesitates to say a few coaxing words.

Such a person is enough to be relied on, but it is destined not to be able to fully communicate with each other.

At the moment she asked, Cang Yang's expression on the side froze, but quickly returned to normal.

An invisible killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"He, he didn't say anything, he just asked you how you are, but he is so sick that it's hard to breathe. Otherwise, if you are his good friend, go and see him."

Thinking of that poor boy in Chenyue, Jiamu Chacha couldn't bear it, God is jealous of talents, how could such a handsome and gentle person become so sick?

Hearing this, Shui Mengchan's heart tightened, how could he be sick, how could he be seriously ill...

Shouldn't he have a child and live a happy life?

She lowered her head to hide the panic in her eyes, for fear that Cang Yang at the side would see something.

But Cang Yang seemed to be in a trance, and his attention was not on her.

He stared in the direction of the Tourmaline Palace, with a chill in his eyes. It seemed that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to strike, otherwise he would not know how it would end when the matter was revealed.

"So, are you going or not?"

Jiamu Chacha looked at the couple's seemingly incompatible appearance, and felt strange in her heart. Could it be that the prince has something to do with them?
Isn't it just to see a friend, just to chatter.

"If the princess wants to go, I will accompany you."

For a long time, when Shui Mengchan was struggling, Cang Yang's words opened the way for her to talk.

She hurriedly followed his words.

"Okay, I've been staying indoors lately, and my body is stiff. It just so happens that the weather is fine today, so let's go for a walk."

Shui Mengchan was so focused on guessing Chenyue's condition that she didn't notice that Cang Yang didn't call her by name, but the concubine.

He was testing her, but he lost, completely lost.

Cang Yang smiled desolately, his eyes shone brightly, after so many years, he still failed to impress her.

He used to think that the order of appearance was unimportant. It turned out that he was doomed to make a mistake from the very beginning, and he insisted on making mistakes again and again.

Even if you understand, wrong can never be right.

Jiamu Chacha exhaled thankfully, fortunately she used the token in time, otherwise she wouldn't know how she died.

Hongwei failed to see Jiamu Chacha being dealt with, and the anger of being teased just now was still suffocating, so he could only temporarily suppress it in his heart.

A group of people marched from the reef array to the Tourmaline Palace.

Along the way, Cang Yang's eyes never left Shui Mengchan, she was pregnant no matter what, he was really afraid that she would be emotional and hurt her vitality.

The closer he was to the Tourmaline Palace, the more anxious Cang Yang became. If all that was discovered, what would happen to her, and whether their children would be left behind.

Now there is only one way to make that secret rot forever, only the dead can't speak.

Chenyue has dragged his illness and decadence for so long, let him help him.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough cough"

Before entering the Tourmaline Palace, I heard a slight cough coming from the palace. Even a weak cough was a little weaker than others, intermittent and intermittent.

The moment she heard the coughing sound, Shui Mengchan's tense heart broke instantly, she rushed in desperately, but was stopped by a strong arm.

Cang Yang almost suppressed his anger and said: "You are still pregnant, don't get sick, let me see for you first, okay?"

In the end, his almost pleading tone and low hoarse voices woke up Shui Mengchan's dizzy mind.

She rubbed her upper abdomen with her hands, feeling the movement of the child. Although it has not yet formed, as a mother, she can already clearly feel its existence. It is a little smaller, curled up in her body, absorbing her nourishment.

Seeing Shui Mengchan's hesitation, Cang Yang's eyes flickered to dissuade him: "You know me well, if I want to do something, I don't need to bring you here."

When he mentioned this, Shui Mengchan didn't agree any more, it seemed that she didn't trust him.

Shui Mengchan had no choice but to nod her head, as if thinking of something, she turned to look at Jiamu Chacha.

"Don't you need to return your jade token to the prince?"

As soon as she reminded Jiamu Chacha, Jiamu Chacha thought about it. She wanted to say that it was nothing to hold, but she saw some different prayers in Shui Mengchan's eyes.

She is asking her to come in.

So she didn't trust her husband at all.

That's right, before finding out what grievances they have, it's better for her to go in for Chenyue's safety.

"Let's go together, I just want to return the jade token."

Jiamu Chacha said to Cang Yang.

After speaking, he walked in first.

Cang Yang took a deep look at Shui Mengchan, and then walked in, she was breathing with relief, as if she had passed some difficulties.

Jiamu Chacha walked in, and found that Chenyue's illness was more serious than her previous visit. He seemed to be unable to open his eyes, and he was lying on the bed in a distorted state. Maybe he had no strength to hold it halfway, and no one went to him. Help, can only fall casually.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming in, Chen Yue moved his fingers, opened his eyelids with difficulty, and saw a touch of light green.

The pale lips opened with a dry mouth, as if the throat was tightly blocked, and the voice could only be squeezed out.

"You... are here... have you brought the words..."

"How did you become like this? She's outside, but she didn't come in. You know Yuhuang, right? He's right next to me. If you have anything to say to him, he will pass it on."

Jiamu Chacha sat next to Chenyue, and narrated lightly. He thought he would be happier after he finished speaking. After all, the old man came to visit, but he never thought that his eyes would suddenly widen, and he would let out the ultimate roar with the strength he didn't know.

"Quick... run!"

His deep purple eyes had long lost their luster, and only two round eyeballs were left staring at other places.

Jiamu Chacha didn't understand him for a while, and when she was about to ask a question, she suddenly saw a tall figure behind her on the transparent wall opposite, holding a sharp trident!


Before she could resist, she yelled first, she knew that as long as Shui Mengchan heard the voice coming in, Cang Yang would definitely stop!

Cang Yang's eyes turned red, he saw Jiamu Chacha's purpose, and swung the trident down without hesitation.

The three sharp sword blades pierced through, and Jiamu Chacha's pupils enlarged rapidly, and at the moment when the trident was about to reach her body, they suddenly deflected and pointed at Chen Yue on the couch.

Jiamu Chacha realized instantly that his target was not her, but Chenyue!

Almost without hesitation, she rushed towards Chen Yue's sick body, her chest facing the falling blade.

With a dull sound, the blade pierced through her skin, and the stinging pain hit her mind, causing her to lose consciousness instantly.

Just when Cang Yang tried his best to penetrate the two of them together, he was hindered in Jiamu Chacha's body.

There was a burst of golden light, and the sound of dragon chant resounded through the sky. Cang Yang couldn't hold the trident, and fell to the ground. He struggled to get up, but was hit by the golden dragon transformed into the light, completely powerless to resist.

In an instant, the pain in Jiamu Chacha's chest disappeared, and her brain, which had lost consciousness in vain, woke up, staring at the golden luster on her chest in confusion.

Why, why is she okay?
This golden light again, what is this golden light?

Shattered by this golden light, Jiamu Chacha's brain began to ache, and the dust-sealed memory in the corner was slightly loosened, as if trying to break through the seal, but the word "An" was engraved on the memory, and the memory was sealed away.

The memory struggled for a moment, and finally fell silent.

Jiamu Chacha got up from Chenyue in a daze, and felt her face was moist, she reached out to touch it, and she actually cried.

Although Chen Yue escaped, he was shocked by Jiamu Chacha's pressure and his breath became weaker.

The fight inside the house attracted Shui Mengchan outside, she saw Cang Yang sitting on the ground, and saw the trident beside him, everything was clear to her heart.

She stepped forward in two steps, raised her jade hand high, and slapped Cang Yang hard on the face.

There was a clear and crisp sound, which attracted Hongwei and the others. They were too frightened by this embarrassing scene to approach, and hid at the door one after another.

The furious Shui Mengchan completely forgot her identity as a person on the ground, she only knew that she couldn't stand being deceived by others.

"Is this what you mean by not being able to do anything? It turns out that I overestimated you. People like you only play tricks behind your back!"

Shui Mengchan sneered at Cang Yang for a while, then quickly turned around to look at Chen Yue on the couch.

"Ayue, Ayue, wake up... What's wrong with you, how did you become like this..."

She cried sadly, and suddenly stared at Jiamu Chacha with cold eyes, which made her startled, and quickly waved her hands: "I, I, I, I didn't hurt him."

"Of course I know."

Shui Mengchan's eyes suddenly softened, and her tone became soothing.

Cang Yang who was beaten had five finger prints on half of his face, which was extremely red and swollen. He glanced at Hongwei, who was watching the excitement, and immediately turned around when he caught the attention.

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