When a woman sees a woman who is more beautiful than herself, she will go crazy with jealousy.In particular, Wenxi used to be aloof, and everyone always praised her as the most beautiful. Even if someone more beautiful than her appeared, they would be eliminated and would not appear in front of her.

But now that Hua Die is so shocking, suddenly appearing here, everyone has no time to chase them away.

In Wen Xi's deep pupils, for the first time, a woman even more beautiful than himself was reflected.

The vortex in her pupils shattered the shadow, inhaled it and disappeared.

Then he returned to normal again, his brows and eyes were curved, and he had a smile that was impossible to have normally.

"Girl, are you looking for Bengong for something?"

The gentle tone was like a spring breeze, and the eunuchs beside him wondered if they didn't pick out their ears. They heard it wrong. They have served for most of their lives. How have they seen the princess so approachable?
There are ghosts.

Everyone was worried about this stunning beauty. It would be a pity for such a beautiful woman to be killed by the princess.

Hua Die is not a simple and ignorant girl, she can see that the princess on the high seat has murderous intentions.

As long as she says a wrong word, she might have to go out sideways today.

"Tell the princess, the little girl does have something important to say, but it cannot be revealed..."

Hua Die said and glanced at the idlers beside him.

Those people were all clever people, and immediately retreated with a wink.

As soon as those people left, Wen Xi's face turned cold instantly, and he was completely different from Fang Cai.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Wen Xi raised his eyes lazily, staring at Hua Die.

Hua Die felt as cold as ice wrapped around her body, shivered for no reason, gritted her teeth and opened her mouth.

"My lady, the little girl is the signboard of Chunmanlou. Recently, I found out that a guest named Li Hui was always entangled with my sister, Fuliu. After some inquiries, I found out that it was..."

Speaking of this, Hua Die raised her eyes with embarrassment, and what caught her eyes was Princess Wenxi's dark face, her phoenix eyes were slightly raised, with a faint murderous look.

She knew that her goal had been achieved, and it would be useless to stay any longer.

So he left quickly, but Wen Xi was so angry that he didn't pay attention to whether he left or not.

The sky in the imperial city suddenly became oppressive. It was clearly the color of lake blue and clear, but because of the rays of light at the edge, it seemed to be splashed with a layer of blood, which was a terrifying scarlet.

Fu Liuzheng and Li Hui didn't notice that the red light had already covered the entire room.

They only feel that the spring is beautiful and their faces are full of sunshine.

beep, beep, beep...

A sound of rapid iron boots trampling the ground came from a distance, gradually approaching, and the trembling ground trembled slightly.

I don't know what the sound of Fuliu was, but Li Hui was still limp on Li Hui's body, but Li Hui stood up abruptly, sweating profusely all over his body.

His eyes were empty, and he murmured to the empty room: "How could it be..."

Fu Liu only thought that he was too excited, and entangled him like a soft snake, "Mr., a spring night is worth a thousand gold, let's not waste it~"

But Li Hui was still like a log, motionless, but the sound of thumping was getting louder, which meant it was getting closer...

Before Fuliu had time to figure out which annoying calm it was, the door was kicked into a big hole, and a group of soldiers wearing iron armor and iron boots rushed in. They seemed to have no eyes, and broke through. Hit the door of the big hole.

The fragile wooden planks were smashed to the ground in an instant when they were touched by their armor that was shining coldly.

There are ten of them in total, neatly arranged opposite Fu Liu and Li Hui, motionless.

Because they wore helmets, no one could see their expressions.

Fu Liu wanted to open his mouth to curse, but knew that these things could not be offended, so he curled up in Li Hui's arms.

No matter how bad they are, they can't do anything to the current prime minister, right?
Li Hui was different from Fu Liu's panic, he remained calm, his eyes were facing straight ahead, his body was sitting upright, but his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"Why is the princess like this?"

He didn't speak, and those iron lumps didn't speak, they stared at each other face to face, finally Li Hui couldn't help it anymore.

Isn't it just death? If he dies, he will die happily!

Before the soldiers came, he recognized them, because he made these armors with his own hands.

He is clear about the texture and temperature on it.

It's just that the armor without emotion is put on by someone with a heart and used to form an invincible team, and it becomes a tool for killing.

"Lang Jun, who are they?" Fu Liu finally realized that something was wrong, why did she look at Li Hui with the intention of willing to die?
"They are here to kill us." Li Hui was powerless to explain. At this moment, he really felt that he was an ant who could be wiped out by someone's finger.

He thought that he would climb up step by step, and one day he would be able to climb to the position where he would not be eliminated. Now it seems that no matter what, there will be someone above his head who can crush him.

"Good sister, my sister is here to see you off."

Hua Die's voice came from outside the door, and then Fu Liu saw her naturally charming face.

is her!

Fu Liu clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were full of hatred, it turned out that this woman was going to complain, and she obviously likes Li Hui too, how embarrassing it is!

Seeing Fu Liu wanting to scold but not daring, Hua Die felt extremely comfortable.


Fu Liu greened his face, gritted his teeth and held back for a long time before cursing this sentence.

"I'm despicable?" Hua Die seemed to have heard the big joke, "I gave you skills to survive, but you were dishonest and seduced my man, who do you call despicable?"

Fu Liu, who was at a loss for words, had nothing to say, but in her heart, those were just alms from Huadie. She saw that she was weaker than her at that time, so she helped her to show her greatness.

Such a person, what is there to be grateful for.

Besides, she was about to die, and she was ashamed?
Thinking of this, Fu Liu became fearless.

She was desperately trying to escape, but she was pierced by an iron soldier after walking halfway, and a bloody blood hole appeared on his body.

Li Hui watched Fu Liu's eyes widen before he died, and he seemed very unwilling. He knew that this was his end.

Just when he closed his eyes and wanted to die decently, he heard Hua Die sneer: "The princess didn't let you die,"

Li Hui's silent mind suddenly came back to life, his eyes brightened, he knelt on the ground in gratitude, and kowtowed violently, "Thank you princess for not killing me!"

As long as you are alive, anything is possible.

The monstrous hatred and humiliation were buried in Li Hui's lowered eyes, which turned into flattery and flattery the moment they were raised.

Hua Die has been staring at him intently, so she can see all his expressions.

This man is so forbearing that even she almost fell in love with him.

The result of falling in love with him is to become a corpse like Fu Liu.

Hua Die led the way and led Li Hui back to the Princess Mansion, not so much as a lead, but as a pressure.

A few iron soldiers walked behind Li Hui, their armor colliding with each other, making rattling sounds, orderly and ear-piercing.

Pedestrians on the street ran away when they saw it. Who would dare to offend the princess, especially the princess's army? Wouldn't that be courting death?
Li Hui fell into the eyes of everyone and became a prisoner. They all thought to themselves, if a man lives like this, it would be better not to live!

But if they were really replaced, they might not reject the title of consort.

Li Hui is very clear about the mentality of this kind of low-level citizens who hate the rich, because he has climbed up step by step like this.

If you give him two choices now, one is to continue to live this beautiful life without freedom and dignity, and the other is to marry a daughter-in-law and be a commoner in peace and security.

He didn't even have to think about it, he would definitely choose the first one.

People who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas will not be able to swallow the wowotou, and those who are used to stepping on others to get on the bus, how could they lower their heads and let others step on them?
Thinking of this, he held his head high and held his chest high, even though he was in a state of embarrassment, he still had a condescending expression on his face.

When he returned to the mansion, the punishment had already been prepared, and Li Hui was all too familiar with it.

He first knelt outside the door, letting the cold wind blow, and remained motionless. Even if there was no one guarding him, he would not move and get up to be lazy.

The thin body is straight and straight, like a withered cypress, with all his strength, he still wants to return to the vigorousness when it was green.

The guard under the door scoffed at him.

"It's really embarrassing for a man, for his status, to be so humble."

"Don't talk about it, you are jealous of others, we can only carry the princess's shoes, but that kid can climb into the princess' bed."

The gossip spread to Li Hui's ears. He raised his cloudy eyes and glanced at those two people. His eyes flickered for a moment, but finally dimmed.

"Xi'er, your anger should be gone!"

The night was dark, and Shen Xing was in a daze.

The humidity intensified, and the fog spread down, drenching Li Hui's whole body.

The fine drops of water on his forehead flowed down his face, persisting in hovering around his jaw.

Not far away, the window was brightly lit, probably because the candles were burning brightly inside. Princess Wenxi leaned on the bed, and the scene by the window was reflected in her clear eyes.

The flickering candlelight was particularly bright in her dark eyes.

"Okay, let him come in."

Wen Xi had had enough fun, but also found it boring. If he really left people overnight and killed them, it wouldn't be fun.

After a while, the servant girl limped in with the help of Li Hui who was frozen stiff.

The moment Li Hui saw Wen Xi, regardless of the stiffness of his body, he knelt down with a plop.

Wen Xi is very satisfied, her people must listen to her all the time.

Li Hui was as strange as a dog, completely satisfying her heart.

"come over."

Wen Xi hooked Gou Yingbai's feet. Although she was lying on the bed, her feet were half suspended. She took off her shoes and socks and did not land on the ground.

He felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes, Li Hui felt dazed for a moment, and his chin was pulled up by a cold thing.

After he saw clearly, he realized that Wen Xi was actually picking his chin with her feet.

For Li Hui, this was an unbelievable thing, usually he never had the chance to be treated so tenderly by Wenxi, so he just felt empty in his heart.

Could it be that she is going to do something, is she going to target him?
"Bring over the brazier."

Wen Xi directed the maids.

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