There were not many vehicles on the airport expressway at night, and Tang Yan felt a lot more relaxed when he drove the car. There was still the smell of Li Xiaoxiao's shampoo in the car, which was very light and not pungent.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've smelled this shampoo, it's so familiar!" Tang Yan seemed to be in a good mood, Zhou Yinan raised his eyes, glanced at him, and then continued to look down at the document.

It just so happened that Tang Yan met Zhou Yinan's unclear and serious eyes from the rearview mirror, and then he heard Zhou Yinan say, "Intimacy?"

Seeing Zhou Yinan speak up, Tang Yan finally relaxed, "Yes, kindness, boss, can you still smell the serious shampoo now? Of course not, no matter it's an event or a banquet, there are women The place is filled with all kinds of mixed perfume smells, I really admire myself..."

Tang Yan talked non-stop, Zhou Yinan didn't feel noisy.

Tang Yan probably realized that he had a lot to say, so he decisively chose to end the topic and shut up immediately.Unexpectedly, Zhou Yinan answered, "Have you ever smelled the smell of injustice?"

"No? No! How is it possible!"

Li Xiaoxiao watched Zhou Yinan's car leave, and the entire underground garage was instantly gloomy. Li Xiaoxiao quickly rushed into the elevator.

Along the way, Li Xiaoxiao's thoughts have already drifted thousands of miles away. Mr. Zhou said that Qin Jiating is very expensive. Does this mean that Qin Jiating is his sweetheart and cannot be exchanged for a thousand dollars?That's what it should mean, right? !And the report said that there are noses and eyes, it can't be fake, right?But looking at how Mr. Zhou and Qin Jiating get along today, it doesn't look like they know each other!

The elevator beeped, and Li Xiaoxiao was brought back to reality from his thoughts. Li Xiaoxiao patted the back of his head for fear, "Cough! Maybe they didn't want everyone to know, so they deliberately pretended not to know each other! That's right. , that makes sense, isn't that what dating is all about?"

Li Xiaoxiao took out her room card and swiped it. When passing by the bathroom, Li Xiaoxiao saw her wet hair in the mirror in a daze, and suddenly remembered her gaffe just now, and immediately took the hair dryer to dry her hair.

"He asked me if I wasn't afraid? What did he mean? I didn't do anything to offend anyone, did I? I just added oil and vinegar based on the facts, so it's not unforgivable?!"

Li Xiaoxiao carelessly rubbed her freshly dried hair, "Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, I'm just a kid, I don't care what I want, whatever, let's order a takeaway to appease my fragile heart !"

Li Xiaoxiao went back to her bedroom with her mobile phone in her hand. Suddenly, a message from the deputy director of the production team popped up on her mobile phone. She had already clicked on the takeaway page and returned to the chat interface. Just after replying to the message, her mobile phone was stuck.

Li Xiaoxiao clicked on the screen many times but there was no response, "You are disobedient! I will change you sooner or later!"

Just arrived at the airport, Zhou Yinan was waiting in the waiting room, when suddenly a friend request popped up on his phone, his slender fair fingers gently tapped it, [Heavenly King Gedihu requests to add you as a friend] The corner of Zhou Yinan's mouth inadvertently curled up, and he clicked through .

Li Xiaoxiao in the bedroom went to the bathroom, and after packing up the things that needed to be prepared for work the next day, her phone still froze and did not respond, "Forget it, I lost, before I changed you , let’s live in peace, shall we?”

Li Xiaoxiao sat on the bed, pressed the restart button, and restarted after pressing it several times.

There was no news on the interface, so Li Xiaoxiao happily ordered the takeaway and chose the noodles with fried sauce that he hadn't eaten for a long time.After exiting the page, Li Xiaoxiao habitually clicked on the chat interface. Due to work reasons, she was afraid of missing any important news.

Li Xiaoxiao put three people on the top of the chat interface, one is the announcement group, the other is the assistant director, and the third is Qin Jiating. As a result, there is a friend with a new profile picture below, only "The other party has agreed to you as a friend, you can chat."

Li Xiaoxiao looked puzzled, "Who is this? When did you add me as a friend?"

Click on the other person's profile picture, there is nothing in the circle of friends, only a background picture of the blue sky.

[Heavenly King Gedihu: Hello, may I ask who you are?
One Two Three: Zhou Yinan. ]
Seeing the other party's reply, Li Xiaoxiao kept choking, "Why did he add me as a friend?" Li Xiaoxiao clicked on Zhou Yinan's circle of friends again, looked at the very popular photo with blue sky background, and said, "This person It can't be a liar, right? The big boss will use such a friendly photo?"

Seeing that 2 minutes have passed, what if it is really Zhou Yinan?
Responding to all kinds of changes without changing, Li Xiaoxiao directly threw an "evil" emoticon over, and the other party immediately replied with a cute "hmm" emoticon.

Li Xiaoxiao burst open in an instant!
[Heavenly King Gedihu: Hello Mr. Zhou, I don't know who you are looking for?
One Two Three: You added me as a friend! ]

Zhou Yinan also very "intimately" attached a screenshot of the friend application, and Li Xiaoxiao had nothing to say for a moment.

[Heavenly King Gedihu: I'm really sorry, the phone is not powerful, and the owner of the phone is quite impatient, so I made a wrong click when it was stuck just now, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble...
One Two Three: Yes. ]
"What do you mean?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

[Heavenly King Gedihu: Then if there is nothing else, I will go to work first? ] Li Xiaoxiao cautiously probed.

[One Two Three: Forget it]
Li Xiaoxiao was even more confused, forget it?What does forget it mean?But he still responded to Zhou Yinan's news in a friendly and patient manner.

[Heavenly King Gai Dihu: If Mr. Zhou has anything to order, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will do it! ] In order to show his sincerity, Li Xiaoxiao specially added a "struggle" expression after that sentence.

[One Two Three: Nothing. ]
"Don't bring such torture!"

[Heavenly King Gai Dihu: Mr. Zhou, don't worry, things like this will never happen again in the future, if you are really worried, then I will summarize Teacher Qin's daily events to you every day? ]

The airport hall is already boarding, Tang Yan hurried over from the entrance, "Boss, let's go!"

Zhou Yinan put away her phone, got up and boarded the plane.

Li Xiaoxiao stared at the phone, and hadn't received a reply from Zhou Yinan for more than ten minutes, so she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "I didn't say something wrong again, did I? Ah! Ah! Ah! It's so annoying! Why should I provoke you?" His big boss!"

"Beep, beep" the phone rang, and Li Xiaoxiao got up in a jerk, but it turned out to be the call from the delivery man, and Li Xiaoxiao went out to get the takeaway with a sad face.

A few minutes later, Li Xiaoxiao bit the fried noodles in his mouth fiercely, "Be careful, don't say the wrong thing, I don't even know how to burp."

The plane was not ready to take off until half an hour later due to a breakdown, and just before the shutdown, Zhou Yinan reopened the chat history, replied "um" to Li Xiaoxiao, and then shut down contentedly.

With so many things happening in a row, she must have been frightened. It doesn't matter, there will be a long time to come.

Li Xiaoxiao, who was drinking water after eating, looked at the word 'um', almost knelt down and shouted thankfully, "I can sleep soundly now! "

Sitting next to Zhou Yinan, Tang Yan caught a glimpse of the tenderness on the corner of Zhou Yinan's eyebrows, and remembered that Zhou Yinan suddenly asked him to investigate Li Xiaoxiao's social background a while ago, he was still a little puzzled, why did he suddenly investigate her?
"Boss, I have an immature idea..." Tang Yan said.

Zhou Yinan closed her eyes and meditated, "You said you were immature, so let's talk about it when you are mature."

Uh, "Okay!"

After the incident between Qian Ziyan and Qin Jiating happened, the production team directly asked the coordinator to separate the shooting time of the two, so as to avoid any unpredictable quarrel between the two when they get together again.

Out of sight, out of mind, Qin Jiating's mood has improved a lot during this time, and even working with Li Xiaoxiao has become a lot easier.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao carrying a heavy bag and walking towards the scene with a chair and a camera, Qin Jiating would stare at the assistant director, and then the assistant director would help Li Xiaoxiao take it with him knowingly, while Qin Jiating was still talking sarcasticly, "This is the best way to do it." That's right, a man should behave like a gentleman!"

The assistant director echoed with a smiling face, "Yes, yes! What Teacher Qin said is true."

After arriving at the scene, Qin Jiating walked directly towards the director, and the assistant director helped Li Xiaoxiao put the chair and pulled her to a corner, "Xiaoxiao, even if she doesn't say anything, brother will help you get things, look at her What is that called, do I still use her to teach me how to behave?"

Li Xiaoxiao patted him on the back, "Brother, we are all laborers, you just have to go in the left ear and out the right ear, why are you so angry!"

When Li Xiaoxiao said this, the assistant director calmed down and looked at the backpack that Li Xiaoxiao was carrying, which weighed at least a dozen kilograms, "Hey, what do I tell you, it's not easy for you. I have something to do in the future Just tell brother!"

Li Xiaoxiao giggled, "Alright, then I'll thank you first!"

Qian Ziyan is only owed to a small brokerage company. The company can help the actors promote a play every day, but after the actors show up, their resolution ability is obviously not as good as that of a big company like Xusheng. At the suggestion of the broker, Qian Ziyan Ziyan gave Qin Jiating 1 yuan in compensation, and Qin Jiating used the money to invite the entire crew to dinner.

Qin Jiating took great pains to choose an afternoon when Qian Ziyan was also on set. The crew saw that Qin Jiating had invited a lot of these things, so they distributed them as dinner.As a result, at night, Qin Jiating shuttled through the crowd with a kind face, "Every teacher has worked hard, please take care of me in the future~"

Qian Ziyan and his assistant Xiaoyu were sitting in the lounge, Li Xiaoxiao saw Qian Ziyan's expression from the corner of his eyes, it was completely hating Qin Jiating and gnashing his teeth, but he didn't have to restrain himself.Her assistant, Xiaoyu, brought the dinner in front of her, and she didn't know what to say, so Qian Ziyan took it from the assistant's hand and threw it into the trash can.

Yes, on the surface these things were bought by Qin Jiating, but the money was developed by Qian Zi, so it's strange that she is in the mood to eat it!

Qin Jiating finished work very early. On the way back to the hotel, Qin Jiating couldn't restrain her excitement. She even turned on the stereo in the nanny's car and sang loudly.

"Xiao Xiao, have you seen Qian Ziyan's face tonight? Hmph! I just like how she can't understand me and can't help it. It's not good to offend anyone, but me!"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Jiating with a smile on her face, "So I'm in a good mood today, I can keep fit when I go back!"

Qin Jiating sang and suddenly made a coquettish expression towards Li Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, you are really competent! Okay, I will rush to the gym when I get back, that's okay!"

Li Xiaoxiao smiled at her, Qin Jiating was a little embarrassed, turned off the stereo, took out some cash from her bag, "Xiaoxiao, thank you for that matter, I really didn't expect you to rush in and stop her. "

"Should be!"

Qin Jiating forced the money into Li Xiaoxiao's hands, "You take the money, and 888 is a good sign. Don't worry, these are just rewards. If you do well, your salary will definitely increase!"

Respect is worse than obedience, and Li Xiaoxiao can't keep refusing.Thinking of how he had been reporting Qin Jiating's work to Zhou Yinan, he suddenly felt that the money in his hand was a bit insecure.

After finishing her work, Li Xiaoxiao went back to her room, took out her mobile phone, and sent Zhou Yinan a series of more than a dozen photos of inviting the crew to dinner today, and received a reply from Zhou Yinan in the next second.

[One Two Three: Don't post photos]
Out of politeness, Li Xiaoxiao just typed on the keyboard: Huh? .Then I received another message from Zhou Yinan.

[One Two Three: Photos take up memory and will get stuck! ]

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the word "huika" in a daze, why did he feel that he was connoting himself?

[Heavenly King Gedihu: Didn't bother you?

One Two Three: Shouldn't the first sentence say this? ]
Li Xiaoxiao felt more and more that chatting with the big boss had exhausted her brain cells for a day, so Li Xiaoxiao quickly found an emoticon pack of a little fox kneeling and shaking her head in apology and sent it to her.

Soon Zhou Yinan also replied with an emoji of "Let's play", and Li Xiaoxiao put away her phone and went to take a shower.

Li Xiaoxiao muttered while rubbing her hair full of shampoo foam, "Why did the boss feel like the emperor said "sure" after reviewing the memorial when the big boss said to go play?"

The rainy season in summer is in the south again, and it rains almost several times a day, and the clothes on my body are also wet and dry.Back in the room, Li Xiaoxiao was already used to sending Zhou Yinan a message before going to take a shower.

This time Li Xiaoxiao didn't reply to the news, Li Xiaoxiao remembered the gossip news two days ago, Zhou Yinan and the new actress Han Han went in and out of the same hotel together, Li Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "Isn't it? "

Immediately afterwards, a video call from Zhou Yinan was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. Li Xiaoxiao almost slipped off the bed and fell to the floor. People really can't guess other people's gossip behind their backs!
Li Xiaoxiao rubbed her little hands, swiped the answer button, and Zhou Yinan's angular face appeared on the screen, "Mr. Zhou is calling now, is he looking for Teacher Qin? I'll go over and ask her to answer the phone, she Maybe I'm busy, I didn't check my phone..."

Li Xiaoxiao said a lot of blah blah blah blah, and when she ran to the door and was about to open it, she heard Zhou Yinan's unhurried voice, "I'm looking for you!"

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned, "Oh, I'm looking for me?"

Zhou Yinan nodded, because Li Xiaoxiao had been running outside since connecting to the video, so the camera was not stable, and he didn't see her appearance. Now Li Xiaoxiao was standing by the door blankly, and only then could she clearly see her appearance. Aim in the shot.

Seeing that her hair was wet, even messy, and her clothes were sticking to her body, her fair and thin neck was even more attractive, but she didn't seem to notice her appearance, and the corners of her eyes were even a little tired, the corners of Zhou Yinan's mouth twitched, "It's okay Already, go ahead and get busy!"

Zhou Xingle saw that his brother was making a video call in the living room, and when he poked his neck to take a peek, Zhou Yinan hung up the phone quickly, but Zhou Xingle still caught a glimpse of the words "Heavenly King Gaidihu".

I saw Zhou Xingle helplessly shaking his head and dangling in front of Zhou Yinan, "Heavenly King Gai Dihu, it seems that it is the name of a young man with a second child. Is it true that I am destined not to have a sister-in-law?"

Zhou Yinan ignored her directly, got up and went upstairs.

"Brother, there are many young ladies in the world, you have to think carefully!" Zhou Xingle followed behind and "persuaded".

Zhou Yinan suddenly stopped, and said meaningfully, "It seems that the recent homework is a bit short."

Li Xiaoxiao saw that the video was hung up, and suddenly said, "It's best to be fine, go take a shower!"

The huge mirror in the bathroom forced Li Xiaoxiao to notice his appearance at the moment. He looked up and down several times. Li Xiaoxiao approached and looked at himself in the mirror. His brows became more and more wrinkled, and his clothes were tightly attached to his body. , she was wearing a long-sleeved jacket before, and she thought it was too wet, so she took it off as soon as she entered the door, "Li Xiaoxiao, you are going crazy!"

So that's what Zhou Yinan meant when he asked her to be busy first?Oh, her face!It was a mess overnight.

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