Li Xiaoxiao hugged Huo Han in her arms, and coaxed him with food and toys.But Su Tang rested his chin with one hand, and held back his smile slowly, because of holding back, his body trembled to varying degrees.

She couldn't help but stare at the "perpetrator" who was watching the joke as if nothing had happened, "Student Su Tang, 32 in our English is enough to embarrass us, restrain yourself!"

Su Tang didn't think too much about it, seeing that she was a little less active because of her advanced pregnancy, so she immediately got up, put Huo Han's armpit with both hands, picked him up, and pretended to go out.

After taking two steps, he turned around and pointed to the report card on the table, "Ms. Li, a friendly reminder, there is a surprise on the report card!"

"You still mentioned the report card, is the surprise the number 32?" Li Xiaoxiao was furious as he said that.

Su Tang hugged Huo Han and ran outside. The snow outside had fallen heavily, and there was a thick layer of snow on the ground. When the child saw the snow, he immediately forgot why he was crying just now, and laughed like a flower in an instant. like.

Huo Han stretched out his small hand and tugged at the corner of the boy's clothes, "Brother, let's play snowball fights!"

Su Tang looked back, and saw Li Xiaoxiao standing in the living room, with tears in his eyes, and seeing him turn his head, he pulled a curve towards him, and then he looked down at the expectant child, the melancholy of the boy's eyes swept away , "Okay! For a snowball fight, my brother will not show mercy!"

Huo Han looked unwilling to admit defeat, pouted, "I am also very good! My dad is a doctor!"

Speaking of his father, this kid is really proud.Is it amazing to have a dad?What's there to be proud of!
In the afternoon, Xiaoxue turned into a blizzard, Huo Qiyang and Yan Ziyi failed to come back from the outside, so Huo Han directly stayed at her house.

Because Su Tang had been playing with him all day, the child was exhausted, and fell asleep on the dining table while eating dinner.His aunt took him to his room to rest, and there were only the two of them left in the dining room.

All day long, the thoughts in Li Xiaoxiao's mind were attracted by the line behind Su Tang's report card: May you feel at ease and see you soon.

She could recognize the eight characters, which were Zhou Yinan's handwriting, strong and powerful.

Reassuring her is what everyone brought her.

"How do you..."

She raised her head, her eyes were slightly reddish, Su Tang pursed her lips, "I asked Uncle Zhou Hongzhi to bring him in to show him his grades."

Suddenly Li Xiaoxiao felt that it was unfair, why everyone could go to see him, but only herself, like a lonely kite flyer isolated from the world, holding a rope in his hand, but unable to see the direction of the kite.


Sensing her awkwardness, Su Tang's brows and eyes gradually frowned, "It's always like a play, and someone is watching the building opposite our house."

Li Xiaoxiao frowned, the building opposite her house?
Isn't that a few kilometers away?That's okay too?

"you know?"

Su Tang confessed honestly, "Peter said it."

"Then tell me, is our house safe now?" When Su Tang said this, she felt that the surroundings were not very secure.

The boy nodded, "It's safe."

There is no safer place than here.

Thinking of this, Su Tang suddenly admired Zhou Yinan, a man who had such a premonition almost ten years ago and turned Tianze Waterview Bay into a safe fortress.

Even the glass in the house was bulletproof, he was sure that Li Xiaoxiao didn't know about it.

To love a woman is to give her enough security without her knowing, and not to tell her the truth, so that she will not think about it, and she is willing to resist everything by herself, so that she can be safe and happy.

Knowing his intentions, Zhou Yinan's image unconsciously rose to a higher level in Su Tang's heart.

Until after ten o'clock in the evening, the snow still had no tendency to shrink. Instead, taking advantage of the frantic cold wind, it was flying unscrupulously in the dark night.

Li Xiaoxiao and Su Tang moved two chairs and sat at the door. The glass door projected the scenery outside the house unreservedly, leaving only the dim yellow wall lamp in the living room, creating a warm picture.

Thinking of Huo Han's every move during the day, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly felt emotional, "The child is so kind, even angry is so justifiable."

The snowflakes were floating, as if falling on the bottom of the boy's heart. At the moment when it was about to condense into ice, a ball of fire melted it until it evaporated completely, leaving no trace.

Su Tang answered in a low voice, "It's fine now."

Other people's childhood may be really worth remembering, but he wants to forget it desperately.

Obviously feeling the sadness covering the young man, Li Xiaoxiao raised his hand, grabbed Su Tang's palm, and patted the back of his hand gently, "This world, because of your arrival, is a little more Color, in my heart, you will always be the best."

Su Tang turned his head, lowered his head again, twitched the corners of his mouth, and raised his head slightly after a long time: Thank you, you didn't give up on me, and now I am what I am now.

"Actually, we are all unlucky. We will feel unfair and unacceptable because of many things. But think about it, we are the luckiest ones."

As she said that, Li Xiaoxiao rested her chin on her hands, and the worry that still couldn't dissipate in her eyebrows and eyes, combined with her clean and white eyes from the beginning to the end, was always so touching.

"Actually, I am very contradictory. I want to help him, but I have no ability. It seems that I only hide behind him. If something happens, I can only stay quietly and don't cause trouble for him. It seems to be my only one." Can do."

She admitted that on the first day of the new year, she was very sad, very sad.

So much so that he forgot that Su Tang was just a minor who was about to grow up.

Su Tang didn't speak, quietly digesting what she just said.

For a long time, neither of them spoke, and they seemed to be able to clearly hear the wind outside the window. The thick layer of snow on the ground could not withstand the entanglement of the strong wind, and the flying snow in the air was rolled up, blurring people Sight.

"I don't believe in fate at all, why?" Su Tang said suddenly, Li Xiaoxiao turned around, and found a trace of hostility on the young man's face, and unwillingness in his eyes.

"But I believe in you." Su Tang turned his head and met Shang Li's eyes, "As long as you stand there, I believe that this world is warm and colorful."

It is because your eyes have seen all kinds of things in the world, but they are still radiant and clean, which will purify the violence and evil in our hearts.

Perhaps, it is the warmth at the time of redemption, the light in the dark.

So don't feel guilty and say you're worthless.

There was no sound around, a tear escaped from the eye socket, across the face, and dripped on the back of the boy's hand.

Li Xiaoxiao never thought that one day, the person who would comfort her restless heart would be this young man whom she watched grow up.

Su Tang stared at the teardrops falling on the back of his hand for a long time before raising his eyelids with a smile in his eyes, "Well, it seems to be sweet."

She raised her hand and wiped the moisture from her face indiscriminately, then turned her face away, "You think I'm stupid!"

"Happy New Year! My mother, I hope you will be happier this year, and your two babies will be safe and healthy. Your husband will return to you as soon as possible."

A few words, and successfully caused her to cry.The young man looked at her slightly trembling body, and a crystal drop fell from the corner of his eyes inadvertently.

She never believed that the retribution of good and evil would come so quickly, but Su Tang told her truthfully, you just do it, God will judge by himself.

She was very grateful that Su Tang was by her side when she was in a state of anxiety, deliberately diverting her attention and listening to her nagging.

Thank you too, Su Tang.

After Li Xiaoxiao fell asleep, Su Tang put on a coat and walked out of Tianze Shuijingwan community in the face of the blizzard.

The young man's thin body, with his hands in his pockets, is so casual and peaceful, even in the dark night, he is still firm and persistent.

A man in a green coat suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he had expected it a long time ago. The young man's eyes were unwavering, and he stared at the coming person like a torch.

"Happy New Year, my son!"

Helan Wenyan opened his mouth suddenly, with an evil tone in an instant, which made people feel sick. Seeing that the boy didn't respond, he took two steps forward and stood still in front of Su Tang, "It seems that I have received the contents of the mailbox. .”

He raised his head slightly and looked at the young man who was taller than him, "Have you seen the content?" He Lan Wenyan smiled to himself, and said, "I should have read it, right? Come out at this time."

"Are you really my biological father?"

Su Tang lowered his eyes and looked at this man with a gentle and jade-like skin, but his voice and expression were particularly disgusting, and there was a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Helan Wenyan smiled triumphantly, "You don't need to believe me, but you must believe in science. Science will not lie."


Taking advantage of Helan Wenyan's inattention, the young man took out a hand from his pocket, with a knife hidden between his fingers, raised his hand across his cheek with lightning speed, and a smear of blood gushed out of Helan Wenyan's face instantly.

Su Tang's eyes were full of disdain, "What's the serious illness, to the point where I recognize my father everywhere!"

Helan Wenyan was not angry at all, but slowly raised his hand to wipe the wound on his face, his white fingertips were instantly stained with a layer of bright red, and said in a very lazy tone: "You are so angry, you believe it, right?"


The young man sneered, Helan Wenyan was in a daze for a moment, his posture was no different from Zhou Yinan's, as if the sneer just now was Zhou Yinan.

Helan Wenyan raised his eyebrows, "Believe it or not, these are not important anymore, the important thing is, do you want to know how your mother died?"

Su Tang immediately turned around and left without saying anything, a group of people suddenly surrounded him, blocking his way, and Helan Wenyan's threatening voice behind him: "Aren't you naive to want to leave just like that after you know it, kid? "

The light "child" at the end, with jokes and playfulness, pulled his thoughts back to ten years ago. Su Tang's body trembled, his eyes were scarlet, and he stared at the man standing not far away. .

The wind was still blowing unscrupulously, but the shock in his heart and the uneasiness of hesitation and fear were more violent and powerful than the strong wind, hitting the defense line in his heart that could be shattered at any time.

Why remind him, why can't he live a normal life.

He was still comforting Li Xiaoxiao who was upset at night, and now he is going to let him stand alone on the edge of the cliff.Has he been lying to himself for a long time?

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