"Isn't it, wanting to follow in your footsteps?"

He said in a hoarse voice, "As long as you are well, that's fine."

If you walk slowly, then I will slow down and wait for you; if you want to walk faster, then I will run on my back. In this way, there will be no problem between us who is waiting for whom.

Quickly walking to the living room, Pete saw Zhou Yinan hurriedly approaching, immediately got up from the sofa, nodded and handed the file that had just been placed on the table to the man.


Zhou Yinan glanced at Li Xiaoxiao beside him, then turned to Pete and said, "It's okay, let's talk."

Seeing that Pete hesitated to speak just now, she was moved by the man's fingers in the palm of his hand, and the man looked back at her.

"If it's inconvenient, I'll just..."

As she spoke, she was just about to struggle to free Zhou Yinan's palm, when she grabbed her again with a force, her voice was lazy and gentle: "It's convenient."

Zhou Yinan took her by the hand, walked to the sofa and sat down, motioning for Pete to sit down together.Only then did Pete relax a lot of restraint, and sat opposite the two of them.

The result of the investigation was very simple. During the process of investigation, Pete kept the result in his heart, so he pushed the file bag in front of Zhou Yinan with both hands, and talked about it slowly.

"······Zhou Xingle graduated from university three years ago, and because of unknown reasons, her job search was not smooth. Later, she heard from her college classmates that she attempted suicide. After being rescued, she broke off all communication The human connection..."

Li Xiaoxiao listened, her mind was full of shock, she felt the big palm holding her fingers move slightly, but when she looked back, she couldn't see a wave on the man's face.

"Her current husband is Tang Yan, your former secretary..." When Pete said this, he couldn't help but paused, looked up at the man opposite him, and continued: "Her husband is right She is fine, they have two children, one son and one daughter, and they are living happily."

"It's pretty happy, what do you mean?" Li Xiaoxiao interrupted him suddenly, not because of anything else, but because Pete's expression was obviously not very good when he said this.

Pete also didn't expect that before Zhou Yinan could speak, the delicate-looking woman next to him suddenly interrupted his words, and he couldn't help but look more.There was a hint of anger in the woman's eyes. When she spoke, she was full of confidence, not as weak and incompetent as she seemed.

Unexpectedly, a burst of deep laughter broke the frozen atmosphere, and the man gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, "Don't be angry now."

After speaking, he looked at Pete again, "What is he doing with the money?"

last night.When he saw Tang Yan and the girl, and where he was, he guessed it in all likelihood.

Pete: "It seems that the child is sick."

"I see."

He kept silent until Pete left, Li Xiaoxiao watched him standing in front of the window, although his arms were folded, but from behind, he was covered with a thick sense of loneliness.

She stood not far away, not disturbing, and stood there with him.

He should be very sad now. His sister, who thought he was his opposite, did not expect that at her young age, her life was not as satisfactory as he thought.

But they all understand that this result was not caused by him, Zhou Xingle just went through the same experience as Zhou Yinan.And from the six years when Zhou Yinan never mentioned it to her, she knew that this man had experienced more and more difficulties than she imagined.

Suddenly, a soreness crept up to the tip of her heart, and she was suddenly dissatisfied and just stood behind him, empathizing with him.

She stepped forward, walked towards him, opened her arms, hugged his waist tightly from behind, and pressed her face against his hot, warm, firm and straight back.

He felt a pair of small hands clasped on his lower abdomen, looked down, and big palms covered hers.

At this moment, silent and speechless, she felt the loneliness emanating from the man's week; he felt the silent power transmitted to him by her weak body.

Fortunately, it is you, fortunately, you are here, by my side, with me.

"Will the rainy season in the coming year be the continuation of our lives?"

Li Xiaoxiao hugged him, and the man asked her suddenly, she didn't realize what she meant for a while, and was frowning, Zhou Yinan turned around, stroking her shoulder with his big palm, his eyes were soft and soft, Qi thin lips: "Xiao Xiao, thank you."

His eyes fell on her flat belly, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

She raised her head quickly, and the corners of her lips felt warm. He gently held her cheek, full of tenderness while tossing, and she climbed up to his waist, earnestly responding to his unique enthusiasm.

It turned out that he knew that she was just a temptation, but when he got the result, he reacted a little more violently, and he knew everything completely.

Yes, he has always been a smart man, but what he gave her was not his smart side, but his earnestness.

How could she not be moved? It was because she knew that, so she wanted to give him a child that belonged to them regardless of all risks. This seemed to be the only thing she could think of and do for him.

His world was too cold and indifferent, but God made him gentle and kind. She was afraid that she would not be able to warm his life alone, so she wanted to have many flames of his life continuation, so that he could feel the warmth thoroughly, and bathe in the spring breeze even when he was dead.

People are probably like this. When they don’t know the truth, they always try to find it. When they get the answer, they want to make an imperfect answer better.

The leaves on the trees have been blown away, and the trees on both sides of the city roads are left with bare trunks, which look extraordinarily depressed and cold. To prepare this way, you should be waiting for the arrival of winter.

Before Li Xiaoxiao went out, her aunt brought a scarf to wrap around her, but she took it without refusing.Because of her refusal, Zhou Yinan's phone call may come in the next second, nagging about her for a long time.

But as soon as she got in the car, the driver didn't turn on the heater. She was so hot that she was about to sweat, so she put the scarf on the empty seat beside her.

I don't know why, recently she always feels hot and sweaty, even when she sleeps at night, she kicks the quilt unknowingly, Zhou Yinan doesn't know how many times she has to cover her with the quilt in one night.

Because it was a working day, there were not many cars on the road after nine o'clock in the morning, and they soon arrived at the suburbs of City A, a village developed by farming and animal husbandry.

She never knew that such a prosperous place in City A actually had such a scene in the suburbs.

The weather was gloomy, and this year's cold snap was quicker than in the coming years. As soon as he got out of the car, a gust of cold wind blew into his neckline. Li Xiaoxiao bent down and took the scarf and put it on. It was really much better.

She walked along the path, and the driver walked behind her unhurriedly.

This was arranged by Zhou Yinan, and she didn't refuse, after going through so much, she also clearly understood the situation they were in.For his own safety, he found someone to follow; then she followed his worries and did not object to his arrangement.

Although it is late autumn, there are still many people busy in the fields. The corn and tangerines are piled up into huge piles, with pointed tops and round circles.

She grew up in a town, but she seldom saw this. She couldn't help taking a deep breath. There was no car exhaust, no oppressive air, and the air here became much sweeter.

She walked along the path for about seven or eight minutes, and finally saw the first row of the village.The houses here are neat and tidy, just like an episode in a textbook, orderly.

According to the information Pete gave, Tang Yan now lives at No. 29 in this village.She walked all the way, wanting to inquire, but couldn't find anyone, probably busy in the fields.

She didn't walk very far, and finally saw the children playing together. She approached and asked softly, "Kids, do you know where Uncle Tang Yan's home is?"

The children didn't have any precautions. As soon as she finished speaking, one of the chubby little boys turned around and asked the little boy next to him, "Tang Guo, isn't your father Tang Yan? The beautiful aunt is looking for your father?"

The boy named Tang Guo looked at the strange woman in front of him, couldn't help but took a few steps back, then turned and ran away.

Turning back while running, Li Xiaoxiao stood still, staring blankly at the child who was running in another direction.

The face of the truth was about to show in front of her eyes, but she suddenly regretted it.

Will she come here so rashly, will it disturb their normal life?What should she say when she sees Zhou Xingle in a while?
She popped a lot of uncertain unknown questions.Before coming, Zhou Yinan acquiesced to her, she thought, Zhou Yinan probably had the same concerns as her, that's why he didn't come directly!
The chubby little boy raised his hand and pointed in the direction Tang Guo ran away, "Auntie beautiful, Tang Guo's house is the first door in the second row behind that square."

She leaned over and rubbed the boy's chubby cheeks, "Thank you kid!"

As she said, she took out her only box of hard candy from her bag, "You have done Auntie a big favor, can Auntie treat you to some candy?"

The children nodded repeatedly, and Li Xiaoxiao gave the box of candy to the chubby little boy. After they said thank you, they ran away and sat on the steps not far away to share the candy.

She smiled and looked away from the children. Before she could move, she saw a figure walking towards her not far away.

Zhou Xingle was holding a child in her arms, and the corner of her clothes was pulled by Tang Guo, probably because the child was pulling too hard, she obviously staggered, lowered her head and roared, Tang Guo wiped her tears and ran away.

She took a long breath and watched Tang Guo run away towards home, then she looked up and saw the woman standing in front of her.

The woman was wearing an apricot coat, a red scarf, and a pair of flat white sneakers. She looked in her direction in a daze, and there was a man in a black suit standing not far behind.

She was stunned, her pupils suddenly widened, and realizing who the woman was, she walked towards her.

Stopping at a distance of one meter from Li Xiaoxiao, Zhou Xingle's eyes flashed with disdain, "Why are you here?"

Yes, why is she here?

She didn't know how to answer, so she pursed her lips, turned her gaze to the child in her arms, and forced a smile, "How old is the child?"

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