After Tang Yan left, they had an impromptu meeting about some matters abroad.After it was over, it was already almost eight o'clock in the evening. Everyone was waiting for the man sitting in the middle, but found that he was just taking his mobile phone to send messages, and the others didn't dare to move until he put away his mobile phone and stood up. , and then gradually pack things up.

As soon as he entered the elevator, Pete followed him, "The account you gave me, someone did withdraw money half an hour ago."

"How many?"

"30, besides, I think you might be interested in another thing..."

Zhou Yinan rushed into the underground garage without stopping, and drove away.

Li Xiaoxiao had just finished eating at home, when she received a message from Zhou Yinan, saying that it was a temporary meeting and she would go home soon, and she ordered the aunt at home to put the food in the incubator.

Pete said that his hands were itchy, and when he heard that Tang Yan was his former assistant, he couldn't help but searched. It turned out that his wife's surname was Zhou and her name was Zhou Xingle.

He didn't know what kind of reaction he had when he heard Pete say that, but he just felt like taking a look.

He drove wildly along the way, the more he walked, the more remote the address became, until he reached the suburbs, he was waiting for a red light, when suddenly a figure appeared on the sidewalk.Not because of the person's appearance, but because of the couples on the sidewalk in twos and threes holding hands, with sweet smiles on their faces.

And she, holding the child in her arms, looks like it has been around a week, pushing a baby carriage in her hand, the baby carriage is full of vegetables, the girl has a high ponytail, and a lot of broken hair falls on both sides. The child didn't know where the discomfort was, and kept writhing.

The green light turned into a red light, and she was the only woman holding a child left on the sidewalk. Many drivers had already honked their horns to urge them, and some even stepped on the gas pedal to go straight across. Zhou Yinan spun in place, very calm On the sidewalk, all the vehicles that wanted to pass by were blocked for her.

His car had been changed a long time ago, and in the dark night, at such a long distance, Zhou Xingle couldn't see the faces of the people in the car clearly.

She quickened her pace and nodded towards Zhou Yinan to express her thanks.

Not far away, Tang Yan trotted over, picked up the child in her arms, and put his arms around her shoulders. Zhou Yinan then stepped on the accelerator and drove forward slowly. Two figures that were getting further and further away in the rearview mirror , and finally blurred in the passing vehicles.

He didn't know how he felt when he saw the figure on the sidewalk.Ever since Zhou Xingle offered to live in his apartment, saying that it was closer to the school, it would be more convenient to go back and forth; later, when he heard her report her itinerary and time to Lin Xifeng several times, he became more cautious .

Only now, he might need to know the truth.

When Zhou Yinan came home, she saw a figure rushing down from upstairs. She was running towards him with light steps, wearing a lavender home dress, with a hint of shyness on her face. Overcoming the exhaustion and melancholy in his heart, he opened his arms to catch her, hugged her and turned around, then stood there, buried his face on her neck, and kissed her delicate and faint fragrance of shower gel .

Noticing his abnormality, Li Xiaoxiao's crisp laughter squatting at the mouth of her throat stopped, and she lowered her voice, "Did something happen?"

She learned how to coax a child, gently stroking the man's firm back, one after another.

"Something happened and I was in a mess."

It was a rare time when he took the initiative to speak out what was on his mind. Li Xiaoxiao pulled him away and gently held his neckline, "Otherwise, you can speak up and see if your smart and lovely wife can help you solve it?"

The man laughed, leaned over and gave her a light peck on the forehead, then took her little hand and walked towards the dining room, "I've already asked someone to check it, and after the results come out, I'll see if my smart and lovely wife can do it, how about it?"

Li Xiaoxiao gave him an "OK" gesture, and the aunt just happened to arrange the food neatly on the table. In the huge living room, there were only the two of them, and there was an empty silence.

She put her hands on her chin and looked at the man who was eating with his head down, "Do you think our house is a bit empty?"


"Look, there are only two of us in such a big house, will it be..."

"Too big?" The man frowned and looked at her, "But this is already considered very small..."


Sure enough, the temptation without making it clear is a bit wrong.

"In fact, I have a dream, which is to have a litter of cubs. You see, your genes are so good, and your wife is not too tall, but other things are not bad. Such a combination, isn't it a loss if you have a few more babies? ?”

The corners of Zhou Yinan's lips twitched inadvertently, it turned out that she had such thoughts again.Looking up to meet her smiling eyes, "You may not be able to realize this wish."

"Why?" Li Xiaoxiao was a little excited and stood up directly.

The man raised his eyebrows, not expecting her to react so violently. He stretched out his long arms to pull her into his arms, and rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately, "It will be very hard for you to have a baby now, isn't it because of Su Tang?"

She suddenly felt wronged, not for herself, but for this man.She knew Su Tang's identity very well, and Zhou Yinan knew better than her that Su Tang was her half-brother, but now, he said so lightly that he had Su Tang.

She likes Su Tang very much, and even regards Su Tang as her own child, but that's different!
"But I want, I want a child between you and me, not just one, even two, three, eight or ten!"

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, she struggled out of his arms, and ran straight up to the second floor.

Looking at the figure that quickly disappeared from his sight, he suddenly lost his appetite.She has never lost her temper for no reason like this, but she reacted suddenly like this today, and her intuition told him that something was wrong.

Zhou Yinan stood at the door, put his hand lightly on the doorknob, and with a little force, the door opened.He was a little surprised that he didn't lock the door, and a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes. The moment he entered the door, he put the spare key in his left hand on the side cabinet.

She didn't turn on the light, and the room was pitch black. He just breathed normally, and he sensed Li Xiaoxiao's figure. When he stretched out his long arm, his big palm grabbed the person leaning against the wall not far behind the door. Before he could pull her into his arms, he heard a soft and soft voice, "Don't you like children?"


"Then don't you want to have a child that belongs to us?"

When she asked this sentence, the other hand that was not held by Zhou Yinan suddenly pressed the switch of the light in the room next to her, and the room was brightened instantly. She looked at the man in front of her like this, and took two steps. , pressed against his chest tightly, and asked him with a raised face, "Don't you want to have a child between us?"

Seeing the hesitation and entanglement on the man's face, her wrinkled little face suddenly showed dark clouds, with a touch of happiness, "But I hope, very much..."

As she spoke, she lowered her small head and pressed it against his heart. The moment her eyes drooped, a trace of sadness flashed across her eyes, his heart tightened, and he opened his arms to embrace her.

"If it's a boy, it must be like you, as smart and calm as you; if it's a girl, it must be like you, as kind as you, as charming as you..."

She lay in his arms muttering, and said something that made him laugh and look forward to it, so she forgot that she was still angry with herself a moment ago, and followed her words, "They are all like me, not like you." ?”

"The two of us stand together. It's obvious that your genes are strong, and I'm sure I can't beat you!" Her voice was still a little angry, with a trace of unwilling arrogance.

Zhou Yinan lowered his head, held her chin with one hand, forced her to look at him, curled the corners of her lips, with a trace of evil charm, "Is this considered to be self-aware?"

I wanted to tease her, but seeing the girl pursed her lips suddenly, it seemed that a face full of disappointment would appear in the next second.He was about to say that he was joking, but before he could say anything, he felt a pain in the back of his hand.

He watched a figure run away from his arms, looked down, there were two eye-catching teeth marks on the back of his hand, like two arcs of a smile, he stared at it, and suddenly smiled.

"Turn off the lights! I'm going to bed!"

The man stood where he was, looking at the pajamas that got into the quilt, and he didn't know where to find it. After changing in the quilt, he threw out the home clothes he was wearing, curled up and covered his head. This movement in one go, he He was not angry either, and turned off the light very "obediently", walked to the bed step by step, took off his coat, shirt and tie, gently opened the corner of the quilt and got in.

Li Xiaoxiao felt a burst of cold air behind her, and in the next second, she fell into a warm embrace.The man pressed against her back, and the hot skin spread through the material of the clothes. Adhering to the principle of persisting in the cold war to the end, she kept moving towards the bed with stubbornness, just to keep Zhou Yinan from approaching her.

She had already reached the edge, and her movement suddenly stopped. She thought that the man would pull her, but there was nothing, and there was a deep laughter from the man behind him, "Someone said that you can sleep half-body in the air." Now, it seems that it is not rigorous to say this, it should be said that I have witnessed it with my own eyes, and it really happened!"

Zhou Yinan put one hand on her temple, and said leisurely, looking like a villain who watched the excitement and made sarcastic remarks.She jumped up from the bed in a panic, because the air cushion on the bed was extremely elastic, and when Li Xiaoxiao got up, she was still trembling up and down very cooperatively.

"Zhou Yinan! Is your bed hard? Who have you seen sleeping on such a soft bed!"

Seeing the girl sitting on the bed angrily, hugging the quilt in her arms, "So angry?"

"I was wrong."

He took a peek at the angry person, raised his hand and poked her arm again, but there was still no response, a trace of slyness flashed across his eyes, he waved his long arm, and pressed her under him, whispering close to her with a deep magnetic voice. Deaf, "I will work harder tonight, will I stop being angry?"


Li Xiaoxiao's face turned red in an instant, what did he mean by that!That's what she said too!Is she like that?

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