Daily life after marriage with bigwigs in the entertainment industry

Chapter 164 Keeping You Safe for the First Time

A week later, Li Xiaoxiao got his wish and returned home, lying on his back on the bed, feeling comfortable in his tibia all over his body.She lay lazily on the bed, looking at the busy man who kept going back and forth.

"Zhou Yinan, your shaking back and forth makes my eyes hurt~"

The man who had just walked to the door immediately turned back, walked quickly to the side of the bed, squatted down in front of Li Xiaoxiao, frowned, and looked her eyes left and right.

But the person in front of him, with a faint smile on his face, raised his hand and scratched the bridge of his nose, "Take a break."

The man froze, then got up and sat on the edge of the bed.

The girl lying on the bed suddenly got into his arms, and said softly: "If you can't sit still, why don't you just hug me? Or kiss me?"

"it is good."

He stretched out his hand and held her in his arms as if holding a baby, leaned over gently and pressed his thin lips to her smooth forehead, and kissed her gently.

Li Xiaoxiao reached out and grabbed his neck, "The second day after you came, I bought the ticket for the third day, but it seems that the plan was wrong."


The man stopped his movements and stared at her eyes with burning eyes. The moisture at the corners of his eyes hurt her heart. She raised her hand and wiped away the string of crystals.

"Stay by my side from now on, don't go anywhere, if you go, take me with you, okay?"

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head, the softness on her face became serious, she slowly got up and broke away from his arms, "I don't like you like this!"

Grabbing her big palm, she suddenly lost strength. Li Xiaoxiao grabbed her big palm quickly and put the big palm in her palm, "I don't like you who are so humble, why are we always so careful? We can have many kinds of jobs law, isn't it?"

"We will have a good life in the future, very good..."

When eating in the evening, Li Xiaoxiao unexpectedly found Su Tang who appeared in the restaurant with a backpack on his back.I haven't seen him all day, thinking that the child has left again.

She directly ran down the steps excitedly, before going down three steps, Zhou Yinan hugged her and put her whole body on the sofa.He stared at her condescendingly, "I promised you something in the morning, let's say it again now."

She frowned, pursed her mouth and looked at the man standing in front of her with his hands on his hips. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Su Tang standing in the kitchen and giggling, so she winked at Zhou Yinan, "The child is still there!"

Li Xiaoxiaonu pursed her mouth, but the man still looked soft and hard, she unconsciously buried the showman physique in her body, and touched her neck with both hands, "You won't want to domestically abuse me, will you?"

The man raised his brows lightly, leaned over to press her, his tall body approached instantly, with his unique aura, confused her thoughts, asked in a low voice, "Say you?"

She has surrendered now, leaning on the sofa in a nonchalant manner, and said lazily: "1: Don't run downstairs; 2: Don't enter the kitchen; 3: Don't take a bath for a week; 4: Don't bask in the sun... "

After she slowly finished the pile of do's and don'ts, Zhou Yinan carried her to the dining table to prepare for dinner.

But she was still unconvinced, hiding in Zhou Yinan's arms and complaining endlessly: "What you said is too unrealistic"

The man raised his eyebrows, beckoning her to talk.

"Look, except for the first one, you can't run, so I can't run now if I want to, and the second one, you are not allowed to enter the kitchen, and I don't plan to wash your hands to make soup for you, so this one, can you have it?" No."
Seemingly agreeing with her statement, the man nodded.

So there was a posture of pushing her nose and face, Li Xiaoxiao changed her position in his arms, before she got used to it, she was put on the dining chair, the man turned and walked into the kitchen, leaving her with her hands on her chin to watch Looking at the two busy figures in the kitchen.

"Isn't it a bit too much not to take a bath for a week? Look, it's summer, the hottest time of the year. If I don't take a bath for a week, I will go crazy!"

Zhou Yinan put egg custard in front of her, and reminded her in a good voice, "It's the hottest during the dog days, and there is an air conditioner at home."

"Then why don't you bask in the sun? What's the basis?"

"Do you want to get a tan?" Zhou Yinan didn't answer, but asked her instead.

Li Xiaoxiao was gagged and ate with her head drooping.

Su Tang then came over with other things and sat down opposite Li Xiaoxiao.He had a faint smile on his face, and the corners of his eyes were beautifully curved. She suddenly remembered that Zhou Yinan was like this before, with a faint smile on his face like a spring breeze, like a young man as gentle as jade, she turned her head to look at Zhou Yinan again .

His youthful appearance probably resembles Su Tang's!
But looking at the peaceful relationship between the two, she was a little surprised at the beginning, but after a few days, she didn't find anything unusual.Right now, the two of them are eating in silence, and she is more interested in other things than eating.

"You two?"

She squinted her eyes, and looked around Zhou Yinan and Su Tang.

When Li Xiaoxiao spoke, the two stopped their movements almost at the same time and looked up at her.

"Is there something you're hiding from me?"

Su Tang glanced at Zhou Yinan, and Zhou Yinan glanced at him, "What are you looking at me for?"

Li Xiaoxiao stared intently with a gossipy face.

Su Tang said lightly: "He took 100 yuan from your wallet."

Thinking it was some big news, Li Xiaoxiao's whole body's attention was focused on Su Tang, but when he said this suddenly, he almost choked on the snow peas he was biting, "Only this?"

"Isn't that counted? He doesn't have any cash on him!" Su Tang looked at the man with his head down while eating with a flat face.

Zhou Yinan picked up a chopstick of vegetables and put them on the plate in front of Su Tang, "Let's eat your meal!"

Su Tang ignored him, and used his own chopsticks to pull aside the vegetables he picked up, and then ate them with the shrimps.

Li Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, these two people, why are they such an awkward father and son after a fight?
"Do you two have any plans for tomorrow?"

Su Tang swallowed the last mouthful of porridge, and raised his hand to signal, "I found the school, and I have to go to class tomorrow, and school ends at 05:30 in the evening."



She was a little surprised. No matter how much she persuaded, Su Tang insisted on staying in that mysterious base. Now, in just a few days, he has found a good school in City A.

"You, are you leaving?"


Li Xiaoxiao was a little indescribably happy, but she wasn't sure why Su Tang stayed suddenly. It was probably because she was in danger this time. The corners of her lips moved slightly. Eat well, eat slowly."

Seeing his back quietly going upstairs, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly fell into deep thought, and murmured: "Zhou Yinan, I really have no experience in educating children. You say he is like this now, what should I do?"

Lost and confused all hung on her little face with wounds.

The man raised his hand and flicked her forehead, "Eat!"

Li Xiaoxiao raised her chin in protest, "Pay attention to the method! You are teasing a child!"


A crisp and loud voice came from her face, and her soft lips pressed against her face, and she bit it lightly when she left. The man stared at her proudly, even if he didn't raise his head, he could feel the heat in his eyes.

So, I honestly lowered my head, touched the bowl, and drank the whole bowl of porridge within 2 minutes.

The next day, when Su Tang finished his breakfast and was about to go to school, Li Xiaoxiao insisted on seeing him off, but was blocked by two big men at the door, unable to hold her back, so Zhou Yinan had no choice but to let go and said that he would send Su Tang to the school. School.

On the road, not far behind their car, there was a black van following them at an even speed. Su Tang kept staring at the rearview mirror, but turned to look at the driver, staring at the front, as if he didn't pay attention Seeing the abnormality behind, he hesitated again and again, but Su Tang still kindly reminded: "There is a car following behind."

Zhou Yinan glanced at it, "Yes."

"Didn't you dump them?"

"No need."

Su Tang shrugged, thinking he was meddling.

After a while, I heard the man say, "Are you sure you want to stay?"

Su Tang looked at him disapprovingly, but found that Zhou Yinan was also looking at him, as if waiting for his answer.

There was a sound of the horn ahead, and Su Tang turned his head to find that there was a car driving in the opposite direction on the expressway around the city. He panicked and reminded Zhou Yinan to be careful.

Unexpectedly, the man held the steering wheel with one hand, his eyes still fell on him, a direction was turned immediately, and with a few operations with his right hand, their car instantly flew into the air on one side, only the right wheel was in contact with the ground, and Zhou Yinan followed the carriage. Tilt up, and successfully dodge the retrograde car.

After 10 minutes, Su Tang kept looking at Zhou Yinan with one movement. He looked calm and composed just now, but in his opinion, he was very cool.Maybe it was because I was at home these few days, and I was used to his gentle way of giving in, tolerance and even doting in front of Li Xiaoxiao, and I almost forgot that this man rushed out in the hail of guns and bullets in Mexico.

He has never been a gentle sheep, but a calm and taciturn dark Lord Han.

It wasn't until the car stopped at the school gate that Su Tang answered him: "Well, it's decided."

"Then I can also promise to keep you safe forever."

His dark and deep eyes were full of seriousness and rigor without the slightest hint of a joke.At that moment, he had to admit that his defense was broken bit by bit by the man in front of him.He admitted that at this moment, Zhou Yinan made him feel that he really felt at home.

However, this emotion did not last for an hour.

No, it's half an hour!
Su Tang was led by the dean into the "Yucai Building" in the middle, until he stood at the door of the seventh class of the second grade, staring at the words on the class number plate, and after confirming it five times, he still had no intention of going in.

You know, this school is a middle school merged with a relatively ordinary middle school and high school in City A. It doesn't matter, but he is a person who has passed the high school entrance examination, and now he is sent to a junior high school again. But why is it the second year of junior high school!
He refused to go in, and the director had no choice but to call his parents.

So, Zhou Yinan made a phone call not long after he turned the front of the car back to school.

A 1.8m tall man in a black suit, and a 1.7m tall boy in a dark blue sports suit.The two stood at the end of the corridor of the teaching building.

Zhou Yinan stared at Su Tang with his hands in his pockets, the young man was somewhat unconvinced, and neither of them spoke. After a stalemate for 3 minutes, there were really too many students in the recess, and it was very attractive for them to stand there. Open the mouth: "Why did you let me go to the second grade of junior high school?"

"What junior year do you want to go to?"

"At least freshman!" This was his final bottom line.

Zhou Yinan didn't have time to hang out with him at school, so he left behind a sentence of "laying the foundation".

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