Li Xiaoxiao looked at the message from Su Tang for a long time.

The temperature of the hotel's central air conditioner is very low. She didn't notice it when she first entered the door, but now she has been sitting on the sofa for a long time, and she couldn't help shivering. She got up and turned off the air conditioner. The cold wind didn't blow over in an instant. It's much better.

Put away the tablet on the table and put it aside, then took out his own laptop. There was a string of cute animal heads on the back of the computer, just placed in front of him, like a cultural relic about to be unearthed.

Following Zhou Yinan's departure, this computer was also sealed up by her.But she is always watching, and she will plug in the power and light up the screen from time to time.

At this moment, seeing the computer screen light up instantly, she stretched out her hand and clicked it randomly, and all the icons on it were refreshed again.

She has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, and always likes to put icons in a neat and orderly manner, but when Zhou Yinan disappeared, she created a new folder and placed it in the center of the computer screen.

In that document, her mood at that time was recorded, and the text was more like a girl who had lost her love, lost all information about her life, and everything she saw was gray.

Later, after a long time, she felt that she had adapted to the life without Zhou Yinan, so she locked the folder. The words in it were too sad to be remembered.

Slide the mouse, gently drag the folder, and finally pull it into the trash can.

The two options of OK and Cancel appeared in the center of the screen, and she chose OK without hesitation.

I got up and walked to the window, just not far away was a huge basketball court, only a few teenagers were playing under the scorching sun.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, it was conceivable that they were a group of positive and cheerful teenagers.

Thinking about it, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously. It feels so good to be young, but she is no longer young.

Early the next morning, Li Xiaoxiao went to the restaurant of the hotel for breakfast alone. He had just registered his room number at the entrance of the restaurant, and when he looked up, he saw Jin Chuanchuan sitting by the window. He raised his hand and waved to him. , the assistant also nodded to him in greeting.

After serving a bowl of porridge and some staple food, when she was looking for a seat, she met Jin Chuanchuan's eyes again, and finally sat directly opposite him.

They also just came down, and there is still a lot of food on the plate.Jin Chuanchuan also looked a little tired. When they came back yesterday and happened to meet him, Jin Chuanchuan probably just finished work after a long night.

Jin Chuanchuan: "The breakfast in this hotel is not bad, and there are many types."

"Well, I have stayed here before on a business trip. The only bad thing is that the aunt who cleans the hotel always likes to knock on the door after six o'clock, asking if she needs to do laundry."

After speaking, the assistant sitting on the side expressed his deep understanding. He didn't know it on the first day, but they were woken up by knocking on the door for several days without sleeping, and were even complained about by his boss for several days.

So when Li Xiaoxiao complained, the assistant nodded in agreement.

"Is she okay?"

"Well, she's always been pretty good at self-regulation."

Jin Chuanchuan nodded, "That's good, I'm still worried."

Li Xiaoxiao smiled, "You all have to take care of yourselves."

Jin Chuanchuan was also a little embarrassed. He felt that he was a big star in front of the public, but some things that the public could not think of made the woman in front of him feel sympathetic to him.

Not far from them, at a table diagonally across from them, two girls gathered together, secretly not knowing what to say, when Li Xiaoxiao looked over, those few people pretended to look around again.

The assistant also found out, so he said to Jin Chuanchuan, "Boss, let's go up quickly, there seems to be someone over there."

Jin Chuanchuan was deeply sorry, he called people over to have breakfast together, but now he had to leave first, he was still embarrassed.

Li Xiaoxiao expressed her understanding, "Go back quickly, and be careful not to be followed."

Seeing the two of them quickly disappear in the elevator, and the two girls sitting diagonally opposite also disappeared after Jin Chuanchuan disappeared, panic and regret appeared on their faces.

In fact, the public has seen the glamorous stars on the stage. They can sing and dance with superb skills, and they are handsome and sweet. It seems that they want wind and rain.

But when they plunged into the crew, they were just like ordinary people, just a part-time worker in an acting job. Here, there is no spotlight, only precise and professional movie shots.

Here, their names are actors.

But the heat brought by them made them endure too much entanglement and stalking by strangers.There are always some people who do the most hurtful actions under the banner of loving you.

They are mentally weak after being tortured, but as long as there are cameras, they will appear in their best condition.

This is roughly what people call the two sides of the coin.

Sheng Zihan didn't ask the assistant to take away her mobile phone, so when the assistant came over and called her to go to the scene together, she kept quietly watching her reaction.

There was only one result: Sheng Zihan was sleepy!It's almost a big sleepy word written on the face.

Facts have proved that Sheng Zihan really didn't read the news online last night, but just stayed up late to read the script. The next day, her role was exhausted, so she took advantage of the situation and stayed up until dawn, only to squint for a while.

Li Xiaoxiao went out at the same time, and the three of them waited for the elevator to go downstairs together.Seeing that the elevator never came, Sheng Zihan took Li Xiaoxiao's arm directly, leaning his head on her shoulder, "Xiaoxiao, I'm so sleepy."

"Then take a nap after getting in the car?" She coaxed Sheng Zihan like a child.

Unexpectedly, she objected, "Don't let me fall asleep, I have to maintain this state, the first scene needs this feeling."

Li Xiaoxiao and her assistant smiled at each other, "Okay, bear with it."

After arriving at the scene, it was discovered that Jin Chuanchuan and the others were already filming. During the interval between scenes, Jin Chuanchuan nodded slightly when he saw them arrive at the scene.

Returning to the filming scene of the crew again, Li Xiaoxiao felt that all the cells in her body were activated, and even a certain person's reaction, she knew what the assistant should do reflexively.

The assistant accompanied Sheng Zihan to change costumes. She stood outside the tent, looking at the shooting scene not far away. The director's monitor was next to their tent.

Suddenly a person stepped out from inside, twisted his waist, and squeezed his neck.It is estimated that sitting in front of the monitor for too long is a bit uncomfortable, and I want to come out to get some fresh air.

Then when the man turned around to enter the tent, he realized that he was an acquaintance.

Wang Heng looked at Li Xiaoxiao in disbelief, frowned and said a name, "Xiaoxiao?"

She nodded and smiled, "Long time no see."

Wang Heng walked over while shaking his head, and reached out to hold her, "It's been a long time, why haven't I been out of the mountain for a few years, I'm still waiting for your good book to take pictures!"

"Jiang Lang is exhausted, rest and rest."

Wang Heng: "So are you planning to go out this time?"

Sheng Zihan just came out of the tent after changing clothes, when he bumped into Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Heng standing there.

Li Xiaoxiao pointed at Sheng Zihan, "Come here to visit a class, I didn't expect to meet an old friend."

"Yeah, it's amazing, don't leave after work at night, and have a meal together."

She just smiled and didn't answer.

Sheng Zihan looked at the two people talking and laughing blankly, "You guys know each other?" "

Li Xiaoxiao nodded, answering her question.

The scene was already calling her to leave the show, so Sheng Zihan didn't ask any more questions, and ran away with the assistant one after the other.

Wang Heng pointed to the tent of the monitor, "You are also idle, come and take a look together?"

"convenient? "

"Of course! The screenwriter's on-site guidance is welcome." Wang Heng laughed loudly, opened the curtain, and the two went in together.

In order not to disturb their original work progress, Wang Heng signaled to the field manager to bring a chair, and Li Xiaoxiao sat directly at the back.

How long has she been in such a working environment?She can't remember.

When Zhou Yinan had just left, she was in a daze, and then used high-pressure work to vent her anger, and after receiving Su Tang, she gradually let go.And now sitting here again, it feels self-evident.

The scene was filming a couple of young people. Because their family members did not agree, they fled to the mountains together. The hero suggested to the heroine that they should walk together, leave this place where no one blessed them, and live in a place where no one knows.

The hostess did not hesitate at all, made up her mind, returned to the mansion together, took some clothes and left.

Jin Chuanchuan's performance is very good. He fully demonstrated the hero's determination and loyalty to the heroine.On the other hand, Sheng Zihan, I don't know why, it is always difficult for her to enter the state, as long as she meets Jin Chuanchuan's fiery eyes, she can't help but want to dodge, and her momentum is half weak.

The director also knew about their recent situation, so he was anxious and could not say anything.I had to call the card and let them adjust their emotional state.

Li Xiaoxiao got up gently and walked out. When she went outside the scene, she saw Sheng Zihan's helpless face. She looked up and saw Li Xiaoxiao standing there. She took a few deep breaths, her face recovered, and she nodded towards the camera, expressing that I can do it here.

Immediately after that, the filming started. This time, Sheng Zihan's condition was much better. The director said it could pass, but she asked for a new one.

I saw the heroine trotting all the way, the joy on her face could not be concealed, and the shyness at the corner of her mouth was just right; Seeing his beloved girl running towards him with light steps, he raised the corners of his mouth and ran towards her...

Sheng Zihan immediately withdrew his hand from Jin Chuanchuan's, turned his head to the monitor with an unnatural expression, and Jin Chuanchuan followed.

When he arrived, the director was already praising Sheng Zihan, "I thought you were not in good shape today, and I planned to give you a vacation and let you go back!"

Sheng Zihan looked helpless, "So that's what the director meant, oh, it's my vacation, why did you leave?"

She was good at acting and avoided a lot of trouble for her. Jin Chuanchuan opened the curtain and came in, and when he heard Sheng Zihan speak, he echoed with a smile.

Suddenly thinking of Li Xiaoxiao, Sheng Zihan pulled her over, "Guard, this is my friend."

The director was a little taken aback, and pushed away the people beside him, "Mrs. Zhou?"

As soon as the director said this, many people remembered that Zhou Yinan of Xusheng Group disclosed his child at the press conference a few years ago, and at the same time said that he was married, and that woman was the person in front of him.

Li Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that he would call himself Mrs. Zhou instead of her film and television script in front of so many people.

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