Li Xiaoxiao insisted not to let Zhou Yinan see her off, but in the end the man couldn't hold her back, so she had to park the car outside the studio door, watching the big and small figures approach another building, Zhou Yinan then turned and entered the studio.

Li Xiaoxiao and Su Tang agreed to try out a class first before deciding whether to go or not.After sending Su Tang in, Li Xiaoxiao was called to the office by the teacher, where there was surveillance, and she happened to be able to see Su Tang.

Not long after, I saw Su Tang running out of the classroom. The teacher stopped him, asked him clearly, and took him to the office.

Su Tang: "Go back first, I can do it myself."

"I insist."

She did not allow the possibility of the last accident to happen again.

Seeing that she was too persistent, Su Tang pulled her out of the office and pointed to the man at the corner, who quickly hid when they looked over.

"There was someone there just now."

Li Xiaoxiao nodded, she saw it, but felt suspicious, so she gave up the plan to go to Zhou Yinan's studio to find things.

Then I heard Su Tang say calmly, "This is the bodyguard sent by that man. It will be fine. I will ask him to take me there to find you after the end."

She was a little surprised, and wanted to find out something from Su Tang's face, but the child pursed his lips helplessly, "He has been with us for a week."

After she finished speaking, she was still in shock, and Su Tang had already returned to the classroom.

Picking up the phone, she dialed a number without even looking at it. Even though it was only a little distance from his studio, she still wanted to know the answer right away.

As soon as Zhou Yinan approached the office and turned on the computer, she received a call from Li Xiaoxiao, the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably, "Miss me?"

"Bodyguard, did you send it?"

She held the phone tightly, and the feeling of tension before the answer was about to be revealed spread all over her body, because for her, it was not just a question of an answer.


He had nothing to hide, and told the truth she wanted to know openly.


Her voice was trembling, and the man on the phone could hear it, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"


She repeated it again before the man said, "The day I return to China..."

As if afraid that she might misunderstand something, the man on the other end of the phone continued to explain, "I sent them out two days ago..."

That's why someone with a heart took advantage of the loophole and kidnapped Su Tang, otherwise, they really couldn't have succeeded so easily.

After picking up the phone, Li Xiaoxiao realized how trembling his body was.

Going straight to the end of the stairs, the bodyguard deliberately turned his eyes away from her, Li Xiaoxiao called him, "Su Tang, I will trouble you to bring you to the studio later."

At this time, the bodyguard also realized that he was "exposed", and quickly nodded politely and reasonablely to Li Xiaoxiao, "Don't worry, madam, this is my duty."

The moment she turned and ran away, the bodyguard dialed Zhou Yi's phone...
When the man in the office heard the bodyguard's return, he just let out a "huh" and hung up the phone.

Holding the palm of his hand, the photo in the document bag that Pete just sent was a photo of He Ziqi and the kidnapper who kidnapped Su Tang a few days ago.

The two of them were at the gate of the waste yard in the suburbs of the city, their faces were tense, and they looked around from time to time during the conversation, obviously worried about something.

Then He Ziqi took out a kraft paper bag, stuffed it into the hands of the kidnappers, and then quickly drove away from the scene.

According to Pete's investigation of the kidnapper's whereabouts, after meeting He Ziqi, he has been staying in his dilapidated rented house, going out to buy wine every morning, and showing up again is the eve of kidnapping Su Tang.

But, why did He Ziqi send someone to kidnap Su Tang?What is the relationship between her and Su Tang that he doesn't know?
Just as I was lost in thought, the phone in the office rang, and it was from the front desk.

"Mr. Zhou, there is a Ms. Li at the front desk who said that she wants to find you and needs..."

When Zhou Yinan heard the word Li, she didn't have time to reply to the front desk, so she put down the phone and rushed down.

The young lady at the front desk heard the phone being hung up with a "snap" and the voice was loud. She thought it was the boss who was angry that she had to call to report everything, so she wanted to send Li Xiaoxiao away.

"Miss, our Mr. Zhou almost never comes to the company, and we always have an appointment to see us Zhou. You still..."

Almost the two of them felt a gust of wind, and the man stood beside her, wrapping his big palm around her little hand, "Sorry, I forgot to tell the front desk..."

Li Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry, and pulled her small hand out of the man's big palm, "Isn't it Jinwu Zangjiao who is afraid that I will find out?"

The man nodded and chuckled, "Don't dare."

So he dragged her to the office, and Li Xiaoxiao looked at the decoration here like a horse watching flowers along the way, and couldn't help but be a little attracted. The combination of conservative and fashionable looks so harmonious.

Zhou Yinan led her to the elevator, Li Xiaoxiao joked, "Just tell the front desk to let me go up."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt her hand being held tighter, "I'll come down to pick you up in person, can I get extra points?"

She poked her cheek with the other hand, "Why don't I tell you after a kiss?"

The man looked at the gradually changing floor numbers in the elevator, and obviously pursed his thin lips. Li Xiaoxiao only thought that his words were too naive, "I'm just joking."

Immediately after the elevator opened, the man led her closer to the office without saying a word. The moment the door was closed, she was imprisoned between her chest and the door by him. In the next second, she felt a burst of pain coming from the corner of her lips. A burst of numbness.

It's not as aggressive as before, but like caring for some baby, the lips and teeth slide along with each other, and the softness and sweetness radiate between the teeth.

The man stopped suddenly, his eyes full of emotion, "Is this okay?"

How can she be a man's opponent, she nodded with flushed cheeks, then put her hands around Zhou Yinan's waist, and said softly, "Thank you, I didn't know, you have done so much behind the scenes, actually you came back After that, I never blamed you..."

"Fool, I know."

With her abnormal behavior, Zhou Yinan understood that she was moved to send bodyguards to protect them.

But they were still taken advantage of and hurt them.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward, Li Xiaoxiao pushed him away, "Can I look around?"

"I'll take you."

The man caught a glimpse of the documents and photos scattered on his desk from the corner of his eye, because it involved Li Xiaoxiao's mother, he needed to dismiss her first, it would be better if she didn't know about these things before investigating them clearly.

At first, she only thought that the studio was in this building, but she didn't expect that the whole building was occupied by the studio, but the artists and staff of the studio could only take the elevator on the left side of the building, and the elevator on the right side was reserved for the rest of the building. people.

"Are you sure the whole building is there?" She still couldn't believe it, even the Xusheng Group only had the sixth to 36th floors, and his small studio was actually the whole building.

The man nodded and led her to the practice room floor.

"Now the trainees are mainly concentrated on the third to fifth floors. There are a series of equipment such as vocal classrooms, dance studios, instrument rooms, and exercise rooms. The [-]th to [-]th floors are some other project staff... "

He knew everything, and introduced her endlessly. Li Xiaoxiao looked up at him, and suddenly laughed out loud. The man frowned in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I just suddenly felt that this should be the most you have ever said?"

"I used to talk very little?"

He didn't feel it, because it seemed that he had already said enough in front of her.

"Well, can I? Okay..." She imitated the tone he used to speak.

The man shook his head helplessly, and rubbed the top of her hair with his palm, "It seems so."

After speaking, the two smiled at each other.

"Beep" "Beep" "Beep"

Usually, when there is a trending search in the circle, Li Xiaoxiao's phone will make such a sound, she takes out her phone, and seeing the notes one after another on the trending list, her jaw will drop in shock.

#影后盛子汉 posted a post, suspected of breaking up with her boyfriend
#Top class voice, scumbags cannot be forgiven

#盛子汉 Six years of youth fed the dog!
#孙子艺*Sheng Zihan
#Sheng Zihan Jin Chuanchuan
"Is something wrong?" A male voice came from above his head, and Li raised his head to meet the man's face.

"I might need to borrow your car."

As she spoke, she handed the trending search interface to Zhou Yinan, knowing that she and Sheng Zihan were good friends, "Do you need me to take you there?" "

Li Xiaoxiao quickly waved his hand, "You'd better work hard, I'll come to you when I'm done."

Jin Chuanchuan is top-notch, and there is a lot of publicity that requires him to ask for leave from the crew, so his time on the crew is very limited.

Sheng Zihan was so pissed off by Sun Ziyi's sudden cheating short video that he asked for leave from the team without saying a word, and bought the earliest flight, which is about to land now.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that just after she landed, Jin Chuanchuan just set off from the airport in City A and was about to return to the set.

He was checking his luggage in the airport hall, surrounded by a group of fans and girls with cameras. The huge airport looked like a bunch of them were particularly eye-catching.

Sheng Zihan didn't even bring an assistant with him. He was alone, wrapped up tightly, and tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, but he was still discovered after getting off the plane.

When Li Xiaoxiao saw the news about Sheng Zihan, there was also a video of her boarding the plane back to city A, so when the call failed, she had already guessed that Sheng Zihan was still on the plane, so she didn't even think about it Just drove straight to the airport.

When I got to the exit, the phone rang.Sheng Zihan saw the call notification above and picked it up directly.

I heard Duan Li Xiaoxiao's hurried voice, "Are you getting off the plane now? You just come out from the exit, and I'll be at the door right away."

It was her savior!

She didn't say a word, the soreness in her heart made her know clearly that she would shed tears when she opened her mouth.

She didn't want those media reporters to write scribbles, saying that she was trapped by love, was in a bad mood, and couldn't help but cry at the airport.

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