When Zhou Yinan arrived, the plane had already taken off. He was wearing a black windbreaker, standing blankly in the open space, his eyes full of disappointment.

The rain, which had stopped a long time ago, is now gradually getting heavier.The rain wet his hair, and he seemed to be unaware, walking slowly in the rain with one hand in his pocket.

Pete was already on his way to the airport, but suddenly a car rushed out from behind him, and the water on the road splashed on the glass window of his car. Just when he was about to swear, he realized that it was his boss car, and then abruptly spit out the swear words that reached the throat.

After following Zhou Yinan to the airport, it was rare to see him lose his composure like this. He was about to go up to make a joke, but he saw him walking aimlessly, wandering alone in the rain.

  He still couldn't help but stepped forward, and stood in front of Zhou Yinan with a playful smile, "Boss, just tell me if you want to watch the video, I won't laugh at you!"

Pete realized that he was being ignored, and the man turned around and drove back.

Pete: "Forget it, just think I'm being passionate! Hey, it's so hard!"

As soon as the words fell, Pete took out his mobile phone and called the clerk.

"·····Take out the monitor in the store this morning and give it to me!"

Soon after Li Xiaoxiao got home, he thought it was early morning, and Su Tang had already gone to bed.But as soon as she turned off the engine and got out of the car, she saw a Su Tang in light blue pajamas rushing out from upstairs with no sleepiness on his face.

Then I saw Li Xiaoxiao get off the driver's seat, Sheng Zihan and Sun Ziyi got off the co-pilot and the back seat respectively, their excited little faces instantly darkened.

After this year's birthday, he will be ten years old, but he is much taller than children of the same age, as if he had taken a fast-growing pill.

Li Xiaoxiao's height hovered around 1.6 meters. Su Tang ran over and naturally reached out and grabbed her sleeve.


He was born good-looking, with a distinct jawbone, deep black eyes, and a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows, but he didn't look vicious.The voice is also a small milk voice unique to his age, which sounds very comfortable.

Li Xiaoxiao raised her hand, rubbed his hair, and then pulled him back to the room together.

"It's not cold, why haven't you slept yet, aren't you sleepy?"

She was walking with a smile on her face, Su Tang turned his head slightly, and saw the faint smile on her face.

"Why are those two people here?"

There was a frown on the small face, which made people feel cute. She turned around and knew that Su Tang was talking about Sheng Zihan and Sun Ziyi.

"I met you at the airport. Your Uncle Sun just came back from abroad, and Aunt Zihan went to pick you up." Li Xiaoxiao said truthfully.

The two people who were connoted jumped a little. Sheng Zihan shook off Sun Ziyi, strode up to Su Tang by himself, and was about to scratch Su Tang as he spoke.

As a result, the child cast a disdainful look, "Women tend to grow old when they get angry!" Sheng Zihan's next move was abruptly stopped.

When Li Xiaoxiao returned to the room, she found a follower behind her. She sat on the bed with a good temper, her legs were naturally crossed, her chin was resting on her hands, and she and the little guy standing at the door blinked and looked at each other.

"Do you have something to say to Auntie?"

Su Tang nodded, and Li Xiaoxiao immediately patted the seat next to him, signaling him to come and sit down.

Su Tang hesitated for a while, and finally walked over, sitting next to Li Xiaoxiao, imitating her movements, crossing his legs and resting his chin with both hands.

"The next time you go out, can you take me with you?"

When he said this, Li Xiaoxiao obviously found that the little boy was a little nervous, and his fingers were tightly pinching the flesh on his face.

You know, since the day she brought Su Tang back to Tianze Shuijing Bay, even in the thunderstorm weather that he was afraid of, he never asked her to accompany him, and now he opened his mouth, hoping that he would take him out.

She just subconsciously opened her mouth to say that she would never go to that place where she couldn't wait for the ending, but when she spoke instead, it became a "good."

"Then, Auntie also has a question to ask you, can I?"

Li Xiaoxiao followed Su Tang's appearance, looked sideways at him and spoke.After getting the little boy's nod, she was full of joy.

'Aunt Zihan said, I discussed something with you and asked me to go to a film festival..."

Li Xiaoxiao was writing a novel, when he saw the helpless expression on Su Tang's face, "She showed you the video!"

"Can I say what I really think?" Su Tang looked sincere.

"Of course!"

"Actually, you should go out and have more contact with the outside world. Maybe some new things will make you forget the unhappy things. The girls in our class say that they will be strong women in the future... ··”

Originally, Li Xiaoxiao could still laugh when she heard it, but later, tears filled her eyes unknowingly, and they rolled down the corners of her eyes uncontrollably.

"There's nothing to be unhappy about. Auntie is very happy to be with Su Tang!" She stubbornly refused to admit it, how could she show her weakness in front of the child.

Su Tang stretched out his hand and gently wiped away her tears. The teardrops stuck to his thumb. The moment he withdrew his hand, he gently rubbed it with his index finger, and the tears dried up.

Then why do you cry every night?

He wanted to say it, but he swallowed the words again. If he said it, she would be even more sad!

"I cry when I miss my mother, but I seldom cry now."

because you are here.

Although you can't replace her, you give me warmth.

Li Xiaoxiao, one day I will call you mother, you have to wait for me.

How could she fail to recognize that this little guy was comforting herself in a disguised form.

"Little clever, coax auntie around the corner!" Li Xiaoxiao glanced at the time, it was already past three in the morning, and Su Tang had to go to school tomorrow.

"Then listen to Auntie now, go to bed quickly, don't be late for school tomorrow!"

"it is good."

She got up and went to the bathroom with her pajamas in her arms. Su Tang actually lay on the bed and fell asleep.

As soon as Zhou Yinan got off the airport expressway, a message came in on his mobile phone. He clicked on the message, and it was a video, and the person who sent the message was Pete.

   His first reaction was to park the car on the side of the road, hold the phone in his hand, his slender fingers trembled slightly, and clicked five or six times before the video opened.

At first, Pete was wandering around the shop doing nothing, but later he saw a girl in the corner with a bowl of noodles in front of her, but she was in a daze.

is her!

She has lost weight, and her hair has grown, and she seems to look more feminine.But still too thin.

Did she not eat well and was clamoring to lose weight?She is not an actress, so she does not need to control her weight so strictly...
No, she will not shout, never, she will be quiet, so that no one can find her existence.

Yes, she really has this ability...

When he woke up the next day, Su Tang lifted the quilt lightly, and when he went downstairs, he found that Sheng Zihan was already eating breakfast, and he waved to himself excitedly.

Thinking back last night, it was actually Li Xiaoxiao who drove the car, and he was very angry.

"What are you doing staying at my house if you don't go back home?" Su Tang said angrily.

"Are you two guarding such a big garden, especially at night, aren't you afraid? I think it's better to have more people, what do you think?"

Saying that, Sheng Zihan took a bite of the tomato, and the juice came out. Su Tang ignored it and walked around to sit on the other side, picked up the chopsticks, and ate a small steamed bun.

"Why don't you talk?" Sheng Zihan continued to brush his face, and then Su Tang rolled his eyes.

"Why do you two let her drive? Is she your special car driver? Eat her, live in her, and now you want her to drive. That man in your family can't drive?"

The bread that Sheng Zihan stuffed in his mouth filled his entire mouth, and he was completely speechless, so he quickly waved his hand in denial.

"... Injustice... Injustice... You always... have to explain... explain to others!"

"An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth. Your explanation is dispensable."

Su Tang uttered a word calmly, quickly finished the breakfast in front of him, and then turned to look for Aunt Lin to take him to school.

When he walked to the door, he "seriously warned" Sheng Zihan who was eating, "She is sleeping, you are not allowed to harass her!"

Sheng Zihan obediently made an "OK" gesture to Su Tang.

After Su Tang left, Sheng Zihan let out a long breath and kept patting her chest, "I'm really going to be so mad at this kid, when did he become so vicious!"Who taught it! "

"What's wrong with you, early in the morning!"

Li Xiaoxiao should have just washed up, her clothes are a little damp, and her hair is loose on her back.When I went downstairs, I saw Sheng Zihan beating herself frantically.

"I'm mad at your ancestor!"

Li Xiaoxiao chuckled, looked around, and found that there were no figures of Su Tang and Aunt Lin, "Did Aunt Lin send him to school?"

"···· um ... yes ...! Go to school! Fortunately, I went to school, or I would be injured by him!"

Li Xiaoxiao opened the chair and sat down, teasing slightly, "How could that be! You are the queen of the movie!"

"What does this have to do with the actress, you, I probably know who that kid learned his poisonous tongue from!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the living room was instantly surrounded by the laughter of two female voices.

The current film festival is a very ordinary film festival. Sheng Zihan needs to walk the red carpet, so he sits in the RV and waits to enter.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't need to walk the red carpet, the staff took her directly through another door.

The seats in the arena are arranged in the shape of a semi-circular table, and the sofa is also semi-circular. She directly chose the seat on the farthest side to sit down.Many actors have already entered the stage, and many seats beside them have been filled up by the staff.

When Sheng Zihan entered the arena, sitting in the arena could hear louder calls, and Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help being happy for her.

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