Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 77 Memory

Lu Xining woke up nestled in Yun Moqian's arms, looking at this exquisite facial features, Lu Xining liked it very much, kissed the servant's nose, then mouth, chin, looked up at Yun Mo as soon as she raised her eyes Fire eyes.

The girl smiled softly, and wanted to lower her head, but Yun Moqian pinched her chin, forcing her eyes to meet the man's. The man kissed her down, as if she was holding back something.

After letting go for a while, the man's low panting made Lu Xining flush with shame.Lu Xining Nuo Nuo's weak voice made the man want to stop even more, "Then... that... let's get up..."

The man got up without responding and went to the bathroom.

"Where are you going..." Lu Xining sat on the bed and looked at the man innocently, but it was this look that made Yun Moqian almost unable to hold back.

I can only silently recite the English materials I have read in the past few days in my heart, and build my heart in one go.

Throwing down a faint sentence of "cold water bath." After finishing speaking, he went in.

Sitting on the bed, Lu Xining looked at the whistling weather outside the window, thinking: But it's still'll catch a cold...

After thinking about it, I quickly took some tea from the drawer, put it in a cup, poured hot water, and installed the hair dryer.

When you are ready, sit quietly on the bed and wait for the person inside to come out.After a while, the sound of the water stopped, and after Yun Moqian came out wiping his hair, he saw Lu Xining holding a teacup and looking at him.

"En?" Yun Moqian smiled and looked at the girl's innocent face
Lu Xining waved to people, picked up the hot tea, "Come here, drink it."

Yun Moqian took it obediently, fearing that it would burn his hand, and sat in front of the girl to drink it in small sips.

Then Lu Xining took the hair dryer and dried the man's hair, running her little fingertips through the man's hair.Again and again.Tease a man's heart.Yun Moqian also enjoyed this feeling.From time to time, the girl's hair floated to his face, teasing him up and down.

"Okay~" After hearing the girl turn off the hair dryer, Yun Moqian also put down the cup, turned his head and rubbed his knees, because just now Lu Xining was kneeling on the bed to blow-dry her own hair.

The girl smiled and unplugged the hair dryer, only to hear knocks on the door, which had just been covered by the sound of the hair dryer.

Lu Xining opened the door, and Yaluo was standing outside the door. "What's wrong?"

Yaluo was a little embarrassed, "Miss... the old lady wanted to see you yesterday. She has been standing outside the door for a long time, it's so cold..."

That old lady, needless to say, is from Lingjing Country.If you faint, how should people outside talk about yourself.

Lu Xining helped his forehead and looked at Yun Moqian who was drinking tea from the teacup just now. After Yun Moqian felt the girl's help-seeking gaze, he put down the teacup and stood up. He was also very interested to know what the old lady was going to do. Something like, "Go."

"Oh... close the barrier first..." Lu Xining was unwilling, because she didn't know why she rejected this old lady from her heart...

When I came to the living room, I saw the white-haired queen sitting on the sofa, and Su Jingchen was standing next to her.

"'re here." The Queen excitedly stood up and looked at Lu Xining, with Su Jingchen supporting her.

Lu Xining frowned and sat down, Yun Moqian also sat next to her, Yaluo brought tea, it was gardenia tea.

Yaluo smiled and put the refreshments on the table. Today is sweet-scented osmanthus cake. "Miss, gardenias are very good for tea."

Lu Xining also smiled, took a sip and turned to look at Yun Moqian, "Yes, it's very fragrant, isn't it my husband. Let's put some more gardenias in our room."

The queen stared blankly at the intimacy of the two in front of her, feeling sorry for Su Jingchen in her heart, after all... Xiaoyi has been the most attached to Su Jingchen since she was a child.

Yun Moqian rubbed her head and hummed with a smile.

"That... Xiaoyi..." The queen couldn't help but speak when she saw the two of them.
Lu Xining took another sip of tea and looked at the old man.His tone softened a little. "I'll say it again, my name is Lu Xining."

The queen was in a dilemma and wanted to clarify her identity to others, "But, but, your real name is Lin Yishi, and I chose this name for you..."

Lu Xining raised her eyebrows. "Oh, is it so?"

Seeing that Lu Xining seemed to be interested, the queen hurriedly chased after him and said, "Yes, your mother is called Lin Shiqing, she is the princess of Lingjing Kingdom, and you are the sixth princess Lin Yishi."

Lu Xining laughed, Su Jingchen and the queen were a little confused, "Hahahaha...Since my mother took me to the Lu family and never told me about my grandma, it means she doesn't want me to go back."

The Queen's face was livid, staring at Lu Xining firmly.Although what Lu Xining said was the truth.

Lu Xining continued to say slowly: "Then whether it's respecting my mother's wishes or myself, I don't want to go back and be a princess."

After speaking, he stood up, and Yun Moqian also stood up.

"Let's go baby." After hearing this, Yun Moqian put his arms around the girl's waist and walked towards the door.

The queen shouted from behind: "Xiaoyi! Have you forgotten what happened back then!"

Lu Xining turned her head. "If I forget something, it means I don't want to remember."

After finishing speaking, he ordered Arlo to see off the guests and left.

Both Lu Xining and Yun Moqian are powerful people, as long as she has the title of arms boss, she has the supreme right to speak.

The Queen and Su Jingchen were invited out of Diling Bay, stood at the door and watched, and finally waited until Lu Xining was about to go out.Moreover, a godsend opportunity, Yun Moqian is not here!
Arlo drove the car to Bellotto's company, and the Queen's car followed.

Yaluo looked helplessly at the black car behind and asked, "Miss, what should I do?"

"Let her follow, maybe she can't do anything." Lu Xining looked indifferent.

Arlo nodded.Then he asked cautiously: "Miss... what the old man said..."

Lu Xining put down her phone and looked out the window. "I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Ya Luo stopped talking, the car arrived at the company gate smoothly, and Lu Xining went to the office.

Su Jingchen stood at the entrance of the company, and the front desk lady's eyes widened when she saw such a handsome, gentle and polite guy.

The lady at the front desk asked shyly, "Who are you looking for, sir?"

Su Jingchen looked at the front desk lady with a smile. "I'm looking for Miss Lu."

"Ah... do you have an appointment?" The front desk lady asked with a professional attitude.

"No, but I'm friends with her, you...don't believe me..." Looking at the young lady at the front desk with a cute and harmless face, the young lady's heart was racing.How could you bear to reject such a stunner!

"Ah! That's it, then you go up!"

"Thank you!" After finishing speaking, she happily got on the elevator. The queen sitting in the car looked at Su Jingchen who got on the elevator and let out a sigh of relief.

At the door of the office, Su Jingchen used hypnotism to hypnotize the assistant at the door to open the door directly.

Lu Xining looked up and saw this harmless face. "Miss Lu, hello."

Lu Xining did not even ask the purpose of the person's visit, but shouted loudly: "Yalo!"

Yaluo hurried over, saw Su Jingchen, frowned and asked someone to go out. "Mr. Su, I don't know what's going on with you, but please go out first."

"Let me talk to her."

"No." Yaluo was resolute, standing firmly in front of Lu Xining to protect her.

Su Jingchen sighed and used hypnotism to look into Yaluo's eyes, then said softly, "Get out."

Yaluo turned around obediently with dull eyes, the office door was closed and locked, leaving only Lu Xining and Su Jingchen in the huge office.

"Miss Lu, talk about it?"

Lu Xining looked at the man in front of her vigilantly, knowing that this man would not be easy to mess with as long as he made a fuss, and the best solution now is to follow his wishes.

"Sit down." Lu Xining sat on the swivel chair and looked at this man. He still had the same smile, a person who smiled on the surface but not on the surface.

"Miss Lu, your words are a bit heavy tonight."

Lu Xining shrugged, "Really? I don't think so. It's not trivial to bother me over and over again."

Su Jingchen narrowed his eyes and looked at the person, "You really don't remember?"

"I said, as long as you can forget it, it doesn't matter."

The man stood up and walked to the girl, Lu Xining wanted to escape only to realize that he couldn't move.

Controlling skills... It really is the talented fourth master.

Lu Xining squinted at Su Jingchen. "Go away, my patience is not very good."

The man smiled, and slowly approached him, "Well, I know, otherwise, how could I use control techniques?"

"let me go."

Regardless of the girl's resistance, Su Jingchen took out two bottles from his pocket. Su Jingchen's hand slowly touched Lu Xining's, and he muttered: "This is the best way, my lord..."

"Go away!"

After coaxing, he pulled out something from Lu Xining's mind, which was memory, and that memory was slowly stored in the glass bottle.

After corking it with the cork, Su Jingchen took another bottle and pulled out the cork, only to see a stream of gas slowly enter Lu Xining's body.

Next, Yun Moqian looked like Su Jingchen, and Lu Xining would only love Su Jingchen, unless the memory returned to Lu Xining's mind, but as long as the memory was in Su Jingchen's hands for a day, there was no possibility.

After Lu Xining fainted for a while, she opened her eyes and saw Su Jingchen sitting dignifiedly at her original position, looking at her dotingly.

Lu Xining smiled, because Yun Moqian in her mind had become Su Jingchen. "Why are you here?"

Su Jingchen smiled and walked to the girl. "Are you done?"

"I've already finished my work, let's go home."

Su Jingchen rubbed her head and smiled. "good."

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