Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 64 Patriarch

— on the plane —

If Lu Xining hadn't already known the purpose of this trip, Lu Xining would have thought that she was on vacation.

The food and drinks on the plane are all first-class, and there are separate rooms where you can rest.

Lu Xining ate the pudding and looked at Yun Moqian. "Baby, come with me, the company doesn't care?"

Yun Moqian picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth. "If the company is gone, I will go bankrupt, and those people will not have to go to work."

Yun's branches are all over the world, and it wouldn't be so bad without Yun Moqian.

But at this time, Yun's head office in City Y is very happy because the president is not there.

Lu Xining turned to the members of the Prison Office who had never let up since coming up and said, "Ah, by the way, you all go to rest and recharge your batteries."

"Okay, my lord, call us if you need something."

"Well, let's go." Those people obediently went to rest.

After eating and drinking, Yun Moqian and Lu Xining went to a room.After Lu Xining lay down, she opened the shade and looked at the scenery outside.

"I was sleepy in country W for three years, and I never went out. When I was a child, I followed Nan Ling's buttocks all day long, and I didn't have these leisure thoughts. I didn't expect that this time I would go out this time. .”

Yun Moqian stood beside the bed, but when he heard that he was running behind Nan Ling's butt, he became restless.

He wasn't involved in her past, which had another man.And, most importantly, she had an affair with that man...

Yun Moqian laid Lu Xining down on the bed, and said word by word: "If you want, you can go on a honeymoon trip around the world, and from now on, I will run after you."

Looking at the serious face of the man, Lu Xining smiled happily, put her arms around the man's neck, and kissed Yun Moqian on the face several times.

"Yun Moqian, you are so cute! Hahahahahaha!" Yun Moqian was praised by his wife and kissed several times by his wife.

"Then, let's pay back." As soon as the words finished, he lowered his head and kissed the man's lips.

After kissing for an unknown amount of time, she was finally willing to let go of Lu Xining.

"Baby, goodbye, let me sleep for a while, I will board the plane in the early morning, I am so tired..."

Yun Moqian also hugged him in his arms with distress. "Well, go to sleep."

Lu Xining obediently let her be hugged, and slowly fell asleep smelling Yun Moqian's unique scent.

Once you sleep, you will sleep to your destination.

When Lu Xining woke up, she realized that Yun Moqian was also fast asleep.

Lu Xining's little hands were restless, and she began to look closely at Yun Moqian's face.

The perfect golden ratio...the nose, mouth, and eyes are beautiful...the eyelashes are so long...this guy looks better than a woman. If you ask him to dress up as a woman, he should be fine.

"Have you seen enough?" Lu Xining was terrified.Hurry up and back away.

Reluctantly, the man hugged her tightly. "Ma'am, it's blatant."

Lu Xining was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at people. "No, no..."

"If you want to see more, you can tell me, you don't need to be sneaky." Yun Moqian smiled,

"Yun Moqian, you rascal!"

"I didn't say what I was looking at, ma'am, what are you thinking about?" Lu Xining's face was like an apple, she didn't dare to answer any more, she could only hide under the quilt, not daring to look at this man with a wicked smile.

There was a knock on the door: "Master, Mrs. Yun, the place is here."

Lu Xining could clearly hear the people outside calling "Mrs. Yun", staring at Yun Moqian, Yun Moqian smiled and pinched the girl's little face.

"Ma'am, get up."

Lu Xining was afraid of being attacked by the big devil again, so she hurriedly got up and tidied her clothes, washed up briefly, and then went out to get off the plane.

As expected of Yun Moqian's private pilot... Even when the plane landed, I didn't even feel it... and still slept so deeply.

After getting off the plane, you can see a large forest in front of you, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, quiet and kind.

Lu Xining couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect such a small island to have such a scenery."

Yun Moqian called the subordinates behind to come forward, only then did Lu Xining think of business.Take out the tablet and call up a picture.

"This is Lu Dieyu, with purple stamens and red roots, but when you collect it, you can only touch the red part, and you can't touch the purple part, do you understand?"

"I know, my lord."

"Understood Mrs. Yun."

One group of people is the Prison Office, and the other group is Yun Moqian's elite troops.

Yun Moqian and Lu Xining formed a team, and the three teams set off like this.

In the monitoring room, Lin Haiqing stood and watched Yun Moqian and Lu Xining fly side by side and couldn't help being jealous.

He looked at the medicine in his hand again, heh, Lu Xining, if you want to blame it, you can blame your own birth.

Suddenly, the monitoring room broke down with a bang, and the monitoring screen went dark.

Lin Haiqing was frightened, and heard the staff say: "Princess, maybe the bird accidentally hit it. This happens often. We have a spare, don't worry."

"En. Quickly open the spare one." Lin Haiqing gasped as soon as she opened the spare one, and saw Lu Xining's beautiful face staring coldly at the monitor, instantly making Lin Haiqing think that she was talking to her Look at each other.

Then I heard Lu Xining's voice: "Be careful."

After finishing speaking, he didn't break the monitor again, turned around and walked forward holding Yun Moqian's arm.

Lin Haiqing trembled, this girl's aura was too terrifying... Is this the successor who is below one person and above ten thousand...

Yun Moqian held Lu Xining's hand and walked and watched. He also collected a lot of Lu Dieyu along the way and put them in bags.

Suddenly, a rain of arrows flew towards Lu Xining. Yun Moqian had already felt that with a wave of his hand, the rain of arrows landed steadily on the ground.

Lu Xining laughed, it's a trick.

All the people who were ambushing nearby came out, and they turned out to be the aborigines of the island. "

What are you doing here! "The native who took the lead among them spoke.

Seeing that it was a resident, Lu Xining said politely, "We are here to find some medicinal herbs. My companion has been poisoned and needs some medicinal herbs." The native looked at Lu Xining and Yun Moqian suspiciously.

Suddenly a native shouted: "The patriarch is here!"

The natives gave way one after another, and an elderly man stepped out.

Yun Moqian and Lu Xining looked at the old man in front of them without fear. The old man looked at Lu Xining and smiled meaningfully. "What herbs are you looking for?"

"Lu Dieyu."

"Come with me." After speaking, he waved and turned around to walk forward.

Lu Xining looked at Yun Moqian, Yun Moqian said softly: "Since there is no big move, let's go and have a look."

"Yes." Lu Xining nodded, and the two followed the old man's pace.

After walking through one piece of forest after another, I finally came to a grassland. There are many wooden houses on the grassland. Women and children are helping to cook and wash clothes, while men are plowing the fields and planting herbs.

"Here?" Lu Xining looked at the smiling faces of these people and couldn't help asking.

"This is our home, and the only place on Mingfo Island that is not monitored." Lu Xining nodded.

The old man led Yun Moqian and Lu Xining into a field.

"This is all Lu Dieyu, you pick it yourself, and you can go back the same way after picking it." Yun Moqian took Lu Xining's hand and bowed to the old patriarch. "Thanks."

Lu Xining looked at Yun Moqian, the big devil lowered his head to thank him?
In the past, she would not have believed it, but after getting along with Yun Moqian, she knew that he was a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Lu Xining also thanked the old patriarch, and began to pick and put Lu Dieyu into the bag.

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