In the car, Yaluo frowned and looked at Lu Xining in the rear seat with the rearview mirror, and said slowly: "Miss, or should I secretly send someone to protect you?"

Lu Xining looked at the scene outside the window, all the shops were resplendent and crowded, "You don't think he can feel it? Speaking of which, City Y has changed too much, and it has developed like this in just a few years."

Yaluo sighed, indeed, that man's ability is no less than his own lady, but... what does that man want to talk to the lady about?
At the entrance of the store, after getting off the car, Lu Xining looked up at the signboard, um, "Unparalleled World" is a pretty good name, I heard that this is the best restaurant in City Y, even if you have money, you may not be able to eat it.

Lu Xining turned around with a smile and said to the worried Arlo. "I'm fine, you go back quickly, I have a locator and a weapon on me, nothing will happen."

After Yaluo heard it, he turned his head three times and left, his eyes were full of worry like an old mother.

When Lu Xining entered the store, the waiter took her to the private room. When she arrived at the door, she saw the "beautiful and delicious" man, whose every move revealed nobility and quality.

Lu Xining narrowed her eyes and walked into the private room. "Hi, Mr. Yun, I have kept you waiting."

After Yun Moqian heard the pleasant voice, he put down the teacup in his hand and stood up, smiling slightly, "Not long, Miss Lu."

Lu Xining took a seat with a smile, and then the waiter began to serve the dishes.

Yun Moqian poured someone a cup of tea, "I didn't know Miss Lu's taste, so I ordered some casually."

"I'm not picky about food." Lu Xining smiled and looked at these dishes, they were all signature dishes, not bad, full of flavor and taste,
The man also smiled at the person, "Well, it's the same as you." Lu Xining raised her eyebrows, thinking that this man is a cold-faced killer when he is outside, and there is something in his words.

"Then what kind of business is Mr. Lu looking for me for dinner this time?" After taking a few mouthfuls, Lu Xining put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth and looked at Yun Moqian. After Yun Moqian took a sip of tea, he picked up A document was handed over to Lu Xining.

"I know Miss Lu's reputation abroad very well, and I also know that your company is attacking the real estate industry, don't you?"

Lu Ningxi looked into Yun Moqian's eyes. "Well, Mr. Yun is really good. He even found out about my company."

"I'm sorry, I just used some contacts, but you really hid well, or...someone deliberately hid you?" Yun Moqian looked at the person with his chin in his hand, as if he was very interested in this matter .

"You think too much, let's stop here today, I will bring back the documents for reference, this is my business card, goodbye Mr. Yun." Lu Xining stood up, just as the waiter walked in, and glanced at the new paper on the table. Teapot, recalling the nervous look on the waiter's face and the strange smell she smelled just now, Lu Xining turned around and suddenly knocked over the teacup in Yun Moqian's hand.

"Don't drink it! It's poisonous!"

Yun Moqian also stood up, and the nearby bodyguard stood up and called out respectfully, "Master."

The bodyguard sniffed the tea in the teapot and said respectfully. "There is indeed something strange in the tea, but... I don't know if this thing is poisonous."

Lu Xining frowned, lowered her head and pressed her phone a few times, after a while a mysterious man in a cloak escorted a waiter in. "Miss, it's him."

"En." Lu Xining replied lightly, and saw the figure on the ground.

The waiter who was brought in knelt at his feet tremblingly.As soon as he saw the overturned teacup, he knew that something had been revealed, so he quickly explained. "It's not me, it's not me, someone ordered me, it should be that kind of medicine, this kind of thing often happens in cooperation! I really don't know who it is!"

Lu Xining took out the knife, changed her friendly expression, and pressed the knife to the waiter's chin with a cold expression. "Who instructed you?"

"I, I don't's a woman, very young, and she smells very strong of perfume!" The waiter hurriedly shook her head in tears, her legs trembling with fear.

"Drag it out, close it first, and check all the surveillance cameras nearby." Lu Xining stood up and put the knife back.

"Yes!" The man dragged the begging waiter out without changing his expression, while the bodyguard next to Yun Moqian looked surprised, and Yun Moshen spoke with a relaxed expression.

"Elite people, Prison Office." The bodyguard was surprised to see that he was full of hostility just now, but now he stood there as if it had nothing to do with him.Is this Lu Xining who is in charge of the prison...

I heard that the internal scope of the Prison Intelligence Office is huge, and there are people in charge of document processing, and all of them are so strong in fighting ability that they explode.

Lu Xijing waited for the noise outside to subside slowly, and then prepared to go out. Yun Moqian stepped forward and gently grabbed Lu Xining's wrist, but unexpectedly, the warm feeling disappeared in an instant, and Yun Moqian dissatisfied.

"Mr. Yun, what do you mean?" Lu Xining squinted at the man in front of him.

"Please be careful of the fragments ahead." Lu Xining was taken aback by the man's reminder, and then looked back at the floor. Sure enough, the fragments of the teacup were right in front of her eyes, and she almost stepped on it.

"I'm sorry..." Lu Xining smiled awkwardly before avoiding thanking the fragments.

Yun Moqian smiled and took the girl's hand. "Let me take you away. You are not familiar with this place and the decoration in the restaurant is rather dark. I will take you home."

Lu Xining frowned and was about to say that Yaluo came to pick him up, only to realize that he forgot to send a message to Yaluo.And here she is really not very familiar, so she let the man lead her.

The man looked down at the petite girl, completely devoid of the coldness and resistance just now, so he curled his lips and continued to walk forward holding hands.

The three views of the bodyguard in the back collapsed, and his boss actually touched a woman? !And even holding hands, what the hell is going on!

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw the guards from the Prison Office approaching. Unexpectedly, he saw his young lady being led by a man.

Thinking that the young lady had been kidnapped and was about to kill her, Lu Xining kicked her in the shin.

"This is Yun Moqian, don't be frizzy. Let's go when you're done. I haven't contacted Yaluo. I'll take Yunmoqian's car back later." The guard who was kicked in the calf was in severe pain and kept nodding his head .

Looking at this Lu Xining, Yun Moqian couldn't help feeling: Is this the feeling of protection? Well, it's not bad.

After thinking about it, he met Lu Xining's eyes, and continued to lead Lu Xining forward. "The lights here are relatively dim, Miss Lu be careful."


The man listened to the sound of high heels on the ground, "It's inconvenient for Ms. Lu to wear high heels, or...shall I hug you?"

Lu Xining was frightened and quickly shook her head like a rattle. "No, no, no, I can do it myself."

Yun Moqian was amused by Lu Xining's appearance.The bodyguard at the back looked surprised, this... the big devil is laughing?

Who is this girl next to her... the second big devil?No, no, it should be like the woman before, just wanting to climb into bed.

After all, what happened before is endless.After thinking about it, the bodyguard nodded confidently to himself, and then continued to follow Yun Moqian and the two, unexpectedly...

The bodyguard looked at the scene in front of him, almost three views did not collapse.

Yun Moqian took Lu Xining's hand, from the initial handshake, to interlocking fingers.

While looking at the decoration in the store, Lu Xining paid attention to her feet, and didn't care about the man changing his posture.

Yun Moqian smiled. "I hope... this gesture can last until I die."

This sentence was covered by the voices of the waiters and diners, so Lu Xining didn't hear it.

When the two walked to the door, they met a pair of unexpected guests, people that Lu Xining would never forget in this lifetime.

Lu Xining smiled coldly in her heart: "The road to the enemy is narrow, there is a road to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you go to hell."

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