"Brother Yun! When you were in a relationship, I was single. When you got married, I was single. When you gave birth, I was broken in love! This world is too unfair!" Pushing away the big man with an expression on his body made Qin Xihe cry even louder.

Yun Moqian could only ask why with a blank face, only to see Qin Xihe looked at Yun Moqian with teary eyes, and said after a while: "Drink with me."

And Yun Moqian, who has a strict wife, is now a family man, so he poked his head over to look at Lu Xining, wanting to ask Rener's permission, Qin Xihe immediately jumped out when he saw his timid appearance and said :
"No way! Yun Moqian, you are such a big man! Can Miss Lu stop you wherever you want to go!"

This sentence is a provocative way. Yun Moqian looked over and Qin Xihe couldn't help but shudder. The couple's skills are too strong... I understand why Yun's employees are so lifeless...

Just one Yun Moqian is already powerful, but I didn't expect that there was another Lu Xining, this is really...a powerful threat...

Upon hearing this, Lu Xining raised her eyebrows and looked at the two big men, and then issued a call, "Okay, go, have a good drink with your brother." Qin Xihe shouted long live,
This time it was Yun Moqian's turn to hesitate. He suddenly remembered that he had just said that he would pick up the child with Lu Xining. It is not a good habit to keep promises, and more importantly, he also missed Yun Yuexi. I also want to meet the little guy,

Seeing his concerns, Lu Xining just smiled indifferently, "I'll let Yaluo accompany me later, you and Qin Xihe go, don't come back too late, if you smell of alcohol, go to the guest room to wash up first Come in after taking a bath, don't smoke until Yuexi."

Hearing this sentence, Yun Moqian smiled and hugged Ren'er, then kissed his relative's cheek again, which made Lu Xining blush, and hurriedly said to go, the man didn't care, and then in Ren'er's ear Bian whispered:

"I've been an old couple for so long, why haven't I gotten used to it yet?"

Lu Xining hurriedly pushed the person away, her cheeks were flushed, Qin Xi and Hehe were told by Lu Xining to go drink quickly,
Qin Xihe hurriedly said "Long live sister-in-law", and walked forward with his arms around the man's shoulders. Looking at the backs of the two men, Lu Xining suddenly remembered the way the two men were shoulder to shoulder in the dream. My son is still wearing a school uniform that contains a youthful atmosphere.
At this moment, Li Chang in the operating room was naturally arranged to live in the medical room, and the people from the prison had already entered it to prepare for the transfer.

Anesthesia usually lasts for eight hours. As long as you are at home after eight hours, there will be no major problems. After calculating the time, Lu Xining quickly contacted Yaluo to go to the old house of Yun's family. Like Yun Moqian, he also misses that cute Child.

I didn't expect this battle to be so easy. I thought there would be a big scene like a bomb. I didn't expect Li Chang's body to be in such a bad shape. It would be superfluous to invite Shen Chuan and Su Jingchen. I'm still a little embarrassed.

Yaluo brought Ren'er to the old house of Yun's family. After ringing the doorbell a few times, Yun Longshen came to open the door. He must be thinking about whether to open the door. After seeing Lu Xining, he looked behind Ren'er.

"Sister-in-law, you're back, where's brother?"

"He and Qin Xihe went out, and I'll pick up Yuexi."

As soon as they stepped into the house, they heard the laughter of several people, the loudest was that childish voice, Yun Yuexi sat in Ye Qingyi's arms and swung the fairy wand in her hand, while Su Jingchen and Shen Chuan stood by and waited,

As soon as Ye Qingyi saw Lu Xining, she hurriedly asked Yun Yuexi to look over, while softly coaxing him, "Look, who's here? It's mom~"

Yun Yuexi seemed to hide from Lu Xining's outstretched hands, but when she smelled the faint scent of gardenias on the woman, she smiled and opened her arms.
"Trouble mom and dad, this little guy must be making trouble?" Considering Yun Yuexi's performance last time, Lu Xining was still very embarrassed. The elders are too old to make trouble, and they still put the child here...

But on the contrary, Yun Feisi waved his hand, and Ye Qingyi hurriedly answered: "No! You are so good! This child should know that you and your husband are going to work, so you are very good, and you are not noisy!" She slept very well last night Xiang, when she got up in the morning, she also obediently drank milk and played without crying at all. She looked completely different from last time.
So the old saying is good, children look different every day, and Yun Moqian was also like this back then, but Yun Longshen was more mischievous.

Lu Xining looked at the child in her arms in surprise, only to see the little man rubbing his hand, and then laughed. It seemed that because of this child, Shen Chuan's cold face had a little smile, just like the cloud. Like Mo Qian,
The woman chatted with Ye Qingyi for a while before she said that she wanted to go back to sleep. The woman hurriedly asked someone to carry the child back to rest, and walked out of the house. Shen Chuan and Su Jingchen also walked out behind her. Su Jingchen yawned and was caught by the woman. caught a glimpse,
"Go back to Diling Bay later and have a good rest, will you have time to go back tomorrow?"

A few people got into the car slowly, Yun Yuexi didn't see her father anywhere, she could only stare at Lu Xining's chin with wide eyes, revealing ignorance and incomprehension in her eyes, obviously every time her mother appeared, her father would also appear...

"Your dad went to play with friends, and you will be like this when you grow up." Patiently patted the child on the back, coaxing him to sleep. I didn't sleep much last night, so I can take a nap at this moment one time,
The three men in the car looked at each other with a tacit understanding and then stopped talking. Ya Luo looked at the sleeping mother and daughter through the rearview mirror. At that time, she looked like Lu Xining, dignified and quiet...

And Yun Feisi didn't say anything just now... After Yun Moqian and the others left yesterday, the kid dropped nearly ten glasses... Judging by Su Jingchen's poisonous eyes... a cup costs nearly 5 yuan...

Shen Chuan lifted his head and looked at the scenery outside the window, at the sleeping state of the child next door and the appearance he saw yesterday and this morning. When he went to country W for the first time that day, he went to the cemetery non-stop, and saw the child ,
The little person in the photo has facial features like him, but the only difference is that smile, sweet and simple, without some of his own stereotypes, more like Lu Xining's smile,

It can be seen that before this child died, Lu Xining was very kind to him, even if he had no money or ability, he gave him the best things.

When the car stopped in front of the house, Ya Luo gently woke up Lu Xining. The woman rubbed her eyes in a daze and saw that the child in her arms was still sleeping soundly, so she decided not to wake him up.

"Shen Chuan, give me a hug, my hands are numb." The woman yawned and handed the child to the man beside her. She was taken aback by the man who called her by name, as if hesitating, but slowly stretched her hand towards the man. Take the baby in the hands of the people in front,

Soft, warm, bouncing... Is this what children are like?The man's eye sockets were a little wet, but he still followed the woman's footsteps and got out of the car, staring blankly at the child in his arms. During this period, Yun Yuexi even pouted, which made Shen Chuan a little flustered.
"Fool, she's sleeping." Su Jingchen rolled his eyes and continued walking.

A few people walked into the house and found Ye Moran and Ye Tian arguing over when to return to country W. Ye Tian was in a hurry to go back, but Ye Moran wanted to delay it.
That's why the two quarreled. Seeing that the situation was not good, Shen Chuan gently covered Yun Yuexi's ears, for fear of waking her up.

"Go back later, the matter here is not settled, miss!"

"I didn't mean to go back today! I said to see Li Chang's situation in two days! I'm not afraid of your grandpa, what are you afraid of!"

Lu Xining helped his forehead a little, and asked Yaluo to carry Yun Yuexi upstairs, and told him never to leave Ren'er's side. The man nodded and hurried up the stairs, fearing that the two people's quarrel would wake up the child , while Shen Chuan, who was taking the child away, felt a little empty and curled his lips without making a sound.

After Yaluo left, Lu Xining walked over slowly, "You guys, we leave in two days, and Mo Qian and I will follow."

Hearing the human voice, the two stopped their voices. Ye Moran frowned and wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Lu Xining.
"Let Li Chang recover in the past two days, and we will set off after sending her to the police. Both grandpa and brother want to see Yuexi." The old man didn't know how many times he nagged, Lin Yizhun had already called Several times, Lu Xining really had no choice but to take Fu Huaijun back to sweep the grave as well.

A few words left the two of them speechless, even Ye Moran could only pursed his lips and stopped talking, Yetian could only sigh and walked out the door, Su Jingchen and Shen Chuan stood there a little strangely, walking No, it's a little awkward to stay here, so I can only cast my eyes on others,
As the host, Lu Xining could only smile awkwardly and lead the two of them upstairs,

"You two have a good rest here tonight, and I'll send someone to see you off tomorrow." Lu Xining casually opened a room, and the inside was cleaned up, so they let the two of them rest.
And I was exhausted, so I hurried back to the room with little steps. Yaluo was accompanying Yun Yuexi in the room, and the child was sleeping soundly in the cradle.
"Miss, I got you an essential oil spray." Yaluo smiled slightly, and helped someone pull back the quilt on the bed. Lu Xining took her pajamas and walked to the bathroom. When the devil is king, hurry up and sleep for a while... Yun Moqian is not here tonight, and I and my daughter... will be a tough battle...

Why do you feel that entertainment is not so hard?

After changing clothes, he quickly nestled on the bed. Yaluo turned on the humidifying spray and smiled slightly, "Miss, do you want to sing a lullaby?"

The woman rolled her eyes, turned over and closed her eyes to prepare for sleep. Yaluo smiled uncontrollably. It was the same with their life when there was no Yun Moqian. Lu Xining had insomnia for a while and really needed to sleep. He was waiting by the side, but now the girl has finally grown up and gave birth to a child...

"By the way, the photo frame that was customized last time has been delivered. I will contact the painter and photographer in two days." After Yaluo told him, he tucked the quilt for the child in the cradle, and walked out slowly.

Lu Xining fell asleep when she heard the door closing, and she didn't hear Yun Yuexi waking up and crying. It was Ye Moran who found it strange when she walked in.
"Miss slept too soundly. She probably fell asleep too relaxed. I didn't even hear the little miss crying."

Ya Luo walked over after making milk powder, and Ye Tian praised, "Wow, I didn't expect you to be able to make milk powder... Almighty, you guy..."

"Miss Su once said, just remember it, Doctor Ye is sorry for your inconvenience." After speaking, she gave the bottle to Ye Moran, Yun Yuexi stared at the bottle in a daze, and drank it one mouthful at a time ,

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