Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 361 Preparing for the Battle

"Master...what should I do..."

The woman in front of the vanity mirror looked at herself in the mirror, and looked at the slightly exposed scars on her chest. Some were left when she fled from the Yun family and fell off the cliff, and some were left behind when she was sold to that village when she was young. Under...every scar bears a life,
Whips, sticks, stones... She's tried them all, she's tried them all, she's tried them all, she's tried them all, she's tried them all, she's tried them all, she's tried them all, she's tried them all...

If you ask what else you haven't tried, it should be...death. To be honest, she wanted to die many times in this world that no one cares about, but it would be great if Yun Moqian could watch her die,

At this time, Li Chang smiled, casually picked up the roses on the table and smelled them carefully, "How many people do we have?" During this period of time, they were exhausted too much, and there should not be many people left.

After thinking carefully in his heart, the man replied weakly: "About... there are 300 more people..." I don't know how many of those 300 people are going to flee... How could they beat Lu Xining.

Looking at the cold moonlight, I don't need to think about how much Fang Min hates me today. I must be praying to King Yama to drag me to hell now, but... I should not be far from hell, and To see old friends,
"Really... You should watch it these two days. This is the last battle. If you want to leave, don't stop."

Everyone knows that their winning rate is like winning a gold prize in a lottery in a supermarket. It is even more difficult, but they just want to see that man again. Let the woman who abandoned herself at the beginning watch from the sky!

And if he wanted to talk to him again, Fang Min would have a chance to talk to him, let alone himself?Thinking of the three words Yun Moqian, Li Chang will show a rare smile, like a gorgeous rose, his hands have long been covered with blood, how can it compare with the white and pure gardenia?

Standing up slowly, he took out a wine-red skirt from the closet and stroked it slowly. It was bought by Yun Moqian back then, and she secretly went back to Yun's house to take it back, and she hasn't lost it until now. , this is the first time I have received a gift from Yun Moqian, and what he said was for me to come back from a business trip in Germany,
If it weren't for Lu Xining's appearance and Yun Feisi's matter, would I be able to enter this man's heart and become his wife? I believe that iron pillars are ground into needles, and I also believe that love will grow over time. Would he get along with me for a long time? Will you fall in love with me?
"Does this dress look good?" She didn't know who she was asking. The man standing at the door could only take a peek at him and quickly said that it was beautiful, but the skirt couldn't cover the scar on the collarbone, and instead looked Even more ferocious and ugly, but he didn't dare to say,

The woman laughed and threw the skirt on the bed. Even if she was going to die, she had to die decently and beautifully, at least to present her most beautiful self in front of him. She slowly put on the skirt, shaking it once and for all. with a skirt,

The man didn't speak anymore, and knew that the current master was going to fight to the death, so he didn't speak any more. Their trump card, Fang Min, was gone, and Mr. Ting couldn't get it back. Their last chance was to admit their mistakes to Lu Xining...Maybe it would be okay this way. Give your brethren a way out,
"Okay, you go and inform everyone. Those who want to leave can leave, and those who are homeless can stay." The woman waved her hand casually, and the man said yes and immediately turned around and left. Some are willing to stay, some are homeless wanderers. Although the owner is cruel and ruthless in doing things, he never fails to give him enough food.
Maybe it's also because of the shadow of childhood, those who have a higher status like them have heard about these things,
The woman sat on the bed, thinking that at the beginning, she was the first Yun Moqian she met. At that time, Lu Xining was weak due to the sudden increase in magic power, so she could only stay at home, and at that time there was no one who had risen up. The Yun family brought their children to the Lu family to play. At that time, Yun Moqian clearly... knew him...

But in the end he was with Lu Xining who had never met before and could only hide upstairs. Could it be that God really didn't want this fate to exist?
"Brother Qian..." Li Chang silently read these two words, thinking about that man's face, but no matter how she recalled it was that immature face and his sixteen or seventeen-year-old appearance, she hadn't seen him for a long time... the last time It was also the case of him tearing down the nest with a phone call, which also completely disconnected the contact between them.
From the princess of Lingjing Kingdom to Xian Jiuer to Fang Min... I have done more than one wrong thing...

As for Su Jingchen from Lingjing Country, he immediately dropped his work after receiving Lu Xining's phone request, and went to Diling Bay in Y City alone, and immediately saluted Lu Xining as soon as he entered. He also heard about what happened at night, so in order not to worry grandma, he still kept it from the old man.
The woman hurriedly asked the man to stand up, and they bothered them again and again because they were embarrassed, why did it feel like he still owed me money?
"I'm going to trouble you and Shen Chuan again this time." Yaluo poured someone a cup of tea carefully, and the four of them sat on the sofa and chatted face to face. Su Jingchen nodded slightly, expressing that it was all right.
Shen Chuan and himself roughly explained the job, which is to protect the old house of the Yun family and Yun Yuexi, and Lu Xining will send Yun Yuexi there tonight, and the two of them will follow to prevent any transfers. After all, Yun Yuexi's magic power has been awakened, if this little guy uses his magic power unconsciously, Shen Chuan and Su Jingchen can also use it,
The man smiled slightly and said worriedly: "Your Highness, I will protect your child with my life, but you need me to send some people to follow?"

Lu Xining shook her head, "No, I have enough people here, I'll trouble you for the next two days." Yun Moqian also slightly bowed his head and said thank you, and they discussed the matter for the evening before letting them go Pack your bags,

Lu Xining and Yun Moqian were left in the living room, and they were much quieter. They were busy with tomorrow's affairs. It had been a long time since the two of them sat together quietly looking at the ceiling. Sometimes the two of them are in a daze together, but ever since they became pregnant, there have been ups and downs and ups and downs, they are so busy...

"Have you told your parents?" After all, Su Jingchen and Shen Chuan are outsiders, and they still have to explain to the two elders when they suddenly went to the old house of the Yun family.

Yun Moqian nodded when he heard it, "I said it, and told them not to let Long Shen go out and run around." Later, if Yun Longshen had an accident and he had to pay attention to him, and Su Jingchen and the others The identity itself just said that it was to protect Yun Yuexi,

Lu Xining and himself were on a two-day business trip, and the couple also knew that Yun Moqian held the baby in their hearts for this newborn child, so they had no objection to letting Su Jingchen and the others stay. Instead, they were worried about Lu Xining Did my body recover well after giving birth? Just go out and run around like this,
The woman felt a lot more at ease after knowing that the matter was done, but now it was Yun Moqian's turn to worry, and he held the little hand of the person next to him, and ordered carefully,

"Tomorrow, you must follow me closely and don't run around, understand?" Although it was an exhortation, most Lu Xining would not listen to her,
But knowing that this matter was not a joke, Lu Xining nodded obediently, smiled and kissed the man's cheek. This kiss was like leaving traces of reassurance in the man's heart, and she also curled up her lips silently. started to fight back,
"Get ready tonight."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Xining and his wife took Su Jingchen to Yun's house. Yun Feisi hugged Yun Yuexi and got closer for a while before chatting with Lu Xining, "Is this really a business trip this time? ?” After speaking, she frowned slightly, as if the couple were going to do something bad,
I knew that this elder would ask this question. As a person who used to be in charge of Yun's, his insight is also very strong. Yun Moqian even brought his children to the company, let alone a business trip, what's wrong?And it's even more strange that Lu Xining would go there with Mo Qian,
Instantly getting the man's direct gaze, Lu Xining still had some thorns on her back. She calmed down and said, "Of course, the cooperation case with Nan's is a bit troublesome. It's inconvenient to take Yuexi there, so I want to ask my parents to take care of it. Trouble." gone."

There is no mistake in what he said, it can be said that he is lying without blushing, Yun Feisi felt strange and couldn't ask any more, Yun Moqian didn't say a word next door, if he went out to bulletproof this question, he would feel a little strange instead,
Su Jingchen and Shen Chuan followed Ye Qingyi to a big bedroom, "You guys will stay here at night, and if you need anything, just tell the servants." They thanked the woman gently and put down their luggage first.

After Ye Qingyi left, the two men in the room also started their own work. Shen Chuan first went to the window to observe, and sure enough, he saw two black cars that had just left under the big tree outside the Yun's house, walking fast and hurriedly ,
He should have seen Yun Moqian coming, so he quickly retreated first. Su Jingchen looked at the structural diagram of the old house of Yun family that Yun Moqian had just sent him, and slowly began to create an enchantment. Shen Chuan outside the window and the two people downstairs Everyone felt that Lu Xining exchanged a look with the man but did not speak.

Shen Chuan turned around and looked at the man who was forming the barrier by himself, then sighed, walked over and participated in this huge project, the two of them built the barrier without saying a word, now the people outside Don't try to come in, the people inside have to get their consent if they want to go out,
"Let's take turns. I'll watch over the young miss in the first half of the night, and you in the second half." Su Jingchen slowly stood up and patted his wrinkled clothes. Shen Chuan hummed dully and agreed to the man's proposal. Although there is no problem as long as there is an enchantment, you still have to be careful.

"Wow!!!" Sure enough, when Yun Yuexi was in Ye Qingyi's arms watching Yun Moqian and the two of them were about to leave...crying at a loss, she knew that her parents were leaving, and she didn't bring them. Her kind, so she quickly resorted to bitter tricks,
Lu Xining rubbed her forehead in distress, knowing that things would turn out like this, and felt a little bit sorry for her child, but Ye Qingyi immediately turned around with her child in her arms, and asked Yun Yuexi and her to turn their backs, Seeing this, Yun Feisi also waved his hands to the couple at the door, telling them to leave quickly, the child would just drop a few more glasses later.
Yun Moqian frowned, sighed, and left with the little woman next to him, but within two steps, he heard a miserable cry coming from the house, as if blaming the couple for their cruelty, Lu Xi Ning was still a little bit reluctant to sit in the car, Yun Moqian smiled and rubbed her head, comforting her:
"In the future, we have to put her with my parents so that we can have a good honeymoon trip. Let's get used to it in advance."

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