Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 352 Daughter's Name

Then slowly put the child into the man's hands. Before this, Yun Moqian had practiced many times, and he was very proficient in holding the child and shaking it. The child just fell asleep in the man's arms without crying or crying. It's troublesome, Yun Moqian loves him more and more, but he still has some doubts about gender.

Ye Moran looked at the child in the man's arms with a smile and said, "I think the lady is joking with you, this is a real girl~" After speaking, she touched the man's cheek, and what she got was the child's dissatisfaction She twisted her head, as if saying that she was disturbing her sleep.

The man looked at the person in his arms, it was small, and touched the person's little hand with trembling fingers, it was soft and warm, and seemed to smell like Lu Xining's body, Rui Ran's newborn face was wrinkled, but I still feel that the birth of this little life is a bit unbelievable. Is this my child?

Looking at it, Yun Moqian's eye sockets slowly turned red. This is the child with his blood and Lu Xining's blood, the little life they have protected together for so long...

Ye Moran pointed to the stroller where Lu Xining was, and hugged the child, "Miss Lu has tidied up, you can go back to the room, I will hold the child first, please help take the lady back to the room, everyone is outside too Waiting."

Yun Moqian didn't speak any more, just reluctantly looked at the child a few more times, then slowly pushed the car out of the operating room, surrounded by people outside, led by the queen, looking at Lu Xi With Ning's tightly closed eyes, the old man was also a little scared, so he looked at Yun Moqian who was standing aside, wanting to know if he was safe.

"She's asleep, please keep your voice down, let's take her back to her room first." Su Jingchen walked to the other side of the cart to help push it, and Ye Moran came out last, Ye Tian and Fu Huaijun also hurried Stepping forward to open the way ahead, regardless of exploring the children's appearance, it is more important to send them back to the room first.

Everyone entered the room one after another, and Ye Moran also put the child in the crib. The child squinted his eyes and looked at this novel world. At this moment, everyone gathered around and carefully looked at the sentences that were full of compliments.
"Wow~ so cute, it's a girl!"

"The nose is like mom, the mouth is like dad, and the eyes are like mom. It's really cute!"

"Are you a fool? How can you tell when you're so young?"

Everyone was chirping with each other, as if the little thing in front of them was a rare treasure, but only now did someone realize, where is Yun Moqian?Shouldn't the old father stand up first?

Turning around, I saw the man sitting by the bed and wiping the face of the person on the bed with a small towel. Without saying a word, everyone shut up, fearing that if there was any more noise, the man would throw him out the door.After all, they were so excited that they forgot that Lu Xining was still sleeping, so they must have disturbed others...

"Hmm... Mo Qian..." Lu Xining slowly opened her eyes and saw the man's delicate joints in front of her, and felt the warm towels wiping her cheeks, as if there were many voices beside her .

Yun Moqian hurriedly put down the towel and held the hand with a smile: "Are you awake? That's great..." I haven't contacted my family in Y City yet, and I don't have time to worry about it. I just want to wait until Lu Xining wakes up. Say hello to your family,

Lu Xining just recovered now, she just fell into a coma in the delivery child!When the woman thinks of the child, she wants to sit up straight, but she is weak all over, and can only lie down and pull the man's sleeves resentfully, wanting to know how the child is, but she just fell asleep because she really didn't have the strength, and what happened next things have been forgotten.

Ye Moran hurriedly picked up the sleepy-eyed little guy and walked over to give it to Yun Moqian. The man also carefully took the little dumpling and put it in front of Lu Xining, "She's a daughter, but she lied to me that I'm a big fat kid. Made me lost for so many months."

The woman kissed the baby's cheek with tears in her eyes, and the little guy was anxious to rub against the man's arms, not to mention how much he liked Yun Moqian, and the man was also content to hold the baby, this scene was exactly what Lu Xining imagined The same, it is also the picture that I have been dreaming about in my dreams.

"If I told you, wouldn't you dislike me? Just ran over to this little guy with my whole heart? Of course I have to whet my appetite, don't I?"

"Fool..." Yun Moqian touched his forehead, feeling a bit dumbfounded,
"Hey, master, the lady gave birth to a cute baby girl, and they are all in the room now." Ya Luo stood outside the door and answered Lin Yizhun's phone call, he could hear the room through the door The joyful sound inside, the man also evoked a smile,
Lin Yizhun over there should have turned on the hands-free, Lin Ziyu and Su Nan were also at the side, and they could still hear the voices of children chattering, and heard Su Nan laughing and telling Yaluo that he wanted to talk to Lu Xining,
The man immediately opened the door and went in, and saw that Lu Xining was sitting upright, hugging the child and laughing, while Yun Moqian was sitting on the edge of the bed, hugging his wife and child, with love and joy in his eyes, everyone said to each other Not to mention how happy he is, even Fu Huaijun, who is usually silent, smiled and said a few words to Lu Xining. Ran must bring out the matchmaker.

"Miss, the young master and Miss Su called, look..."

When Lu Xining heard this, she quickly waved to the person and said to switch the phone mode to video chat, and the other side was connected soon, and it was Lin Yizhun's family that was reflected, Lin Ziyu seemed to recognize Lu Xining and Yun Mo Qian Qian quickly waved his hand and smiled naively, as if he had grown up a lot.

Su Nan hurriedly introduced Lu Xining's child to the little boy in her arms: "Come on, Ziyu, this is your sister, do you know? When you grow up, you should treat her ten times and a hundred times better." I don't know if the boy understood No, she smiled and nodded to her beautiful mother, her eyes purring, not to mention how cute she is.

Lin Yizhun couldn't see the strong friendship, so he wanted to hug Lin Ziyu, a villain, into his arms, but the boy refused to leave his mother's arms, and rejected his father's invitation with a wave of his hand, and then buried his head in his arms. Going back into Su Nan's arms, he rubbed Su Nan's arm pitifully,

In the room, everyone watching this scene was silent for a while, and then burst into bursts of laughter, which directly scared Lu Xining's child to tears. The crying of the child in the room made everyone astonished. Forget that there is a little ancestor...

"Tsk." Yun Moqian uttered a single syllable, and made everyone quiet, waiting for Lu Xining to coax the child in his arms back to sleep.

Yun Moqian looked at the lonely Lin Yizhun, raised his eyebrows, and jokingly said, "Are you envious? My daughter is so cute." As soon as these words were uttered, everyone labeled the man as a daughter slave in their hearts. , even Lin Yizhun turned black,
But Lin Yizhun didn't intend to talk to others, so he snorted, not to mention how angry he was, the kid next to him not only robbed his wife, but also robbed his grandfather's love!Every time he just smiled sweetly, the grandfather of the Lin family almost adopted the entire Lin family's property to him... And every time he taught this brat a lesson, he would go to his mother with snot and tears, and the final result It was Su Nan who scolded herself, saying that children should be educated with love...

Lu Xining also laughed, Su Nan ignored this jealous man, but coaxed the little lover in his arms, and asked curiously: "Xiao Ning, think about the name of the child?" Is it? What are you going to call it?"

The woman who heard this question frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Yun Moqian, wanting to ask the man's opinion, but Yun Moqian just smiled and rubbed the man's hair, then looked at the sleeping daughter in the man's arms, eyes full of Full of love.

"It's up to you to decide." This child was born by Lu Xining desperately, so she should decide the name of the child.
The woman lowered her head and pondered for a while, then looked at the baby girl in her arms, her heart was also full of love, "Then it's called, Yun Yuexi, okay?" Yun Moqian nodded, but the people next to him hurried up I asked why I took this name...what does it mean.

Looking at everyone's curious eyes, Lu Xining laughed out loud, then shook the little hand of the baby girl in her arms, "I hope she can be happy, and the word Yue can also mean liking, Yun Moqian likes Lu Xi Ning." The tenderness in the man's eyes almost overflowed when he heard this sentence.

Everyone rubbed their hands together, expressing that they were shown by this wave of high-end dog food. Why does this couple get goosebumps when they talk about love?
"Grandpa will be very happy to know, he has already fallen asleep, I will tell him tomorrow morning." Lin Yizhun also rubbed the head of the child next to him on the other end of the phone, Lin Ziyu looked a little sleepy, Lu Xi Ning ended the call and asked Su Nan to take the child to sleep.

The Queen stood beside her, looking at Lu Xining's pretty face, and recalled the night when Lin Shiqing gave birth to Lu Xining. When the Lu family called to say that Lin Shiqing had given birth to a baby girl, I immediately set off to go to City Y, and it was the same scene. Everyone gathered around Lin Shiqing, laughing and laughing like this.

At least... my daughter was really happy at that time, although she really had hatred and cold blood towards this world when she finally passed away...

Everyone called the name Yuexi one after another, hoping that the sleeping baby would know how many people loved her.

The queen walked forward slowly, Su Jingchen also took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to the old man. The queen took it slowly, opened the box and there was a safety lock inside,

"Xining, this is a gift from me to my great-granddaughter. The safety lock will make Yuexi go smoothly and safely." After speaking, she put it in Lu Xining's hands, and the woman knew that it was the old man's wish, so she didn't refuse Yes, and luckily it's not a crown necklace ring, she also likes the implication of this safe lock.

"Okay, then I will thank grandma for Yuexi's kindness." After finishing speaking, I handed it to Yun Moqian, and put it on for the child after confinement.

Su Jingchen stood next door quietly watching everyone's happy time, Lu Xining hurriedly called someone over, the man was a little surprised but still slowly stepped forward to hear what the man had to say, so he stood in front of the man and slowly bent down, " Your Highness."

Lu Xining slowly brought the child closer, let Su Jingchen take a closer look, and then said, "Although you and I are not related by blood, but I called you Brother Chen since I was a child, so you can be considered my half brother, right? The attitude towards you before It's my fault." When she was pregnant this time, she and Yun Moqian saw what Su Jingchen did, and she also knew that the kidnapping last time was just a matter of his haste.

After hearing this, the man seemed to feel that he had let go of a big stone in his heart, and he answered yes with a smile. Ye Moran saw that the time was almost up, so he showed the majesty of a doctor and told everyone to go back to rest, and let Lu Xining rest well , Some people's dissatisfied words were also blocked by Ye Moran.

Soon, Ye Moran half-pushed the crowd out of the room, only Yun Moqian and Lu Xining, mother and daughter, were left in the room.

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