Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 345 Li Chang and Fang Min Break Up

Hearing the palace...royal doctor...these words made Tang Wanying's mouth open. She didn't expect that Lu Xining would have something to do with the royal family. Could it be some kind of princess...queen?

Judging by her temperament, it's not impossible. She always felt that Lu Xining's gestures were very elegant, just like a real princess.

But Lu Xining quickly shattered her fantasy, "Don't get me wrong, it's just that this time we applied, and the royal family heard about our situation, and offered to help us, it should be for Yun Moqian's sake .”

He casually pulled Yun Moqian out. He had just returned from country W, and there was no possibility of getting in touch with Lingjing country. Everyone in Lingjing country knows that it is not easy to get in touch with outsiders. One of the reasons may be that Because Li Chang killed a villager in that year, he had to be vigilant.

Tang Wanying admitted that she may have read too many novels, and she likes to think about exaggerated parts. After listening to people's words, she thinks it makes sense. Who in this world doesn't want to have a relationship with Yun's, and I heard that Ling Jingguo and Yun's There are quite a few business relationship chains in the family, and I have heard Tang Ankang say that if the Yun family cut off relations with Ling Jingguo and canceled cooperation, the social development of Lingjing country would directly stagnate.

In the evening, Yaluo came to report that Su Jingchen had come to the door, but Yaluo didn't know whether to open the door for him. He was afraid that Miss and Mr. Yun would have a disgusted attitude towards him, so he had to ask people to wait at the door first.

"Open the door for him and invite someone in, don't neglect." Lu Xining hurriedly ordered, and ate another grape that Yun Moqian had just washed in his mouth. I heard that eating more grapes will make the child's eyes look bigger and brighter. Be smarter, so Yun Moqian bought two boxes as soon as he bought it...

I don't know what kind of news this guy has read... I believe this kind of words, I saw the man bought red grapes and green grapes Xiangyin grapes... Patiently peeled the skins for Lu Xining and fed them into his mouth, one after another .

Women now feel like they are eating grapes in their dreams...

Su Jingchen was brought in by Yaluo, and when she saw Lu Xining and was going to do the palace ceremony, the woman quickly stood up to stop her, and pointed to the room upstairs, "The people upstairs don't know my identity in Lingjing Kingdom, these people The tedious things will be avoided."

Su Jingchen, who obediently obeyed his orders, also said yes, he also knew that there were a few ordinary people who followed Lu Xining here this time, and they were also pregnant women, presumably she didn't know Lu Xining's identity.

Then he took out a letter from his pocket, this is a magic letter, only those with magic power can read it, that is to say, it is specially for Lu Xining and Yun Moqian,
After the woman took it, she checked it carefully. Yun Moqian also leaned over to look at it, but the movement of feeding the grapes still didn't stop.

The content of the letter was probably that the queen told them to feel at ease. Magic nodules had been arranged around the island, and people without permission would never be able to enter. No matter how powerful Li Chang was, he couldn't compare to himself.

After Lu Xining read it, the letter automatically turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. This is also a method of secret communication in the Lingjing Kingdom's royal family. In order to prevent spies, this is also banned. Only Her Majesty the Queen understands,
The woman slowly stood up and bowed slightly to Su Jingchen to say thank you. At the beginning, she was afraid that she would trouble them, so she hesitated again and again. If it wasn't for Li Chang's approaching step by step, she wouldn't bother them too much.

Su Jingchen, who received this generous gift, hurriedly stopped her. She is a high-ranking highness, and she is just a courtier. How can she stand such a tall gesture from a woman?

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Su Jingchen was about to leave. Before leaving, the man stood at the door and seemed to remember something, then turned around and said, "Your Highness, I am looking forward to the birth of your little Highness, and Her Majesty the Queen is also looking forward to it. I knit sweaters for my children every day.”

This sentence was not too big or too small, only Yun Moqian and Lu Xining could hear it. The woman smiled at the person to express her gratitude, and after saying something, she would go to meet Her Majesty alone to say hello.

Four months passed in a blink of an eye, Yun Moqian woke up every morning to make breakfast with Yaluo, in order to make a delicious breakfast for Lu Xining, and took a nap with him at noon, and in the afternoon Going to the beach to play, let alone how wonderful life is.

Even Ye Tian and Fu Huaijun took a long vacation, unlike before in Di Ling Bay, they had to accompany their young lady to catch mice every day, and they were exhausted.

Day after day, four months have passed like this. Yun Moqian may not have lived such a relaxed life for a long time. Du Teng will report the situation of Yun's almost every day. Two meetings, one at eight in the morning and one at eight in the evening.

Everyone is also used to being quiet during these two hours, and let Yun Moqian work quietly.

It is also because the man has done a lot of work before leaving for Lingjingguo, so Yun Longshen and Du Teng are more than a little more relaxed, and the atmosphere of Yun's is also a lot happier because the chief executive is not there. Ladder!

But now in the house, Lu Xining was sitting on a chair, and Fu Huaijun behind him was holding a pair of scissors to show the length,

It turned out that Lu Xining's hair was too long, it had already reached her waist, the doctor said it was inconvenient to go into the delivery room, at least it had to grow to the back, and during confinement, washing her hair would not cause the hair to be too long. If you catch cold too much, it will be Lu Xining herself who will be tortured at that time.

Yun Moqian held a magazine and looked at it. Fu Huaijun carefully cut his hair, trying to keep Ren'er's original hairstyle, but shortened the length.

"My waist is so sore..." She already had a big belly, and she felt sore after sitting for a while, and it was very inconvenient to sleep. She could only lie on her side, and was kicked by the child in her stomach from time to time. She doubted it. The child in her stomach is a boy... How does this look like a girl... She can now confirm that this child must be a very naughty child.

Although Yun Moqian thinks it's normal, because he still doesn't know that the woman's belly is the daughter that he misses day and night.

Holding the scissors, Fu Huaijun took a few steps back to check and felt that it was almost done, so he took a hair dryer to tidy up the broken hair, and then finished the work.

The man sitting on the side also quickly put down the magazine and went to help him up. Lu Xining loosened his muscles and bones unaccustomed to it, and only then did he feel that the pain in his waist was gone.
Fu Huaijun motioned for Tang Wanying who was next to her to come and sit down. Like Lu Xining, her hair was too long, which would only be inconvenient for her, so she arranged for their professional barber——Fu Huaijun.

"Why didn't I feel so tired at the beginning..." Lu Xining muttered while rubbing her swollen belly, and thought helplessly about when she was pregnant in country W...

Ye Moran, who brought the medicinal soup from outside the door, also smiled when he heard what Rener said, and put the tray in his hand on the table,

"Of course, you've gained about three kilograms during this pregnancy after taking medicinal soup and supplements. You naturally feel heavier, and the baby in your stomach must be fat for nothing." Every time you have a pregnancy test, you can see that the baby is fat. The stomach was so lively that it was no wonder that the head of the household, Lu Xining, worked so hard.

Hearing that Lu Xining, who had gained three kilograms, could only pout her mouth to be even more dissatisfied, but after thinking about it, she felt that there was nothing wrong with it. When she was pregnant in country W, she remembered that the nurse in the hospital exaggeratedly said that the child was very Weak and much lighter than the children born together that night, he was given special treatment as soon as he was born.

Moreover, since Lu Xining gave birth, his vitality has been greatly weakened, and his whole body has been very sick, even skinny. The new mothers in the same room sometimes provide their own breast milk to Lu Xining's child.

I think it’s because when I’m pregnant, I have to go out to work, and I can’t eat enough every day. Others gain weight during pregnancy, but I lose weight. I can’t afford milk powder in the later stage. I always think about how to give my child more breast milk, and finally Can only eat a lot of instant noodles, hoping to get some nutrition.

So when that child finally left this world, he was still very thin, not at all as fat as a child of the same age, presumably because he had no nutrition in his belly.

The woman lowered her eyes and said nothing, Ye Moran hurried to comfort her, Lu Xining raised her head with a smile and waved her hands, walked over to drink up the medicinal soup on the table, then quickly swallowed the candy offered by the man beside her, The pained expression on his face eased a little.

This is the last bowl of medicinal soup for today, and it will be moved into the palace tomorrow. Su Jingchen will come here every week for the past few months, still bringing a magic letter and checking the defense situation around the island. ,

For Su Jingchen, Lu Xining is also very grateful. Although I don't know if the Queen of Lingjing Kingdom ordered him to do this, but every time he comes here, he is full of smiles, and even later he is willing to chat with Yun Moqian for a while, although the chat matters of state and business.

Tang Wanying's hair was also done. Arlo came down from the stairs. Most of the luggage had already been packed. There was still one month and five days before the end of this vacation.
Lu Xining also began to miss the people and things in Y City, and wondered if Li Chang was so angry that he vomited blood in Y City?I left with great fanfare a few months ago, and I don't know if she knows the news, it's better to know.

At this moment in City Y, in the villas in the suburbs, all the things that could be broken, plates, ceramics, cups...all were broken and lying on the ground without exception, not to mention how pitiful they were.

"Master...still can't get in..." A man squatted on the ground. In four months, they attacked Oujingcheng and Dilingwan countless times, trying to rescue Tingwu and the others, but every time they attacked, it was a change. Back to the more serious annihilation of the entire army, and even their followers are not many... If this continues, Li Chang will only be able to fight alone.

They also sent people to the small island where Lu Xining was, but no matter what kind of artillery fire was fired, there was no damage at all, as if the bullets disappeared when they flew out... I don't know what kind of magic it is!
Only Li Chang knew that this was a very powerful barrier. Such a powerful barrier could only be made by the current queen and former concubine Lin Shiqing, how could it be possible for a little guy like Lu Xining to do it!

It seems that the fact that Lu Xining is His Highness has already been known by others, and he is also under such high-level protection...

The woman was breathing heavily with a headache, she didn't know what to do anymore, she also thought about going back to the old house of the Yun family and begging for Ye Qingyi's protection and sympathy.

But... Yun Moqian and Lu Xining's people were inside and outside the old house of the Yun family, so it was impenetrable... Even iris recognition was designed, once he passed by, he would fall into a trap.

How to do how to do!
When Lu Xining came back after giving birth, he would definitely die by her hands!It is impossible for Yun Moqian to stand on his side...Moreover, Ting Wu must have confessed all his affairs, address, etc... Now his life is already in Lu Xining's hands in advance.

There is no turning back...

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