Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 343 Nan Ling and Tang Wanying Parted Ways

These people did their best, and they had already packed Tang Wanying's luggage, which saved him some time. In addition, these maids knew Tang Wanying's preferences better, so they packed things up a lot faster.

It was the first time for the young Xiaoqian to come to Diling Bay, looking around, the admiration in her eyes never stopped, while Ahua kept walking without making a sound,
"Wow! Sister Hua! This place is so beautiful...a fairyland on earth! No wonder everyone likes to work here!"

Ahua looked at Ya Luo who was holding the suitcase and leading the way ahead, and lowered his voice to the woman next to him and said, "Speak up, in this kind of place, it's better to do less and do more so that people won't be offended."

This is the first time that I can follow my master to such a far place, so I must do my best so that no one can bore me!Don't let Miss Lu see a joke and let Miss Tang down.

After all, Xiaoqian hadn't experienced these social things much, so she could only bow her head, and then her eyes still glanced at these things she had never seen before, and she would look twice more when she saw strange things.

Yaluo took the two of them to the small villa where Tang Wanying lived last night, and just happened to meet Du Teng who was waiting in the living room. It seemed that the man had come to pick Tang Wanying to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Mr. Du, do you need me to take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau?" Yaluo asked with a smile. Du Teng waved his hand and pointed upstairs with a smile, saying that he was here to wait for Tang Wanying. Think the same.

"Our wife asked me to come and pick up Miss Tang, otherwise I will be blamed for not being careful later, and I am afraid that reporters will follow," Du Teng scratched his head, Ya Luo could only smile and said nothing, and ordered to return Two people standing at the door came in,
Ahua and Xiaoqian hurriedly called Mr. Du, they had seen each other in the villa before, so they said hello, Du Teng still responded to the two with a warm smile. servant.

Right now Tang Wanying was walking down, and after checking that all her documents were complete, she looked up and saw the person she had been worried about for the past two nights.

"Ah Hua! Xiaoqian!" The woman hurried forward and held the hands of the two, her eyes were red. Fortunately, they were fine. She wanted to go back in person yesterday, but Ms. Lu refused, fearing that she would encounter her ex-girlfriend again. Fortunately, Mr. Yaluo helped me go back and take a look at the two days.

The three women huddled together and laughed. Ahua hurriedly checked whether the woman was injured. After being unconscious that night, it was Du Teng's sister who came to save them... If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't have died so quickly. Discovered that Tang Wanying was taken away.

Du Teng looked at his watch and found that the time was almost up. If he was late, the two of Ou Jingcheng would have to wait, so he went over to say hello to Tang Wanying with a smile.

"Miss Tang, it's almost time. Mr. Yun and the others set off directly in Oujing City, let's go."

A Hua and Xiaoqian also hurriedly asked people to deal with the business first, and talk about the past later, Tang Wanying also nodded and left with Du Teng to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

As for Ou Jingcheng, Yun Moqian drove the car himself, while Lu Xining was arranged to sit in the back seat. The dazed woman dozed off in the back seat, and Yun Moqian looked at the little woman's sleeping face through the rearview mirror inadvertently. Showing a slight smile.

Letting someone sit in the back seat is just in case, if something happens on the road, it will be the driver's seat and the co-pilot who will be affected, and there is still a glimmer of hope for the back seat to escape.

Lu Xining, who didn't know what the man was thinking, was still sound asleep, and just fell asleep gently leaning on the pillow the man bought for her.

Soon, the Civil Affairs Bureau arrived, but before Tang Wanying arrived, Nanling's family of three were already waiting at the door.

Feeling the deceleration, Lu Xining slowly opened her eyes and took a closer look, only to realize that Nan Ling had lost a lot of weight, and was slowly helped out of the car by the man, and the three of the Nan family saw the golden couple, still so brilliant , still so in love.

This kind of love was like a thorn in Nan Ling's eyes, an invisible thorn. The man clenched his fists tightly. Although he didn't make a sound, his eyes still followed the movements of the two of them.

"Ask where Du Teng is. Go home as soon as you finish. Yaluo said in the morning that he will make cakes for us to go back." Go back and pack your luggage and leave City Y.

As long as it's done today, the Nan family will never be able to lift their heads in Y City from now on, and my revenge plan will be completed. The injustices and insults I have suffered all these years will finally bear fruit and be returned to others. .

Nan Ling looked at Lu Xining's appearance, the woman became more and more mature, even though she was pregnant, the woman's temperament never diminished, the scarf around her neck set off even more improvement, every frown and smile towards Yun Moqian made the man's heart ache Itches, and I can't move my eyes away.

After today, he will take the 5 million yuan that Lu Xining returned to him to support his parents and feed himself. A few days ago, the Nan family has also successfully transferred to Lu Xining's name, and now Nan Ling will always be in Y City I can't hold my head up anymore, and it's not that easy to marry another wife. After all, I... cut off my own way out.

These days, he has been outside all the time to see if there is any business investment, but everyone has rejected him veiledly, and he doesn't need to guess to know that this is all Yun Moqian's intention, just to add fuel to Lu Xining.

At this time, the man looked at the sleepy little woman, held up her face and kissed her. Lu Xining's eyes were squinted by the kisses, which made Nan Ling who was standing by the side very upset, and also felt that this The two of them came here today to disrupt the situation. I originally thought that only myself and Tang Wanying could chat together and gain some favorability... But now...

Lu Xining slightly raised the corners of her mouth, kissed the man's thin lips, and said to him with some grievances: "They are so slow...I'm sleepy..." Seeing the woman like this, Yun Moqian felt a little distressed, I also know that there is still a schedule in the afternoon, and it will be a tiring day.

A car slowly drove up and stopped next to Yun Moqian's Bentley, and it was Du Teng and Tang Wanying who got off. Yun Moqian saw that the woman in his arms was also in good spirits, so he looked at Du Teng, and saw that the man was not happy. I smiled kindly,
"Mr. Yun, Mrs. Yun, there is a little traffic jam on the road." The time set today is the rush hour for work, and I have to hide from some paparazzi and reporters, so it is a bit late, but fortunately, my hidden function is still perfect. Meet paparazzi.

The two women stood together with smiles on their faces, and they were about to walk in, but Du Teng and Yun Moqian couldn't care about so many traffic jams, so they hurriedly followed them,
Seeing Tang Wanying approaching, Nan Ling was about to say hello to someone and ask about the child's condition, but she didn't expect the woman to just skip him like this, chatting and laughing with Lu Xining, as if she had never seen him before, Chen Ruyuan Angrily, he was about to rush up, but he was stopped by the man, and he could only watch the two women walking forward, as if this was a shopping mall, and there was no need for him to come here today.

Nan Xiangmin sighed. If he knew that the two elders would not be here today, they would have to suffer such humiliation. When he thought that the Nan family, which he had worked hard all his life, would be handed over by his own son, Nan's father's eyes rolled Just wet, Nan Shi is like his second son, just like that...

"Hello, the appointment is for Ms. Tang and Mr. Nan to apply for a divorce certificate, right?" The counter lady looked at the mighty group of people, and couldn't help complaining in her heart. Is this a divorce certificate or a marriage certificate?So many people join in the fun?

Tang Wanying, who was the leader, sat down first, while Lu Xining, Yun Moqian and Du Teng went to the waiting chairs aside and sat down. Nan Ling looked at the expressionless woman who had never glanced at him, and pulled away the chairs Sit down and go through the formalities,
Chen Ruyuan at the side knew that it was useless to stand here, she came here today to see if she could persuade Tang Wanying to change her mind, but judging by her attitude at the door just now, it seemed that there was no room for maneuver, so what else could she say? , It is also for others to make fun of, so it is even more unnecessary.

She and Nan Xiangmin went to sit on the last two chairs, which were opposite to Lu Xining, and an awkward atmosphere was created in an instant.

Nan Xiangmin sat down slowly, looked at Lu Xining's plump figure, and knew how much the woman had taken care of Tang Wanying these days, and it was completely covered up, just like when Lu Xining was protected in Country W, she also knew It made him feel a lot of guilt for not expressing it, whether it was towards Lu Xining or Tang Wanying.

"Little Lu, your uncle saw you growing up, and you and your father are old friends. Can you tell uncle how Wanying is now and how is the child?" The old man's eyes were full of helplessness, and he really wanted to I don't understand how the Nan family came to this point, and how did he face his ancestors under the spring?

Lu Xining lowered her eyes, knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and telling them about the situation could be regarded as a comfort to the old people.

"She is in good health. After the pregnancy test yesterday, the doctor said that both adults and children are healthy." Lu Xining smiled, and Nan Xiangmin nodded solemnly. At this time, Chen Ruyuan poked her head and asked curiously and expectantly. road:
"This child... is it a boy or a girl?"

Lu Xining raised her eyebrows, and cast a casual glance at the person, making Chen Ruyuan sit up straight, unaccustomed to it.

It took a while before Lu Xining opened her thin lips: "A boy." Since Chen Ruyuan wanted a boy so much, then give it to her.

Sure enough, when Chen Ruyuan heard this, something was wrong. It should be said that her whole body softened. It turned out to be a boy!That is to say... I really lost a grandson!

She even wanted to step forward to stop the two people who were going through the formalities there, but as soon as she stood up, two men in black appeared at the door blocking their way. These people were arranged by Yun Moqian to prevent this situation occur.

The counter lady over there glanced at the reluctant expression on Nan Ling's face from time to time, and even saw the man wanting to talk to the woman next to him once or twice, but she was quickly defeated again.

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