Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 341 Yun Moqian's Safe Password

Father Yun looked at Lu Xining thoughtfully, thinking that his son and daughter-in-law didn't want to tell what the relationship was, so why should he be hot-faced and cold-ass?But judging from Yun Moqian's attitude, it doesn't seem to be a casual relationship.

"What about work?"

Father Yun asked this question abruptly. The Yun family couldn't go to a place as far away as Lingjing Kingdom without Yun Moqian. Is he planning to move his family and go directly to Lingjing Kingdom?If this is the case, I am afraid that those old antiques in the Yun family will protest.

And Yun Moqian already knew that he would ask this question, so he said unhurriedly: "During this time, I have already dealt with the work for the next five months, and Du Teng and Long Shen will deal with emergencies." , the meeting will be conducted by video, and there will be a fixed point every day, which will not affect the work."

In order to accompany Lu Xining well, he worked day and night during this time, so that he could spend more time with Lu Xining for good prenatal education when he was in Lingjing Country, and Yunlong was deeply involved in their workload. It won't be too big either.

Yun Feisi pondered again, and Yun Longshen had already received Yun Moqian's notice to go downstairs, and said loudly: "I, I, I...Although I don't have much ability, sometimes when my brother is busy, It was me who helped…”

Everyone looked at Yun Longshen, Ye Qingyi had some surprise in his eyes, and although Yun Feisi didn't show any expression, he was still a little surprised that his youngest son had this ability,

I always thought that the title of vice president was given to Yun Longshen by Yun Moqian in order to keep the fat and water out of the field. It turned out that it was because his youngest son really has this ability and can help with work, but it is not helpful. I know.

At this time, Yun Moqian stood up and went to his younger brother's side and patted his shoulder, "Last time, Uncle Wu praised you to me, saying that you are calm."

Yunlong was deeply surprised, and Yun Feisi sat there looking at the appearance of the two brothers, how could he disagree?If you disagree, maybe the two brothers will run away from home together...

He could only sigh and stop talking, and Ye Qingyi even reminded the two of them when they were about to leave: "When you two go there, you must always report to me that you are safe and tell me about the situation. If you are not satisfied, come back immediately. If you give birth, you will call back right away, do you know? Whether it is a boy or a girl, we are all happy and distressed."

Lu Xining kept nodding like a little sparrow, and Yun Moqian also took notes one by one before slowly leaving while holding Ren'er's hand,

Looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, Yun Feisi could only sigh, but it had been a long time since his son could tell him something so warmly. In general, this title is not a gimmick for fun.

It is no longer just playing around like before, but helping his brother with things. Thinking of this, Yun Feisi is still a little emotional and proud. The two sons are finally mature, and he is also going to be a grandfather. As for Lu As long as Xi Ning's identity and Ling Jingguo's relationship are not involved in the underworld or dangerous things, he will have nothing to ask and will not pursue it any further.

Although his face was still as serious as ever, his heart was still full of joy, and Yunlong also breathed a sigh of relief, no wonder his elder brother just sent him a message to tell him to come down to save the scene, so it turned out to be the case.But Ye Qingyi came over to criticize Yun Feisi and Yun Longshen,
"Really, you two are so loud, you are not afraid of scaring the child in your daughter-in-law's belly!" The elegant woman frowned. If Lu Xining hadn't been bold and used to strong winds and waves, she would have been so serious by Yun Feisi. Her aura was frightening, otherwise she would definitely have to kill the father and son today.

The man curled his lips inadvertently, "If you are a grandchild of the Yun family, you must be bold! Only then can you become a master!" Wasn't this how I raised Yun Moqian when I was young?Although in the end, the cultivation of a Yunlong Shen was crooked...

But the next moment, the woman pinched Yun Feisi's ear and reprimanded: "I don't know if the child will become a big weapon in the future, but what does such a small child know in the womb! What should I do if I get scared and move my fetus later?" !"

Yun Feisi could only flatten his mouth in grievance and stopped talking, while Yun Longshen watched the couple's farce with a smile on the side, but Ye Qingyi also grabbed Yun Longshen and reprimanded him at the back, Yun Feisi Drinking tea happily on the sidelines.

Sitting in the car, Lu Xining breathed a sigh of relief. She thought the volcano was going to erupt just now... Father Yun is so fierce... and it seems that Ye Qingyi is also very worried, but she can't talk about Li Chang...

"Are you scared?" The man was still a little worried. Although it wasn't obvious, he could still feel the woman beside him trembling twice when his father suddenly scolded him. He must have been frightened.
The woman shook her head in denial, and held hands, "I actually feel a little sorry for my parents. The accident at the wedding made them worry for so long, and now they have run so far..."

The man patted the hands comfortingly, "Don't worry, I'm here, you don't have to worry about the rest." Indeed, the rest has been taken care of by yourself, the house on the small island of Lingjing Country, the Yun family, and relationship management...

The car was completely quiet, Lu Xining looked at everything flying by outside the window, as if she had never played around properly before, and since she came back, Y City has been busy with revenge, busy with work, busy with getting married,

Looking at her reflection in the glass, Lu Xining instantly felt that she was much older. How could a 20-year-old girl with yellow flowers become pregnant and become a mother?Some people envy themselves for being rich so quickly and becoming the wife of the president of the Yun family. Some people envy themselves for being born well and having a strong family background...

Speaking of which, I am still a little restless, will my body change after giving birth?Although I experienced that kind of pain once three years ago, I was young at that time... my figure was not out of shape... so I didn't think about it,
It's different now...20 years old...the age when others should be playing, and still dating vigorously, and I'm already married and have children...and worrying about so many things, how many women want to climb into Yun Moqian's bed, but After all, I am not the best person.

The man felt the different mood of the woman beside him, and he didn't say a word. The car drove in the direction of Yun's gate. Yun Moqian asked Lu Xining to get out of the car first,
The woman stood at the door of the company, looking at Yun Moqian, wondering what he was talking to Du Teng, it was mysterious, but the woman was not in the mood to explore.My mood is still stuck in my restlessness just now.

I could only hold my stomach and walk in slowly, only to see the lady at the front desk stand up quickly as soon as she saw me, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Yun, you are here." Many employees also looked over, and it took a long time to remember I haven't seen Lu Xining come to Yun's before, and she hasn't appeared in front of the public since the wedding...

Lu Xining nodded with a smile, Yun Moqian also came over behind him, gently put his arms around the man's shoulder, then whispered in his ear let's go, and took him to the elevator.

All the female employees were behind the two with red hearts, while the male employees were all shocked, and everyone was full of imagination, but it was probably Yun Moqian who was usually indifferent to Lu Xining. That's as gentle as you can be...

Lu Xining didn't say anything in the elevator, the man gently pinched her tight little face, "What? Why are you unhappy?" She thought it was her father's too tough attitude that made her a little unhappy,

"No..." The woman pouted and said it's okay, just as the elevator door opened, she strode forward, the man laughed uncontrollably from behind, and followed them out.

Seeing that people stopped in front of the office door and did not go in, Yun Moqian raised his eyebrows, only to realize that it was because the fingerprint lock couldn't get in, so he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and pressed the smart lock casually.

Turning around and holding the woman's hand, Lu Xining was stunned, what is this guy going to do, I wait for him to open the door, and he comes to hold my hand? ?what operation?Could it be that the password for this lock is yourself?

"Come on, take your fingerprints. When will you come to steal a document, read a secret, or open a safe." As the man said, he raised the woman's hand to take a fingerprint, so that the proprietress of the Yun family can come in and out easily in the future.

As soon as the woman heard these words, she laughed. She was planning to give the whole country to herself. Then the ancestors of the Yun family should jump out and beat him. I don't want to be Wu Zetian~
"I don't know the password of the safe either..." the woman muttered, and then she heard the smart lock jingle, saying that the fingerprint authentication was successful, and only Yun Moqian, Yun Longshen and Lu Xining could open the CEO's office from now on... What an honor?On weekdays, if others want to enter the CEO's office, Yun Moqian needs to open the door in the office to allow them to enter.

When the man heard the woman's words, he led her into the office, then closed the sandalwood door, pushed her against the door, and whispered in her ear, "The password is your birthday."

Lu Xining blushed in disbelief, and could only give a soft hum, then smiled and kissed her relative's face, looking at the safe on the cabinet in the distance, Yun Moqian felt unbelievable, so she gently touched it If you tell people to try it, you will know whether it is true or not.

"Well... I'll try it..." The woman stepped forward in doubt, and pressed her birthday 0213. Unexpectedly, with a ding, the safe was really opened under Lu Xining's exclamation...

The password to President Yun's safe is actually President Bellotto's birthday? !People who don't know the relationship between the two have to imagine again...

There was also a handkerchief in the safe, which was Lu Xining's hydrangea handkerchief. The woman slowly took it out, and looked at Yun Moqian who was standing by the door with a puzzled expression.

"How did you put this in there?"

All of them are confidential documents. Although they are wrapped in kraft paper envelopes, everyone knows that the seals inside are organs related to the life and death of the Yun family, which can destroy the Yun family at any time...

But why put a handkerchief in it?

The man walked to the person with a smile, took the handkerchief from the person's hand, folded it again and put it in the safe, as if this handkerchief was more important than those documents...

"Because... without this handkerchief, without today's Yun Moqian, and without today's Yun Shi, you are Yun Shi's biggest secret." She pinched Ren's nose fondly, and then kissed Ren'er's. cheek.

The woman blushed, but isn't it too imprudent to use her birthday for this safe?You can know your own birthday just by looking it up, why are you so old-fashioned?Is this guy really not afraid of being robbed someday?

"Don't worry, the door lock at the gate has fingerprint and iris recognition. If you can't get in, this safe is just a decoration." The man immediately saw through her mind. She thought the security system of this building was fake?

The woman feels pity for this safe when she hears the man's casual tone...

Hearing the sound of Du Teng's knock on the door, Yun Moqian pressed the door lock button to allow someone to come in. It turned out that the scheduled meeting time had come. Yun Moqian frowned, obviously a little unhappy that time passed so quickly... Du Looking at the closed door, Teng suddenly had a bad idea in his heart...

You won't ruin other people's good deeds!

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